We all live with the choices, mistakes or otherwise, that we do.
Personally, I love Eyrinn so so so much because she is there for MC, she shelters him, gives him a
reason to stick around, gives him purpose when his ma just dropped bombs on him.
Fact is, as one adult woman with a job, she is till with Ethan after such a long time,
pushing everyone away. She is childish giddy happy outta her mind with MC,
but all the adult stuff she does for/with/around Ethan, blackmail and abuse or not.
MC is a cute bunny wabbit she likes to fundle and hug and feel very good around,
but there his usefulness for her ends.
She would sleep right next to him and feel joy for her life, but would never trust him as a partner.
He was this good neighbor, harmless, warm, cuddly, making her tingle in all the right times,
but it was Ethan that walked her to school or took her on bike rides.
MC is just heartbroken, she just cannot get outta friend zone shenanigans with him.
Then there come a number of hurtful realisations as MC looks through her photos, realising
all these different ideas and interpretations about their adventures,
all of which she has been having for years and never bothered to cross refference
and reconcile with his own.
These kind of interactions are toxic for MC, they are sterile as he never can become anything but this stuffed toy Eyrin keeps in her grasp to fundle whenever she wants to fluff it out and feel wonderful,
but it is all one big illusion where MC just watches and weeps like a doomed little girl as Eyrinn
has her adult back and forth aquabbles with Ethan.
MC is now stronger, he is a man now, his ma tells him that he has grown so much she would not recognize him before they met. Even Eyrinn tells zak, who is now as tall as MC, is beyond her idea of what these little boys she was around when she was younger would turn out to be.
The time MC sees her photo she kept of her carrying him is paramount:
MC was this helpless little kid with little to no friends who lit up whenever she was around,
kind of like a groopie, happy to have her in his life, but she was right then around his birthday
started to be swarmed by ethan and his clique in the effort to snatch her beauty for himself.
MC was devastated, in his little mind, he was becoming more and more alone,
the neighbor girl whom he adorned had other interests, other boys, other adventures,
all of whom meant MC was seeing less and less of her.
MC is living that trauma livid and hurtful right now.
His problems keep beating him down, bullies keep doing that also,
then he cannot have any resolution about the ethan problem,
that has become a huge problem for Eyrinn also,
but they are not together conniving to get rid of him,
rather Eyrinn is keeping her distance, hurting alone, while MC is hurting alone also.
What a disfunctional relationship where both boy and girl are aching outta their minds
because of the same asshole, and neither is strong enough to band together to resist
the constant attack.
Well, they can stay in their own fantasy world believing Alexis is the perfect girl for the MC and Erynn is a piece of crap because she "lied" and "used" the MC while being "in a relationship" with Ethan all this time. Not like they're going to make Erynn disappear from the story because of that.
Believe me, that's the question every user on this forum asks themselves every time he posts something, so Canto posting nonsense is just him being himself, nothing weird about that.
Makes me wonder why Lexi dumps the MC if that were the case, but logic and rational thinking seem to fly over some ppl's heads too often to call it a coincidence.
Sadly, that's RL fact, and the poor women can't escape cause they're too traumatized and too scared of what that sick lunatic would do if they did. In some cases, they choose to endure it for the sake of their children, and sadly, those same children witness a deranged, insane, poor excuse of a dad beating up their mom, and that's not something kids should see. I wish some ppl here would think before spitting their BS in this thread and ignore the damn character if they don't like it.
Blame their innocent age or the lack of life experience for that... talking about RL domestic violence, emotional abuse, blackmail and all that disturbing shit like it's just some harmless porn movie roleplay is next level stupidity and ignorance, ffs.
The funny thing is, they could end this debate simple and real quick by replaying the game and focusing only on Erynn to see who's right and who's wrong in this debate, but, for fuck knows what reason other than trolling, they don't and won't stop talking nonsense. It's like arguing with kids about how life works lol.
That's better.

Don't get me wrong, I also like her path and her character, but it's that lil betrayal that's not easy to forgive. Erynn said it herself she wouldn't have minded if she and the MC started dating, but the least Alexis could do is tell her she likes him too instead of going behind her back like that.
Cause the truth is, Alexis is Nyx's favorite pet, it's hilariously obvious, it was also mentioned in this thread, use the search button. This so-called 'love' story would've made sense if Erynn was the LI who got this much content, not her, coz she barely knew or spoke to the MC prior to their mile high club fling. I'm pretty sure most healthy, SERIOUS relationships don't start with the woman spreading her ass cheeks for a guy she barely knows... that shit is called a fling or a one-night stand, and the woman is either a hoe or too horny to think about commitment.
We forgive Alexis so easily for betraying her best friend for a pouty princess after a half-assed apology, but we stone Erynn to death for a simple misunderstanding she tried many times to clear up. Nice.
I played the game now really on all possible paths and i also think that Nyx has really put a lot of effort into Alexis. Just look at small scenes which are animated and really well done not only the sex scenes.
We discussed before that may this could be also a trap by Nyx to make her intentionally interesting so that a lot of people fall for Alexis and later she turns her into a bad girl (as said..may she is really working with Ethan and is just distracting MC to keep him from Erynn...and Erynn also believes that Alexis seduced Ethan what she mentions in one dialog). So that would be a WTF effect for Alexis Fans...

...the only thing which would be difficult to make believe is that Nyx also let us read Alexi's thoughts and how to turn thoughts into lies i dont know...

Why people are so fallen for Erynn i also cant understand because her story with MC is not really convincing yet. Maybe later we experience a more engaging story around her.
Maybe its because she is the only blond girl available...
Even the MC agrees to this, that should be the end of the discussion.
MC is under a montain of pain he has to suffer for his ma and Eyrinn,
but all good things start when letting go, so the women hav ta let it go too,
ma has to stop being available and drunk to melissa, Eyrinn should come clean about alex and ethan.
As long as MC is the only one shouldering the hurt and the pain and all the girls do is
remind him of their past that they have wild perspectives about, MC is far from closing his wounds.