The clear advantage of this game is that you have a variety of opportunities to enter into relationships, friendships or partnerships.
I myself gained 5 saves after a ton of runs.
Personally, I divide the game into two areas:
1. age
a. I call them the "crawling group", LI's who are about the same age or younger (I'm not a fan of that)
b. The "adult group", LI's who are older (Alexis, Erynn, Nikki, Iris and Gaby)
2. Number of relationships, friendships or partnerships
a. Monogamy (one save each from Alexis, Erynn and Layla - as it has an interesting ending)
b. Polygamy (a save from Alexis, Erynn, Nikki, Iris and Gaby, a save from Nikki, Iris and Gaby - Alexis and Eyrnn are over) The attempt to bring Alexis AND Layla into a partnership has always failed for me so far, one of the two was always offended, or even both...
It remains to be seen what the devs have in store for us in the future...