I am wondering if am I the only one that thinks he was not hitting on Nikki. He was flirty and friendly yes but was not hitting on Nikki.
In anyway, there can't be any rivalry for Erynn. If after MC solve everything she goes for another one, everything I think about her would be confirmed.
I am thinking, Zane did sell the record to Ethan in exchange for modelling job. Broken nose thing was a ruse too, he learned other model was Erynn so he scramed.
He tried his luck... since Nikki was just "thanks for the tip" he moved on.
I know i joked about the barriers Erynn gets but i think it will be a good thing if he's there during the Erynn beach date, allows us to you finally say "i want you for myself" since the characters keep dancing around the issue.
Maybe in the "friends with Erynn" path it's more about reuniting them...
That's not a bad theory on him being complicit.
So I affected you so deeply, you mixed Nyx with Nikki, cool.
OK, first, i always liked Nikki you didn't have to do anything, second i'm still half asleep lol.
I know it's dark and highly unlikely but I can't make any logic out of Andres' actions and makes me crazy, so I am basically throwing all the info we have to cauldron and making theories of them.
Fair enough.
Yeah, right like whole house did not listen they were shagging. Also remember he joked about killing her boyfriend, he knew who he was. I did not expect a kiss in-front of her father, clearly neither Alexis nor Layla comfortable with it but I was not expecting she'd act like MC was Zach.
I think he knows she has someone, but he doesn't know it's the guy he's been talking for the last hour... He's not great at putting 2 and 2 together, just like when he doesn't know it's his biological son.
Furthermore i finally gave Alexis a pass on something, i don't need to be convinced to hate her lol.
Btw where are the Val fans, are they celebrating so hard that they missed the whole thread. We basically opened the Val Path at this update and no one talks about it.

Maybe they are confused of her character change.
There is a Val path independently if you date Alexis or not, still good for her on putting her foot down and not agreeing to play second fiddle.
And right now this is the most promising way to get rid of Herpe... i mean Alexis... since nothing seems to make her go away.