
King in the North
Nov 3, 2020
Pity though. I think that MC's original understanding of the event made for a way better development that what actual happened. A childhood friend that has always been in love with MC? A dime in a dozen. A childhood friend that not only was not in love with MC but that directly rejected MC and even laughed a little at him, not common.

Erynn did lost a lot of appeal with the conversation. I liked the super cute childhood friend that simply could not look at MC as a LI and it is only later that that changes. And in fact, in my eyes it was like it reduced the effect of MC finally catching up. "it was just a misunderstanding". Imagine if, on the other hand, she had to explain

E:"sorry, I changed, now I do love you"
MC: "well, but I cannot simply forgive you, you hurt me!"
E: "I already ask for forgiveness, what do you want me to do? Are you going to hold me down to what I did when I was 15?"
MC: "I don't care you were 15, you broke me!"

Anyway.. let us hope and wait
That she did not laugh at the MC and did not reject him does not mean that she was in love with him, I think that Erynn only saw him as a friend, a friend younger than her and that she only realized her feelings once the MC left with his "father", but the damage was done


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
You sum things up perfectly, on why it needs to happen soon.

I'll tell you something, i only got into Erynn after i went back and stayed with her in the club>then her apartment.
My first instinct was to stay with Layla, i went out with her i'm not gonna ditch her for another girl now, even if she is my old friend(plus she's your friend only theoretically, by that point of the game you the player know Layla a lot better than Erynn).
Only going back and really paying attention (being into mysteries also helps i guess) i started to feel for this girl.
With only one save i wouldn't have paid her any mind.

To most people yeah there's very little incentive to go for her other than maybe you have a thing for blondes (her ass in that dress is also magnificent :p ).

Alexis was originally a one time thing probably why it kinda feels that way.
Honestly her flip from fun loving, sexually liberated(that's a compliment btw, before people say i'm calling her a whore in a fancy way) girl to "lovesick super romantic girl who loves too much" girl was a major turn off for me personally.
Good thing we have Nikki to play the fun loving, sexually liberated girl.
I have a thing for blondes. Erynn is for me quite literally the poster girl for this game, as I started watching game play videos after having seen the one picture of Eyrnn.

Yet after playing this game for myself I find myself drawn to Nikki, Alexis and Layla. It's like Nyx is trying to turn me. From blondes to brunettes!!


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
That she did not laugh at the MC and did not reject him does not mean that she was in love with him, I think that Erynn only saw him as a friend, a friend younger than her and that she only realized her feelings once the MC left with his "father", but the damage was done
You are technically a 100% correct. But the way she mentions the story and the relationship could be the usual "not in love but we know we are going to end up together" kind of childhood friend (CF). My point was that we know it was not that she directly refused him and even laugh at him. That is what I found so interesting in Erynn when she was presented. FINALLY we had CF that was just that, that was not looking into MC as anything more and in fact it was MC the one looking for a relationship and failing.

I tend to dislike the way CF are presented as they usually are always shown in the cliche "I love him so much but I am afraid that if I tell him what I feel our relationship will be destroyed". Here we had an MC going after her CF, getting rejected bad (which totally made sense given their ages) and leaving. Now getting back together, a second opportunity. Erynn going from "a very interesting bitch" and in which you would need to find a way to solve the previous conflict in one way or the other to simply a cute little girl caught in a misunderstanding.

Let me be explicit: I am not claiming this is bad writing. When I want to claim that I do it directly. I am simply claiming that my interest in Erynn was strongly diminished. I liked the previous image we had from her. I wanted to understand how she went from a bitch teenager to the current woman. Now I don't so much.

Currently, Alexis remains the best LI. While you can argue she was a bad friend, I think her development makes her a terrific and very believable character in my eyes and I like her. Probably, favorite character though, is Emily.

The Bush Diver

Active Member
Feb 21, 2020
Currently, Alexis remains the best LI. While you can argue she was a bad friend, I think her development makes her a terrific and very believable character in my eyes and I like her. Probably, favorite character though, is Emily.
Nice to find out that I have a true brother here on the forums: in SG - Bella and in Intertwined - Alexis

High five, bro!


King in the North
Nov 3, 2020
You are technically a 100% correct. But the way she mentions the story and the relationship could be the usual "not in love but we know we are going to end up together" kind of childhood friend (CF). My point was that we know it was not that she directly refused him and even laugh at him. That is what I found so interesting in Erynn when she was presented. FINALLY we had CF that was just that, that was not looking into MC as anything more and in fact it was MC the one looking for a relationship and failing.

