VN - Ren'Py - Intertwined [v0.12.3] [Nyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't normally review, but damn this game deserves the five stars. The characters feel more realistic than most, and the writing is top notch. Normally plots for these visual novels can be pretty flimsy, but this one managed a good balance of humour and heart while keeping it very grounded. Of course, the women are also gorgeous and the animation stands alongside Being a Dik and City of Broken Dreamers as some of the best in the genre.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Waited 1 year to find out that the main Li of the game was in a serious relationship with a other man
    While her love of life was away
    And now there there a sex tap of her to with the other guy
    This game is not for everyone
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Overhyped mediocre "meet-as-many-girls-as-you-can" VN
    which beauty-renders obviously are there to distract from its dullness

    Well, due to all these overwhelming reviews with 5 (and even more!) stars I was tempted to give "Intertwined" a shot as well.
    But to make it short: the whole thing did not convince me!

    Okay, ... on the (+) side...
    • the renders and some animation are done quite well,
    • the girls are beautiful (of course that's subjective)
    • the writing isn't bad, neither is grammar nor the dialogues
    • there are a bunch of choices (but most of them without too much impact as they are mainly giving you more scenes)
    • 5+ GB of content (well, the renders are HQ jpg)
    • no real complaints about bugs so far
    ??? So why is "Intertwined" only average for me???

    Many reviews here point out that this one has...
    1) great characters...​
    ... Oh yeah, indeed as great as a wet dream of a teenager:
    -> All of the girls instantly fall for the MC... cause he's sooo handsome :rolleyes:
    -> Most of them don't hesitate to go for a prompt bang with the MC (of course, it's the same in real life, isn't it?! :alien:)​
    ->All of them - even the Mother and her milfy friend - are getting super-wet for the MC​
    -> MC of course has a huge d*ck (what else?! :whistle:)​
    -> Both step-s*sters mostly are up for an intimate relationship with the MC (and he has even to decide who's gonna be it! :oops:)​
    -> Best male friend of the MC is a jerk and absolutely no "rival" in any way for the MC (how lucky! :unsure:)​
    ... to be continued ...​
    2) a great story...​
    ... True - for those who think generally pr0n has a plot at all!
    -> Look: What story do we have here? MC comes back to his Mother's years after having lived with his father and - later - his new family. He meets a lot of girls/women - all of them have a crush on him and want to jump his d*ck. Very inventive and original plot indeed :rolleyes:... His old crush from childhood who has humiliated him badly and rejected his love now wants him (and therefore never apologizes to him)... pffft :LOL: . And sooooo many girls still want to jump MCs' d*ck, cause the whole world is turning around his super-handsomeness!​
    ... Additionly some pseudo-drama, back-flash encounters of past meeting with some girls by coincidence etc...etc...etc...​
    3) great gameplay...​
    ... There is no gameplay at all though this is no real game.​
    -> Choices are implemented to add sex scenes mostly. They don't have much more impact than that (so far I played at least)​
    -> There's no sandbox. It's more a straight-forward VN.​
    -> No minigames to play (not that they would be needed)​
    -> No point'n'click stuff or even puzzles
    For an approx. 5-star "game" or VN that's much too less... immersive, realistic, story-driven and interesting for me.
    I got bored by all the cliches of characters and plot both...
    "Intertwined" isn't bad or poor, but it's far from being soo great!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like in this VN but it has a few minor issues.
    The game is basically about 'teenage relationship drama', and it is written that way. That was not a criticism btw, it is all believable and otherwise well done (although I feel the story gets a bit convoluted later on) The MC is kinda dumb and drops a few plot holes for his character considering he has excellent grades in school, his emotional intelligence is certainly lacking when it comes to dealing with the women and girls around him!
    Sometimes there is drama for drama's sake Which then get explained away and 'solved' through a flashback or lengthy conversation. Like how some bad romance movies could be half as long if characters just talked to each other instead of running away and creating extra misunderstandings. This game is a bit like that. It is not a deal breaker: It adds to the story! If one girl is angry with you, that is how you can get more familiar with another girl or if you are friendly with 1 girl her friend might get to know you better as well. The way conversation choices bounce off off each other really makes the story all 'Intertwined' : :roll credits: :

