The Elena and MC dialogues are really bad, the scene at the beach where the MC is not even able to guess or imagine that Elena is talking about him regarding the "she liked a guy but he was dating someone else " really made me wonder if the MC wasn't replaced by that moronic Zach character.I'm surprised at how Elena's path was handled this update. It had been a very slow and careful build up towards her and the main character getting closer while Layla starts to feel ever so slightly left out as the two start to develop their own inside jokes, and maybe starts to get a bit jealous of their obvious chemistry.
The scene at the beach in the last update had the main character question Elena about why she doesn't have a boyfriend, to which she said that she liked a guy but he was dating someone else already, and the main character then encouraged her to go after him anyways because she's amazing and the other girl couldn't possibly be as good as her. So one would expect to see something like the main character ask Layla who the guy it is that Elena likes, leaving Layla confused since there is no way Elena would've told her about that yet, and then we'd have Elena's secret slowly come to light as Layla and/or the main character figured out who she was talking about.
But there was nothing like that here. Instead, we got another moment where the main character acts like a total moron and blurts something out without thinking about what the consequences could be. Elena gets totally shafted by this move. He could've just went with the old "things are moving too fast" excuse, or something similar. But no. He just had to fuck it up as much as humanly possible. Elena now has to try to comfort her heartbroken best friend who will most likely start accusing her of trying to steal her boyfriend away.
On the plus side of things, this very unexpected development has me completely clueless as to what will happen next episode. Will we get yelled at by Alexis for making her kid sister cry? How will Layla and Elena works things out? Can we go get some advice from Melissa in hopes that we will also get to see her prance around in a bikini some more? Who knows, it's all a mystery now.
The rest of the routes I played were rather lame. I had a Tori only route, which basically doesn't exist for this update. And I don't mean that we don't see Tori, but that we don't see anything. It just ends right where the last update ends. There was a potential Tori scene on my Alexis route, but there's no solo route where we can just hang out at the beach on our own to run into her. I guess development time was spent on more important things, like another worthless voyeurism scene where two side characters nobody care about get busy.
My favourite moment of the update was the one where Iris wanted to play a game of marry/fuck/kill at the beach and they all agreed that they would kill Iris if given the choice. Maybe that'll help her clue in to the fact that nobody likes her, and she'll stop following us around and go back to prowling the schoolyards for underage kids to fuck like she did in the old days.
That or the whole Layla relationship that the MC continue to drag along despite (according to the choices i did for the MC) he's majorly interested in Elena, and the MC waits until the very last moment of that "relationship" so he can hurt and break Layla heart when telling her he's attracted to Elena instead of breaking up way earlier like any relatively decent man would have done to not hurt Layla too much.. that felt like drama added on purpose by the dev for no other reason that to make more drama.
I just don't like that MC at all, i found his characterisation not only all over the place, sometime completely stupid at figuring out things right in front of him , sometime being a complete creep, sometime having dialogue as if he had that long experience of life (despite he's only 18) etc...
Some AVN manage to make a MC interesting or at least likeable, but Intertwined does not do that for me. Sure there are AVN with (much) worse MC but i usually drop them quickly.
It's good that Intertwined has interesting and well developed characters for the LIs, women and some of the side characters are interesting, it's what keep me reading.