I tend to dislike the way CF are presented as they usually are always shown in the cliche "I love him so much but I am afraid that if I tell him what I feel our relationship will be destroyed". Here we had an MC going after her CF, getting rejected bad (which totally made sense given their ages) and leaving. Now getting back together, a second opportunity. Erynn going from "a very interesting bitch" and in which you would need to find a way to solve the previous conflict in one way or the other to simply a cute little girl caught in a misunderstanding.

Let me be explicit: I am not claiming this is bad writing. When I want to claim that I do it directly. I am simply claiming that my interest in Erynn was strongly diminished. I liked the previous image we had from her. I wanted to understand how she went from a bitch teenager to the current woman. Now I don't so much.

Currently, Alexis remains the best LI. While you can argue she was a bad friend, I think her development makes her a terrific and very believable character in my eyes and I like her. Probably, favorite character though, is Emily.
Oh nooo ALexis....I loved her, although less than Layla or Nikki / Cara but now I can't handle her anymore. She's a damn traitor, sleeping with your best friend's love interest and behind her back is one of the worst things anyone can do.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Oh nooo ALexis....I loved her, although less than Layla or Nikki / Cara but now I can't handle her anymore. She's a damn traitor, sleeping with your best friend's love interest and behind her back is one of the worst things anyone can do.
Well I know right? That is I think a reason why I like her as a character so much. We have this beautiful girl falling in love with a boy her best friend have not seen so long and the guy clearly liking her.. She probably knew her BFF had some feelings for the boy but.. they were 5 years without seeing each other. Is it wrong to do what she did? Probably, yeah. But it is sooo believable. After all, they were not together, she barely recognized who the guy ways. She acted, then not knowing how to fix it.. She feels real and I love the contradiction in her character.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
You are technically a 100% correct. But the way she mentions the story and the relationship could be the usual "not in love but we know we are going to end up together" kind of childhood friend (CF). My point was that we know it was not that she directly refused him and even laugh at him. That is what I found so interesting in Erynn when she was presented. FINALLY we had CF that was just that, that was not looking into MC as anything more and in fact it was MC the one looking for a relationship and failing.

I tend to dislike the way CF are presented as they usually are always shown in the cliche "I love him so much but I am afraid that if I tell him what I feel our relationship will be destroyed". Here we had an MC going after her CF, getting rejected bad (which totally made sense given their ages) and leaving. Now getting back together, a second opportunity. Erynn going from "a very interesting bitch" and in which you would need to find a way to solve the previous conflict in one way or the other to simply a cute little girl caught in a misunderstanding.

Let me be explicit: I am not claiming this is bad writing. When I want to claim that I do it directly. I am simply claiming that my interest in Erynn was strongly diminished. I liked the previous image we had from her. I wanted to understand how she went from a bitch teenager to the current woman. Now I don't so much.

Currently, Alexis remains the best LI. While you can argue she was a bad friend, I think her development makes her a terrific and very believable character in my eyes and I like her. Probably, favorite character though, is Emily.
i totally agree with you but my problem with Erynn after another 7 playthroughs is that she is a total bitch and if you pay attention to the (her inner dialogue) she blames it all on the MC not being there for her like if Lexxi was not for her and she did not tell her a thing!

furthermore assuming she started to screw over her life ever since she was 18 what could have a 15 year old boy do? is he the MC from Milfy city that goes against a psychopath and somehow survives while dealing with drug king pins(although i imagine a 15 year old innocent kid as more chance of surviving a drug kingpin then a 18 year old punk)!

furthermore considering her wardrobe her car and her apartment we can clearly see what she did with the money instead of sticking it out with Melissa and Emily or living in the college dorms, and now its the MC fault... that as to go and fix this shit whatever it is? the only thing that the MC can do is gather a group of friends and protect her physically by scaring away Ethan but if there are signed contracts or videos or photos are they going to have to commit crimes because she made bad decisions?

we all know how this is going to get fixed... it will be money payed by Lexxi new found success as a musician if you fallowed her path where she will feel guilty and bail her off because they are childhood friends and she feels guilty while she took no self responsibility!

this hits so close to home, i have a sister like this(including in terms of looks), not this bad in terms of selling her body/image and my experience after 20 years of me, my uncles, my father, and both my grandparents always bailing her out is screw that shit, still waiting on the nephews, spent 20 years living off others instead of settling down and do her familial obligation so no i have no pity and Erynn better provide one hell of an explanation but if she is anything like my sister it will be lies after lies inside lies with a big thick crust of fucking lies. and do not come at me with sappy stories i saw her car her central town apartment and her wardrobe!

