
Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
So i went after Layla, but because im forced to choose Nikki or Cara when one of them visits i say i have a girlfriend and she takes it well? and she friendzones me, how do i get Layla then? that s stupid, as far as i know i can t reject both.
Their story runs on separate threads for a long time... Feel free to choose Layla, and when one of the girls comes to visit you, tell her that you already love someone else. They are sorry, but this was your decision and they won't bother you after that. They won't be in the friend zone, they won't get more content in the game... You can continue your journey with Layla...


Forum Fanatic
Mar 28, 2021
Their story runs on separate threads for a long time... Feel free to choose Layla, and when one of the girls comes to visit you, tell her that you already love someone else. They are sorry, but this was your decision and they won't bother you after that. They won't be in the friend zone, they won't get more content in the game... You can continue your journey with Layla...
at that point it's not even worth for them to come visit you if you reject them anyway... I just make sure not to have too high weekend points with them and then they doon't want to see you anyway after the Andres fiasco

Mark Valmont

Oct 15, 2022
Basically you have to friendzone Nikki and Cara so that neither one visits.
I usually choose Nikki because i like her, but this time i refused to spend the night with her and automatically the mc said he had feelings for Cara, i didn t get the option to friendzone both.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
at that point it's not even worth for them to come visit you if you reject them anyway... I just make sure not to have too high weekend points with them and then they doon't want to see you anyway after the Andres fiasco
You're right, but up until that point, both girls are so cute that it's impossible not to love them... :love:

Mark Valmont

Oct 15, 2022
at that point it's not even worth for them to come visit you if you reject them anyway... I just make sure not to have too high weekend points with them and then they doon't want to see you anyway after the Andres fiasco
I didn t get the option to say i love someone else, that s the thing, maybe i did something wrong?

Deleted member 313508

Active Member
Dec 1, 2017
I usually choose Nikki because i like her, but this time i refused to spend the night with her and automatically the mc said he had feelings for Cara, i didn t get the option to friendzone both.
Either break up with the one you picked when they visit you, or keep both of their LI points low and you won't be pursuing either. Either way, you won't be in a relationship with Nikki/Cara in ep 11


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
I usually choose Nikki because i like her, but this time i refused to spend the night with her and automatically the mc said he had feelings for Cara, i didn t get the option to friendzone both.
If you chased both girls and performed to the maximum for both, then after the choice, the losing girl will automatically become a friend and accept your decision.


May 26, 2023
Alright, so there is a huge problem with this game...the save grid is only 2x3! With so many paths and options, it is damn near impossible to track them all with that small of a grid

I came up with a solution, though, that will make it both easier to manage and allow the grid to gracefully expand (without needing to worry about reordering of your saves). It even resizes the thumbnails to appropriately fit within the new grid. I can't take all the credit, because this post showed me how to resize the thumbnails without re-saving. It leaves the thumbnails a bit warped, but it is a small price to pay for the expanded grid.

Step one, in gui.rpy find the secion that starts with ## File Slot Buttons and replace it with this

## File Slot Buttons ###########################################################
## A file slot button is a special kind of button. It contains a thumbnail
## image, and text describing the contents of the save slot. A save slot uses
## image files in gui/button, like the other kinds of buttons.

## The number of columns and rows in the grid of save slots.
define gui.file_slot_cols = 5
define gui.file_slot_rows = 4

## The save slot button.
define total_slots_width = 1256
define total_slots_height = 708
define common_slot_spacing = 15
define old_slot_cols = 3
define old_slot_rows = 2
define gui.slot_button_width = (total_slots_width - gui.file_slot_cols * common_slot_spacing * 2) / gui.file_slot_cols
define gui.slot_button_height = (total_slots_height - gui.file_slot_rows * common_slot_spacing * 2) / gui.file_slot_rows
define gui.slot_button_borders = Borders(0, 0, 0, 0)
define gui.slot_button_text_size = 14
define gui.slot_button_text_xalign = 0.5
define gui.slot_button_text_idle_color = gui.idle_small_color
define gui.slot_button_text_selected_idle_color = gui.selected_color
define gui.slot_button_text_selected_hover_color = gui.hover_color

