Considering her "manager" has stated that he doesn't care if the clients grope her and that she should fuck them it could be only a matter of time before she is forced (pretty sure that's not going to happen but the threat is implied).
I think Nyx has done a great job of confusing everyone as to who is or isn't MC's dad. It would be interesting if Santi is not one of the two suspects but someone else completely out of left field. Will that happen? Not likely but it would still be a good twist.
I would be surprised if Navarro is her dad but maybe that was Nyx giving us a clue.
I think Erynn is just a lightning rod of controversy due to her prominence in the game. Besides the MC she is the biggest generator of drama (and player anxiety). Everyone else has hardly caused a blip compared to her. Look at how little people talk about how being friends with Layla got the MC beat up by Lucas. Not that it's never discussed but people don't come back to it like they do all of the issues with Erynn. I see Erynn as someone who will take awhile to trust the MC and have sex with him. Because of how her one sexual experience has resulted in potentially destroying her life.
The hints are definitely there that if we don't help she might end up as the hooker people suspected her to be.
Just a small correction, for all the asshole that he is, i don't remember Ethan saying she should fuck them, he says flirt (which i interpreted as merely act happy and playful) rather than fuck them.
Right before he tries to rape her

I'm red blooded male and i was frustrated when she backed out of it in that scene.
But soon i understood that it was suppoused to illustrate how that one sexual experience has left her scarred and traumatized to this day.
And yeah she gets triple the flack of everyone else... it's curious people just don't avoid her if they despise her so much...
My guess is(in addition to prominence) people have a hard time changing their minds, so when initial introduction was "the bitch that friendzoned us" people are gonna keep finding ways to hate her, if it gets proven incorrect.
On the dad topic... Personally i hope she doesn't do that, i love the speculation and the hints, i love the "how did i miss that?" when we get the reveal, and of course that lives are "Intertwined", it's been the style of this game and one it's strenghts imo.
"Your father is this guy right here, we never seen him, nor met any anyone related to him", sure it would mean all theories are wrong and suprising but also a weak surprise...
Erynn never said she loved/loves the MC. Just a quick fyi.
Never said it, but she does... at least the 2 people who know her best in the world seem to think that

Even so, it doesn't make it wrong that she tried to move on after this "love of her life" ghosted her for 5 years with no signs of life whatsoever.
You know,Nyx really missed out by not giving Ethan a sister.
Oh boy lol.