    Seriously though, my biggest gripe with this are the sex scenes. There are animations, but they are choppy at best and underused sometimes. And on 1 occasion a sex scene was entirely made up out of a single, short animation, fade-to-black and on with the story. When there are still renders used, they are used well and plenty which is most of the time.
    The differing personalities On the girls and women are working well and the visual models are all overly beautiful. Visually overall the game looks good. Sound and music is used sparingly for the dramatic moments and is done well!
    Overall: try it if you want interesting story. I hope the game gets finished and then gets another pass to fix some of the minor issues like fixing plot holes and spicing up lacking sex scenes/renders.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really beautiful graphics, some of the most adorable women I've seen in adult games are found in Intertwined. Quite a few of the scenes are nicely animated. One downside for me is that the game frequently features a woman/close to identical model from the game Depraved Awakening. I kind of got my fill of that model in DA, so the scenes with her aren't as enjoyable for me as they probably should. But that's a minor complaint, plenty of other beautiful women to keep my interest. Definitely recommend the gallery mod, as choices do matter.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Just started playing this game, wanted to play it for soooo long, what a great masterpiece, amazing story, amazing graphics, and what great turns.

    Loved it!

    Waiting for the next update soon! Also, my fav is Elena, she seems very sweet and super fun to hang around.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The title of the game is one of its greatest strenghts. All story lines are connected in some way and its always interesting to learn about new connections. The characters are really interesting and likeable but still have flaws. If you enjoy romance and drama you probably will like the game a lot.

    I very much appreaciate the length of the updates. Update 0.7 was only two months in development and for me had a quality playtime of two hours.
    The biggest compliment that I can give the game is that I enjoy it so much that I am supporting it on patreon with real money ;)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow... another extremely rare five star from me. Usually I save these for completed VN's, so this one is even more rare.

    Intertwined starts off with a fantastic premise, six degrees of separation. Ask a math nerd or sociologist for the finer details, but the basic point is that even with a large population there are a surprising number of first and second order relationships between complete strangers.

    Every character has a complex story that fits like a fractal puzzle piece in this VN. Even the apparently out of reach characters are three dimensional with interrelated needs and motivations. I discovered this two chapters ago and with chapter seven it just keeps getting better.

    I start the game with my own personal hi-jinks... I call it my "normal" play-through where I act as myself, ie; don't stick your dick in crazy, hold back until you get to know the lay of the land (er... ladies)... that kind of deal. For a lot of VN's, this is also an amusing way to totally break the story and play-through. This is one of the very rare VN's that actually allows you to be a celibate monk and yet still gives you massive amounts of story that entertains. Honestly, it's a viable strategy for this story, and also probably a good safe and realistic methodology. The hidden social connections do come out pretty quickly and you get the feeling that you may have dodged a number of bullets when you do this.

    You also get the opportunity to be nice without immediately jumping into sex. This is actually pretty refreshing. So many VN's automatically leave the choices to either be a complete douchebag, or stick your dick in crazy. This played a surprisingly important factor as far as my rating goes because it is so very rare.

    Once I took the plunge and pursued my interests on later play-through's, it just got better. You get so much story with cool interactions, but there is even more when playing hot. It seems as if you cannot get all the stories in a single play either which is excellent.

    The visuals are on the high end of the scale, but they do fall short in production value. This is usually the big tipping point for a five star rating. While this one gets that fifth star for superb story, don't imagine the visuals to be lacking. Like most of the better visual novels there is still a lot of love put into the models themselves. The poses, clothing, and ages seem to be crafted pretty well. Sure, the MC seems a bit older than stated, but not to the extreme that some take it. He's fine, and I'll accept "18" for him. What's even better though is that most of the characters, especially the parents, get to be seen at several ages that do look pretty natural.

    What should be a failing is that once you realize just how interconnected everyone seems to be, you start to expect it everywhere. That's where the good writing comes into play. Back in chapter five I was imagining some problematic revelations, and by chapter seven I am feeling SO MUCH more certain that some of these may actually happen... and I can't wait to find out for sure.

