Lmao, that was cruel!
Actually, both Cara and Nikki (Nikki more than Cara) have more personality developed than Val. Yeah, she's hot, got a great butt, butt that's all she is FOR NOW.
Dunno about that. MC, Lexi, Erynn, Layla, MC's mom, Elena have FAAAAAAAAAAAAAR more background and personality development than Val. Hell, I would even say that Adriana is better developed as a personality, and family wise/history. While we know less about her, even Brooke has a more vibrant and talkative personality than Val.
I REALLY don't want to shit on Val, especially if she really is a self-insert, but one of my problems with her as she is is that she has no facial mimic/her expressions either don't change to show her feelings or thoughts or she is just too good a impersonating a wall/fish that she doesn't allow anything to get through on purpose.
Either way, it's impossible to connect with a character like that.