sufferd throught tried both Erynn and Alexis paths.
Even if you never have sex with Alexis and she and the MC are on friendly terms he is not invited to the beach.
And yeah, that is really a choice i don't understand if you are on the Erynn love path.
Iris blocking the MC being invited makes also no sense for me.
She doesn't know the MC and Erynn have history (she only finds ouz about that on the beach). The MC was the one which got her the ''date'' with Erynn, would make sense if she would invite him, as wingman so to speak, or to accompany Alexis so she can spend more time with Erynn.
Alexis is friendly with the MC and has no reason to be against it, she likes him and to spend time with him. Not to mention he's the reason they already fixed friendship.
And Erynn would also enjoy the MC's company.
Overall i must say, the Erynn solo path feels really short and unsatisfying. I mean, this update should have been focused on her and Layla... no ? Yet Alexis has way more content than her (again)
I dunno, kind of feels like Nyx is trying to punish you for playing solo paths, and because you don't want to go through all the drama and heartbreak which comes with dating multiple of the girls.
I mean, i could be wrong....but it's Nyx we are speaking about
I wouldn't be so sure about that...
Remember Elena's reaction when you break up with Layla on the camp, she was ready to beat up the MC because he hurt her.
You really think she will be happy about the MC hurting Layla even more, or that she will risk Layla's frindship ?
That will either horrible backfire for the MC, or it will take a long time until Layla is fine and she may give Elena the green light for dating him.