    If you want some good hot vanilla sex at a decent pace, you got it here. If you want a story that really engages you though then this will amaze you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    as of 0.7
    this game is so underrated.
    the characters are beautiful and have great personalities.
    the story is narrated properly in spite of all the time jumps, it flows naturally.
    renders are all very well crafted, a lot of effort goes into them by the likes of it.
    animations are top tier, not to overly complicated but always effective.
    one thing i think needs to be praised:
    the humour, i genuinely laughed out loud with various scenes in this game. something i can say only one or two other games.
    one thing i think deserves criticism:
    so much unnecessary drama. the game is self aware of this, yet there’s so much of it that doesn’t play any part and i believe most players know exactly what’s happening and that the mc is just overreacting and jumping to conclusions. it gets a bit tedious.

    10/10 layla best girl
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    massive amount of dialogue vs sexual action, pretty dry dialogue at that with very little action. The graphics are ok and the character designs are ok but could use more curves. Over all the engine is ok and I haven't seen any bugs are far as that goes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game ! Great story line and superb character specification.
    only think that bother me that i have been forced to go for a single character i i don't even care or fell important. That character we purposed in our childhood(In the game :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :devilish:.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is simply fantastic! I've played a few VN's in my time, and never have i ever come across one such as this. At fist glance this game does not look like anything special, but after the first few minutes in the game you understand why this game stands out. The characters in this game are so real and well written. They are uniqe, have their own voice, thoughts and motivations. The writing in this game is just on another level compared to other games on this site. They are realistic, and sweet, and flawed and funny. They feel like actual people.

    The renders and animation are good, but nothing special. The funny thing is, that does not matter at all when the charecters and story come alive through the writing. It is soo rare to find a good writer in these types of games, so we sould really appreciate one when she comes along.

    The game has also got some meat on it, you wont finish in 20 min, and you will not feel the need to skip through dialoge. The choices in the game matter alot, and there a lot of choices. I was very conflicted while making a few of them, and hastily scrolled back when i saw the heartbreaking consequences.

    The creator is professional, keeps a thight schedule and interacts with the fans. Something that is also kinda rare in games on this site. I cannot express enough how deighted is was at finding this diamond in the rough. Thank you Nyx!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive all around, so far. As of version 0.6a, this story has my full attention. Intertwined is a perfect name to describer the inter woven story lines. I really look forward to the continuation!!

    What I like
    The story
    Great character backgrounds and arcs
    Strong emotion, the feel of the bonds are wonderfully well done
    The women are gorgeous

    Needs some work
    Model lighting/color. While the women and overall models are great. The skin coloring seems off on some. Also I find that some look a little plastically.
    Maybe some more close up skin detail/blemish to make them more realistic.

    Overall great looking VN so far and only very minor nits to pick. Would be about a 4.5 overall for some room to improve.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Intertwined has some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in a game. There's an intangible x-factor that the author has tapped into that exceeds what should be possible in this two-dimensional medium. Lurking around each corner of this game is a female love interest that is even sexier than the last.

    The story, on the other hand, has the sort of high drama that wraps itself around you and pulls you in, not allowing for a breath along the way. One cannot be disconnected from a narrative that wrenches your heart with every twist and turn to this degree. Intertwined is not a mindless fap; it is a conduit for our deepest romantic insecurities.

    And the method of storytelling is smooth, despite being nonlinear. We're in the present, then we're in the past, then back to present, then further back in the past again...and yet it's seamless enough to maintain the narrative flow.

    If you are looking for a game to simulate acute feelings of love, loss, and everything in between, this is the one. If I had one criticism, it's that the drama can reach absurd levels at the point where you'll have to look away from your screen and take a breather because of the feels. But I would also argue that achieving such emotional attachment in a short amount of time is a sign of a meticulously successful venture.

    And did I mention the crazy hot babes? 5/5 would recommend
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good story, dramatic and romantic, focussed on actual human relationships, with many girls. The characters are interesting, and the web of relationships between them is fun to discover.

    Good design and renders, decent models (even though some of them aren't so original). The only imperfection is primitive sex animations, but that doesn't matter much.

    I recommend this to every fan of rich, dramatic and immersive stories.