## The width and height of thumbnails used by the save slots.
define config.thumbnail_width = gui.slot_button_width
define config.thumbnail_height = gui.slot_button_height - 2 * gui.slot_button_text_size
Step 2, in screens.rpy find the block of code that starts for i in range(gui.file_slot_cols * gui.file_slot_rows): and replace it with

                # this allows the number of slots to gracefully expand
                for i in range(gui.file_slot_rows):
                    for j in range(gui.file_slot_cols):

                        if (i < old_slot_rows):
                            if (j < old_slot_cols):
                                # The original numbering scheme
                                $ slot = j + i * old_slot_cols + 1
                                # the new columns in the old rows
                                $ slot = old_slot_rows * old_slot_cols + (gui.file_slot_cols - old_slot_cols) * i + (j - old_slot_cols + 1)
                            # the new rows
                            $ slot = slot = j + i * gui.file_slot_cols + 1
                            action FileAction(slot)

                            has vbox

                            add FileScreenshot(slot) xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 size(config.thumbnail_width, config.thumbnail_height)

                            text FileTime(slot, format=_("{#file_time}%A, %B %d %Y, %H:%M"), empty=_("empty slot")):
                                style "slot_time_text"

                            text FileSaveName(slot):
                                style "slot_name_text"

                            #key "save_delete" action FileDelete(slot)
                            if FileLoadable(slot):  #Code provided by KoGa3
                                    idle "gui/button/button_delete_idle.png"
                                    hover "gui/button/button_delete_hover.png"

                                    action FileDelete(slot)

                                    xalign 1.0
                                    xoffset gui.slot_spacing / 4
                                    #yalign 0.0
                                    yoffset -(gui.slot_button_height + gui.slot_button_text_size)
Then, if you want to expand your grid, you just have to change the two lines define gui.file_slot_cols = 5 or define gui.file_slot_rows = 4 to whatever grid size you want!

If anyone has a way to contact either scrappy, please, feel free to point them this way. This would be nice to get into the multi mod.

Hopefully in the future, more games choose to make the save screen programmatic (based on the size of the grid), rather than a hand-tuned set of constant values.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
There is a point at the visit where you're given the option "We need to talk". That's the breakup option.
I know this dialogue only appears if you fall in love with another girl. If you are loyal then there is nothing to discuss... But I could be wrong...


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
The fantasy of the players is the problem of the players. I don't see a possibility. Where should this be? Alexis is extremely jealous, so no throuple with her involved. Layla and Elena? How? Layla is a fairy tale princess type in her first serious relationship. She won't share and Elena is overprotective about Layla. Erynn? Who should be the other part? There's no one except Alexis who I could imagine she would accept, but as I wrote Alexis jealousy avert this. Valeria? Nikki? Cara? Did I forget someone? I don't see the "shown possibilities". With much imagination there could be a way in the future if we don't chose Elena, but I don't think there's a way.
Love this kind of read.

About that, we got the lexi secret path. Do you think is going to have a darker tone?
Made a Layla/Elena plus secret path for the lols, Could we witness greatness with Lexi into this Path?
Stealing Mc from Layla or Straight Cheating Would be glorious beyond measure. But i do understand the extremes of my suggestion and read about Dev kiddie gloves about a darker turn.

About Erynn into Alex path. She is already craking under the fooling around as more than friends.
Is going to be a moment when she is going to sucumb and cheat. Now how does the story moves from there.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
Now, as an exception, I would also like to ask... The person who has a secret rout and had sex with Iris in the beach cabin, in that version, does Irisz send the "I love you" message to MC? Or does it just send the "I'm home" response?


Active Member
Apr 2, 2020
Question. I was doing Tori route and fuck her at every opportunity but I didn't get that newest Tori scene that is in the gallery? Why?
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