Could be wrong but had 50p Erynn and she only entered the bath, edited to 60 to enjoy the handy and the goofy me wash your tits scene, Clearly from a girl mind this kind of erotica fantasy. Laughed a bit Ngl.
I think the max you can reach without cheats is 60, focussing 100% on Erynn, and the cutoff for the full scene is 58, how the fuck is that reasonable?
You can make one small mistake with her... not to mention that sometimes missing one option leads to missing others automatically.
For example if you took the "keep going" option in the shower... that's minus 4 and you are probably fucked for future scenes.
And a couple of updates back, 10.5(required new saves), Nyx had backed off on her "extreme" point requirements... i guess she forgot about that when coding this.
Full disclosure, i do like some playful showers... but it usually doesn't end on washing the boobies, that's warm up.
No doubt some of the things here stand out as from the mind of a woman lol.
Layla wanting to help you pee...
In general this has always been one of the few crititicisms of intertwined from myself, many point thresholds are poorly tuned. It feels like paths aren't really playtested blind with the average player.
It's been awhile, but iirc the most notorious example are those mid game Layla 40-some point thresholds like when you help with dinner at her house. Basically requires having picked no more than 1 "wrong" answer prior, wrong in this context meaning something that didnt generate layla points, no matter how innocuous the actual choice menu prompt.
No doubt, too easy to make the girls go cold, and without proper signs, minor things that don't warn you that they are pissed at you.
Forces you to use a walkthrough or cheats.
This has always been a problem, but one of her new things in the 10.5 revamp was more flexible points(which i think largely corrected it), but i guess old habits die hard.
Simp all the way or else.