Oh nooo ALexis....I loved her, although less than Layla or Nikki / Cara but now I can't handle her anymore. She's a damn traitor, sleeping with your best friend's love interest and behind her back is one of the worst things anyone can do.
dude last time Erynn saw the MC he was a 12 year old! if Erynn as any such interests in the MC she is a pedophile period! her betrayal was not telling her he had returned and stole a few days from someone she really misses!


King in the North
Nov 3, 2020
Well I know right? That is I think a reason why I like her as a character so much. We have this beautiful girl falling in love with a boy her best friend have not seen so long and the guy clearly liking her.. She probably knew her BFF had some feelings for the boy but.. they were 5 years without seeing each other. Is it wrong to do what she did? Probably, yeah. But it is sooo believable. After all, they were not together, she barely recognized who the guy ways. She acted, then not knowing how to fix it.. She feels real and I love the contradiction in her character.
I understand it, believe me I understand it, but I cannot tolerate it, I have suffered in my own flesh what Erynn is suffering, and even worse since one of my best friends left with my ex, even knowing that I still loved her , but getting back to the topic, that topic bothers me so much that I can't forgive it.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
i totally agree with you but my problem with Erynn after another 7 playthroughs is that she is a total bitch and if you pay attention to the (her inner dialogue) she blames it all on the MC not being there for her like if Lexxi was not for her and she did not tell her a thing!

furthermore assuming she started to screw over her life ever since she was 18 what could have a 15 year old boy do? is he the MC from Milfy city that goes against a psychopath and somehow survives while dealing with drug king pins(although i imagine a 15 year old innocent kid as more chance of surviving a drug kingpin then a 18 year old punk)!

furthermore considering her wardrobe her car and her apartment we can clearly see what she did with the money instead of sticking it out with Melissa and Emily or living in the college dorms, and now its the MC fault... that as to go and fix this shit whatever it is? the only thing that the MC can do is gather a group of friends and protect her physically by scaring away Ethan but if there are signed contracts or videos or photos are they going to have to commit crimes because she made bad decisions?

we all know how this is going to get fixed... it will be money payed by Lexxi new found success as a musician if you fallowed her path where she will feel guilty and bail her off because they are childhood friends and she feels guilty while she took no self responsibility!

this hits so close to home, i have a sister like this(including in terms of looks), not this bad in terms of selling her body/image and my experience after 20 years of me, my uncles, my father, and both my grandparents always bailing her out is screw that shit, still waiting on the nephews, spent 20 years living off others instead of settling down and do her familial obligation so no i have no pity and Erynn better provide one hell of an explanation but if she is anything like my sister it will be lies after lies inside lies with a big thick crust of fucking lies. and do not come at me with sappy stories i saw her car her central town apartment and her wardrobe!
Emm are you trying to convince me not to like her? Cause if anything I am liking her more! Don't get me wrong, she better pay for all she did, but I love troubled girls! I have not played all routes, I mainly played one according to how I felt I would choose at each moment (I mainly focused on Alexis and Erynn and pick Nikki over Cara). But while I think what you are describing is a mess, it is a very lovely mess! Obviously, time will tell but she sounds great as a character in my eyes!

DISCLAIMER: I am the one guy asking for more chaos, conflict and despair in pretty much every novel.. so I am probably not the usual guy here.

I understand it, believe me I understand it, but I cannot tolerate it, I have suffered in my own flesh what Erynn is suffering, and even worse since one of my best friends left with my ex, even knowing that I still loved her , but getting back to the topic, that topic bothers me so much that I can't forgive it.
Sorry about that! While I cannot say I suffered something so devastating as that (really sorry you had to), I think pretty much all of us have been heart broken. So what I am trying to say is: while I cannot exactly related, I am sorry you had to go through that, as if it feels even as painful as what I felt (i am sure yours was way more painful) it really sucks!!
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Jan 11, 2021
Well I know right? That is I think a reason why I like her as a character so much. We have this beautiful girl falling in love with a boy her best friend have not seen so long and the guy clearly liking her.. She probably knew her BFF had some feelings for the boy but.. they were 5 years without seeing each other. Is it wrong to do what she did? Probably, yeah. But it is sooo believable. After all, they were not together, she barely recognized who the guy ways. She acted, then not knowing how to fix it.. She feels real and I love the contradiction in her character.
The romance with Lexi was full of fire and passion.
Erynn may declare her feelings day after day, but all I see is her friendzoning MC. She wants to become BFF, his older sister perhaps, but never in her inner monologue can you catch any passion or desire. Also she denies being single and is pissed when Mel tells about it to MC. Sometimes Erynn treats MC as he would be still 13.