  16. 5.00 star(s)


    1) great story, 2) great characters 3) Great game.
    Highly recommended. I ended up completely hooked on the story and I only regret not having played it before.
    My congratulations to the author and I look forward to the next chapter.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Intertwined is a surprise for me. Read the synopsis and looked at some reviews – everything seemed to not be for me. The cookie-cutter premise, choosing paths and cheating. I've played games like that, and it led to minimal content if you didn't want to replay the exact same scenes again and again.

    Yet here we are. Five stars. Replaying back-to-back.

    What is it that makes Intertwined special? For me it's the characters. The MC is one of the best written ones here. His model is also ok, despite the stupid profile (is it the underbite or what, but his lower face looks just dumb from the side). But the real stars here are the girls. They have so much personality, so much fun with the MC, and seeing their thoughts on screen also helps falling for them.

    The models & renders are just gorgeous. In many games there's maybe 1-2 super hot girls, yet here you are spoiled with choice. What is especially great in the steamy scenes is the lead up, touching and passion. You can see the enjoyment. Just wish there was more text to go along with the scenes. The animations are, as usual, meh.

    Intertwined is also special in that you won't be chained immediately to a single girl. Oh no. You have a chance to sleep with almost all of them and create a glorious, stupid, sexy mess of secrets while not feeling like the worst.

    Intertwined was so special to me, that I had to support the dev. Up there with the greatest and only my second 5-star rating.

    Writing & story 5.0 - great. The jokes land, the feelings are felt. The dialogue feels natural and everyone acts like they should. The story mainly seems to be the mess we create, and I'm all for that. There could be more descriptive writing in the sex scenes – you cannot show everything.

    Renders & Models 4.0 - good. The most beautiful characters, somewhat brought down in some scenes by the strange skin-tone and stupid side profile of the MC. The animations do not add anything much, but the posing is A-class in them. The characters actually touch each other. SHOCKER.

    [Review for v0.6]
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    To make a long story short a good game with well written story and decent renders. So after the shortest way of evaluating this game let's take a closer look

    I'd like to start talking about the story first since I think it's the best side in this game, which is weird considering this is an adult game where how it looks generally matters more than what it actually tells. Still the story itself isn't the most original story it's a teenage drama but the narrative is the aspect that levitates the story. Characters are also not just bumheads with dicks (not including Zach lol) or fuckdolls without souls, every individual have their own struggles and traumas which are mostly told or at least teased like Erynn's situation. We don't know what exactly she's going through but we've seen that something is off
    I really loved that narrative has that big flashback sequincelife with Andres right before reunion with your mom, it wasn't really necessary but it is a good addition and it changes the rhythm in a good way. Not something new yet again but works just fine. But there are a lot of other flashbacks which keep the narrative quite active and dynamic.
    Also the decisions matter. I mean, not really surprising but just wanted to mention it's just fine.

    Renders are not the sharpest, cleanest ones but they're quite good. Character designs do vary which is great so you're not stuck with same girls with different names. Animations are decent but improving. The thing is that some relationships do take their time to progress so sad to not see some of the characters in action but instead of unpleasant rushing in the story i'd still preder eagerly waiting for the upcoming updates just as I am doing right now.

    I'd probably give it a 4.5 but since there is no such option I say it's a good 4 out of 5

    Keep up the great work :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, wow, wow. I came into this game with high expectations and they were still easily exceeded. Honestly this is one of the very best games I've had the pleasure of playing.

    For starters the writing is excellent, you start to care for the characters very quickly and choosing a favorite is next to impossible. There's funny moments and more serious ones too, all are handled very well.

    The renders and character designs are excellent whereas the animations aren't but they're OK. It's a minor issue when the game excels in every other area.

    What also surprised me was how much content the game has, it's only around nine months since the first release and it already has more than most games. When you consider the quality of the content too that's seriously impressive, the dev deserves massive praise.

    Honestly this game is awesome and the creator deserves massive success. I eagerly anticipate the future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! Story wise it's super addicting and well written. Full of twists and turns. Keep the updates coming! (Pun intented)

    Never a game lived up so much to its name. It really is interwined!

    5 stars