Probably the best VN I ever played, damn interesting characters, long story, gorgeous young women... I did a run focused solely on Alexis, because she drew me in instantly and was THE single most gorgeous female in the whole game (god, her mysterious eyes and seductive lips!!!), and was rewarded in spades! Rarely did I finish a game this happy and sad that it's over. I also like that contrary to most stuff on here Alexis is not a slut and she actually has morals and prejudices when it comes to sex and partners instead of humping everything coming her way. Too many devs shove their political beliefs down our throats for this kind of character not be as refreshing and pleasant as a cold drink of water on a hot summer day. <3 Another satisfying part is that the girls actually have their own unique paths, instead of just a single path with changeable names for the LI.
I sadly do have a couple of peeves, one is the fact that the game shits on Andres' head for no effing reason out of nowhere and that in a very unrealistic way--- -
. For him to suddenly make such a 180... yeah, no way is that believable, sorry.
The other peeve is that at times I seriously disliked the main character, especially the way he was designed to look, it got particularly bad at some point, but better towards the end.
Last peeve is putting down men. For example, MC always losing races pathetically compared to girls and coughing up his lung. Reality is completely different, men are much faster and have more stamina than women. Every professional female athlete will confirm. That is why transgender athletes are destroying female sports. Also check out clips of mixed running teams, men outpace women so hard it's not even funny. I wasn't training, but in school I still outran any girl, even though who trained running. MC would leave them in the dust.
But all in all a very pleasant VN that I'll be replaying to try out different paths, thought I'll no doubt be returning to my true love, Alexis, who reminds me quite a lot of a stunning Australian actress, Phoebe Tonkin from movie Bait 3D.
The best part is that I named my character Alex without knowing the names of anyone else in game. And immediately ran into an Alexis at the very start. It is clear that these two are fate, they were meant for each other.