So why should MC bother to be more than a friend to Erynn?
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
The romance with Lexi was full of fire and passion.
Erynn may declare her feelings day after day, but all I see is her friendzoning MC. She wants to become BFF, and older sister perhaps, but never in her inner monologue can you catch any passion or desire. Also she denies being single and is pissed when Mel tells about it to MC. Sometimes Erynn treats MC as he would be still 13.

So why should MC bother to be more than a friend to Erynn?
I like all you said. I think the original image we had of Erynn would really fit a situation in which she breaks havoc about what is going on. After all, she was supposed to MC's only one and now she founds her BFF is doing his boy? Absolutely fantastic development for pure chaos and drama.

We would have a "loving traitor", Alexis vs "a faithful bitch" Erynn. MC caught in the middle of two girls he clearly care about..


King in the North
Nov 3, 2020
The romance with Lexi was full of fire and passion.
Erynn may declare her feelings day after day, but all I see is her friendzoning MC. She wants to become BFF, his older sister perhaps, but never in her inner monologue can you catch any passion or desire. Also she denies being single and is pissed when Mel tells about it to MC. Sometimes Erynn treats MC as he would be still 13.

So why should MC bother to be more than a friend to Erynn?
Suppose you are Alexis, ok? And your best friend tells you that since his friend left, he has realized that he loves her and that he misses her very much. During all that time he keeps telling you and 5 years later that old friend comes back and you, even knowing that your best friend has been in love or had a crush with her for years, you hook up with her and you end up having sex with her, not only betraying your friendship ith your friend for doing it behind their back and hiding it but for breaking the sacred rule of "Do not touch ex's or girls that my friends like" without their permission. Do you really think it's okay? It is an unwritten rule, in my group of friends if one of us liked a girl for a long time, the rest of us did not think of trying to flirt with her, unless said friend gave us permission.



Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
The romance with Lexi was full of fire and passion.
Erynn may declare her feelings day after day, but all I see is her friendzoning MC. She wants to become BFF, his older sister perhaps, but never in her inner monologue can you catch any passion or desire. Also she denies being single and is pissed when Mel tells about it to MC. Sometimes Erynn treats MC as he would be still 13.

So why should MC bother to be more than a friend to Erynn?
Erynn might be that damaged character that doesn't think she's deserving of love, in this case our "job" is to break through this barrier and show her she's a good person, she's ashamed of how her life turned out, regrets her choices (including not reciprocating the feelings of the young MC)... and is just a broken person right now.

I was a fan of early Alexis but now she's waaaaay down, i don't like the lovesick persona that she took, her new backstory with the MC, she also had enough chances to tell the truth and the best she came up with "i was scared because i was afraid to lose you".
Imo the fact that the scene plays out like we are suppoused to feel bad for her... she's become too much of writers pet.

Plus the extent of her backstab on Erynn is really fucking low, it goes much further than omission...
From what it has been said she was having conversations about the MC with her, ditched her friend about the concert just to get some.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2020
As for Erynn i think the reveal will bring some closer to her, wanting to help and give her some TLC and repulse to others, since some form of nudity/abuse/sex will be involved no doubt.
I am starting to wonder what it actually is, especially if Ethan is involved, but from hints that we have received I think you are correct that there will be a split between people wanting to provide TLC and others becoming repulsed. Others may decide that while she is worthy of some TLC and help, she is no longer a viable LI.
I suspect that Ethan either wants a relationship with Erynn, or somehow thinks that they already have one. He wants her for himself, and I can not see him as the sharing type, so there would be no nudity or sex involved. For this option it is possible that Erynn did not read her contract properly before signing it, and there were a few clauses about functions with clients that she was unaware of.
The other option is that he realizes that Erynn will never love him, so he just wants to exploit her. Blackmail could be involved in this option.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
I am starting to wonder what it actually is, especially if Ethan is involved, but from hints that we have received I think you are correct that there will be a split between people wanting to provide TLC and others becoming repulsed. Others may decide that while she is worthy of some TLC and help, she is no longer a viable LI.
I suspect that Ethan either wants a relationship with Erynn, or somehow thinks that they already have one. He wants her for himself, and I can not see him as the sharing type, so there would be no nudity or sex involved. For this option it is possible that Erynn did not read her contract properly before signing it, and there were a few clauses about functions with clients that she was unaware of.
The other option is that he realizes that Erynn will never love him, so he just wants to exploit her. Blackmail could be involved in this option.
Ethan is a wildcard in my opinion, all that we know is that he's a prick and that somehow he's Erynn's boss.

