Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
Maybe it will be a twist and Dylan really is gay and that's his new BF. I mean surely even a gay guy could appreciate the beauty of lexi. Then they will all just be friends no need for fighting.... Hopefully. Even though that picture makes it look like he's a wolf on the prowl and she's a nice juicy hunk of meat.
And he'll get a swift kick in the nuts if he tries. She seems pretty damn devoted to the MC just like she said she won't share him with anyone else.
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2021

Working on the last scene of day 3. Will be finished in a day or two, depending on how many renders I need at the end.
I'm not coding at the moment. I'm spending all the time creating the scenes and rendering because there is still much to do. I was thinking about listing up all the scenes I still need to create for the different days, so you'll have a better idea of what still has to be done. But those would actually spoil way too much. Just an FYI, this episode doesn't end at the end of training camp!
I have finally learned how to create billboards, so I can easily make some background characters to fill in certain scenes. I need to create those billboards first though, standing, walking, sitting, ... It will take a bit of time, so this won't be for this episode. Probably after this release, I'll spend some days creating 10-30 different characters I can use in the future. The city needs to look crowdier, especially once spring break hits and lots of tourists coming to Madison Springs.
About the poll on MC's hair. I counted all the votes (higher tiers count double/triple). It wasn't very conclusive, it was close to 55-45%. Meaning I'm not going to change it completely to that certain hairstyle.
I came up with a different solution. I'll keep multiple hairstyles like I do with certain girls and change it depending on the situation (Bad hair day for example...). But I will most likely change it to the hairstyle I used in the Nikki/Cara flashback. I think that one looked best and most of you will like it (I hope).
Here's an example: Yay or Nay?

He's also clean-shaven in this one. This is also something I'll implement. Some days he'll be shaved, others he'll have his "stubble". Since it wasn't a 3-day beard, right Mike? ;)
If the girls like it though? We'll see.
Im going to start a campaign for VN players against half shaven heads.

MC would be clean with a buzz or brush cut.

Regardless, looking forward to the next update. This VN will be next up, Nyx is doing great work here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017

Progress Update - Episode 8

Finished writing the story for this episode. Only need to do some spellcheck and maybe some phrasing changes here and there.
Now starts the waiting game. It's basically waiting for the images to finish rendering every day, so I can code them in. The sad part, the pc can only render that many images a day. I try to make as many scenes as possible beforehand, so I can render them when I'm at work and during the whole night.

Working on the girls' race at the moment. Any idea who would win that?
Also started photoshopping the inconsistencies in the meantime like clothes that are clipping or weird cracks in their faces due to certain hairstyles not fitting the head shapes,...
Nothing else really noteworthy to mention.
A little bit of ranting since this is starting to annoy me.
Lately, I've been reading lots of messages from people that are spreading rumours that the episode will release very soon or is in fact released already. Funny how they got that information since I literally post an update on the progress every week.
Don't believe any of it unless it comes from me directly.
I said it before and will do it again. It's a BIG episode, which means it will take a longer time than the "normal" release schedule. Twice the size = takes at least twice as long to work on, three times the size = I think you get the gist. In the end, you'll have the same amount of content as +/-2 episodes packed into one.

Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
You better knock on wood. lol
I wouldn't think Lexi would stray at all she seems like she would be the most loyal LI in the game. Don't know what would happen with Layla or Erynn (ESPECIALLY Erynn), or the others. She seems like she would clock anyone who tried to move on her. Yeah it won't stop guys from trying, like the vulture in that picture, but to me she seems to honestly love the MC.

But yeah, we're at Nyx's mercy here.

Johnny Bravo.

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2017
I wouldn't think Lexi would stray at all she seems like she would be the most loyal LI in the game. Don't know what would happen with Layla or Erynn (ESPECIALLY Erynn), or the others. She seems like she would clock anyone who tried to move on her. Yeah it won't stop guys from trying, like the vulture in that picture, but to me she seems to honestly love the MC.

But yeah, we're at Nyx's mercy here.
Hmm... you do have a point there and we seen her rejecting the rock singer when he was trying to make a move on her so there's that and for guys eyeing her like a piece of stake it's bound to happen. lol
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