Reading comprehension must not be high on your skill list, if this is what you get from my post.
First, polyamory isn't a harem. Polyamory means being in love with more than one person, and if you were able to understand what you read, you would have realized that I made a very clear distinction between what is usually considered a harem and a possible polyamorous relationship with a few selected love interests, if you can't see that this is different from demanding a harem, again, you have a problem grasping distinctions between concepts you deem similarly.
If fe. Erynn and Alexis and the MC were in a relationship together, would that be a harem?
Second, are you shitting me with the incest? All the stuff the character can do with his mother, the talks between his mother and her bestie, that you see her naked, that she constantly is running around in underwear and lingerie...and you seriously claim that this is all just in my head and because I played a perverted character?
Dude, the fucking options are there in the game, why would they be in the GAME if NOT to either HINT at incest or have a laugh about those thinking there's a possibility for incest in the game? It would literally make zero fucking sense to include these dialogues, these incidents and options. Even if I thought everything else you wrote was absolutely right, and you have the most brilliant understanding of the game and its characters, that one ridiculous claim makes your whole comment completely worthless, because you ignore the reality of what is in the actual game.
Since I have repeatedly stated that this is merely my opinion about what I think are wasted opportunities, what even is your reply?
That they aren't in the game is MY WHOLE point, so what is your reply good for anyway? Nothing. It's nothing but a fan white-knighting for a dev/game he likes, and we have more than enough of this already in every single fucking game thread on this site.
Seriously, people need to grow the fuck-up and stop playing white knights for game devs and take every differing opinion as an attack on their pride.