If Ethan is still trying to make Erynn his, he has to know he's fighting a losing battle (specially with the MC back in town), nothing about him makes him look like a credible rival, Erynn already shows huge favoritism for the MC and we didn't do anything for her yet.
If he can't reasonably play a rival for her affection i think it's better making him a manipulator than a deluded idiot that thinks "he's winning", that would make him a joke villain(we already have Lucas for that).

Which leads into the final point you brought up, he knows he won't get what he wants from her, so he switched into making her life miserable while profiting from it.
Or to make him even more of a bastard, maybe he "got what he wanted from her", manipulated a stupid girl into his bed and went on to use her for profit after.
It's not uncommon that models that don't "make it" start doing events, car showrooms and other things, i guess her (suppoused)contract could be that but worst.
Jan 11, 2021
Suppose you are Alexis, ok? And your best friend tells you that since his friend left, he has realized that he loves her and that he misses her very much. During all that time he keeps telling you and 5 years later that old friend comes back and you, even knowing that your best friend has been in love or had a crush with her for years, you hook up with her and you end up having sex with her, not only betraying your friendship ith your friend for doing it behind their back and hiding it but for breaking the sacred rule of "Do not touch ex's or girls that my friends like" without their permission. Do you really think it's okay? It is an unwritten rule, in my group of friends if one of us liked a girl for a long time, the rest of us did not think of trying to flirt with her, unless said friend gave us permission.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm not defending Alexis for what she did. It was a shitty move, no doubt.

However there is a huge contrast between how Erynn talks about her feelings and how she behaves, how she still keeps the distance. It's her who is friendzoning MC.

OK, you can argue, that she is waiting for the right moment until Nyx can finally explain the whole Ethan situation to us, and keep things calm until then, but how is it better than Lexi delaying her moment of truth?
Jan 11, 2021
Suppose you are Alexis, ok? And your best friend tells you that since his friend left, he has realized that he loves her and that he misses her very much. During all that time he keeps telling you and 5 years later that old friend comes back and you, even knowing that your best friend has been in love or had a crush with her for years, you hook up with her and you end up having sex with her, not only betraying your friendship ith your friend for doing it behind their back and hiding it but for breaking the sacred rule of "Do not touch ex's or girls that my friends like" without their permission. Do you really think it's okay? It is an unwritten rule, in my group of friends if one of us liked a girl for a long time, the rest of us did not think of trying to flirt with her, unless said friend gave us permission.

Besides, taking the girl your friend is falling for: MC does it all the time to Zack:

Layla, Gabi, preparing Valerie.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I'm not defending Alexis for what she did. It was a shitty move, no doubt.

However there is a huge contrast between how Erynn talks about her feelings and how she behaves, how she still keeps the distance. It's her who is friendzoning MC.

OK, you can argue, that she is waiting for the right moment until Nyx can finally explain the whole Ethan situation to us, and keep things calm until then, but how is it better than Lexi delaying her moment of truth?
There are differences between getting into bed with a long friend and some girl from the bar(or airplane in this case), in the first case you have to make sure both friends are on the same page so no one gets hurt, even then sometimes it backfires.
That applies to Erynn but also Melissa, who probably would've given the MC a ride already if he wasn't her friends son and her daughters obssession.

As for what's the difference? Remains to be seen how it will play out, but motivations for these "hesitations" matter, one was doing for manipulative reasons, she was the direct beneficiary from the lie...
The other who knows at this point, but the hints are that it's out of shame and embarassment, with no direct benefit from the secret.

Besides, taking the girl your friend is falling for: MC does it all the time to Zack:

Layla, Gabi, preparing Valerie.
Yes, you can roleplay a total scumbag, it's up to each individual.
But... Zack does give the "all clear" on Layla, probably wouldn't stop many people if he didn't, but he did give the go ahead.
Gabi seemed more "hot teacher" joke than him having any plans to do anything, also honest mistake on the MCs end, he had no idea who she was.
Valerie... yeah that would be probably crossing the line.
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