Yeah we know the likely explanation when she was 15, she was a stupid girl in love with the wrong guy and I think most of us will give her some pass for that, even though those scenes made it hard to believe that she cared about MC if still stayed with Ethan and felt more like she chose fully for Ethan by her behavior however much an asshole he was. Thing is, we as players have seen nothing happening later either to think she became any better or would really care about MC beyond her weird crush, besides that time after the divorce.
Honest to god question here, did I miss something? haven't we only seen the three of them standing together?
Erynn, Alexis and Ethan? at the point where MC walks into them with a flower for Erynn and Ethan ridicules MC for it?
In the game Alexis showed more concern for the MC in the flashback than Erynn ever did. Erynn has been nothing besides selfish and self absorbed.
And at that point MC runs away, conveniently cutting off Erynns reaction who looked acted slightly annoyed at least?
And MC got chased by Alexis..
Memories are unreliable people have a great tendency to remember something or to tell a story with a somewhat creative license
often subconsciously adding false details. Remembering something more often keeps adding onto that, it's why witness testimonies are so unreliable. I was under the impression the dev was hinting at this?

With an earlier recollection of that event not being entirely the same..
Or maybe I am just not remembering things correctly