100%, the "gotcha" would be sacrificing the story for a short term shock.I agree that it would be incredibly lame to have a surprise random guy or twin.
You will sacrifice so much story and drama potential for an empty, short term gotcha moment.
Since the players have already figured out who John is, use your gotcha moment for the reveal and maximum emotional impact. We can guess who he is but we can't predict exactly when, where and how it will be revealed.
Yeah everyone saw this one coming... doesn't mean you have to come up with a different (much shittier)twist just to surprise people.
It's not only John-Erynn-Iris trio that we would be losing... but also a potential John-Melissa-Emily triangle.
And the MC dating another of John's daughters lol.
Focus on making the scene as emotional as possible instead of surprise effect (characters inside the story can still be surprised/shocked).
I also like your flashback idea... not bad.I really like the idea of the "unsent" letter from Erynn that she had held on to, unsure of whether to send it or not. She then decides to give it to him and he reads for himself how much him leaving affected her. Perhaps we could even get a few renders showing a sad Erynn with Melissa and Lexi helping her through it.
Doesn't need to be very long.
Erynn starts writing a letter, Melissa comes in and says "writing another one?" and Erynn can express how sad she feels that she hasn't heard anything back yet... how she misses the little guy and wondered if she could/should've done something different.
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