
Engaged Member
Jul 25, 2020
any updates about a date for the next update recently?
Have you ever thought of reading before posting? The following exchange was on the page that the thread was on when you posted:

Any eta for update?
im guessing December maybe November if the last day isn't super long to develop. It looks like it's getting close but from the last dev log was finishing up the last scene of day 2 and there is still the entire day 3 to do


Sep 25, 2023
Given what he is a person i doubt he was ever genuinely friendly, i suspect something more akin to pretend to be nice and friendly to get close to the object of his desire.
He sets his targets on her because she most likely was the prettiest, most desired girl in school and getting her would make him the baddest MOFO, her constant denials just made him more obssessed.

With him getting older and learning he could get what he wants by flexing his power better than with his "charms" his approach changed.
With that said the fact that he still thinks she's playing hard to get is unbelievable.

As shown in this post by valbitterb ...

How deep inside his own fantasy can a person be?

Yes, this is more along the lines of my own thinking. He never treated Erynn as a genuine friend, even in the flashback scenes. He was only interested in her as an object to possess. An accessory to show everyone in the world how great he is. He was "nice" to her because he thought it would make her like him, and when she liked MC better Ethan responded with bullying and threats.
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