actually, when you get the "hug" or "we need to talk", there is no variable check. if you choose "we need to talk" it's the break up talk. it's a common way to say it. MC kind of use "someone else" as an excuse to break up with her easier, if you don't have another girl. and if you do have one, then it's true. so it works out.
but when you hug her, then there is a variable check. the game checks if you ended it with Alexis, and if you are just friends with Layla. if it's true, then you get the full solo route for the riverside girlfriend and jump in for a quick sex scene and a little boost in relationship points. if you have either one, then you will have a choice, either have a talk with her to disclose you are seeing someone else. she will forgive you temporarily, but no sex and not point. or kiss her and skip the talk, but with a potential consequence later.
i'm curious though. I don't remember having Alexis broke up with MC if you already broke up with Layla before. you may have interpreted things incorrectly and chose a wrong turn at some point.
you also still have options open any. Erynn, Valeria, Brooke, Melissa

Thanks, some pages back one bud gave me a pair of screenshots with URM mod of that choices point. The only thing I was curious, actually, why MC is acting this way when he actually haven't any other girlfriend. I mean I get and accept the initial options, but no sub-branching in the "we need to talk" branch as it done in "hug her" is a little strange. But whatever... It's extra strange that no options and particular RPs are used here to determine how MC should act at this point. I mean, besides common RPs there are stats of visiting Cara/Nikki place, etc.
I finished my first run till the end of EP12 and ended up with Cara so far. So my first run turned out in this way. I fucked up with Lexi/Layla by telling both half-truth as I mentioned earlier. If you are interested in details and curious, I did the following:
- My MC used every opportunity with Alexis instead of the moments when she waited/wanted for kind of confession from MC that he likes her (I did in the car after concert, but then redecided);
- My MC did everything to stay good with Layla since he met her;
- While teaching Layla in her place my MC talked to Alexis and said her that there is nothing "serious" with Layla is going on (lied actually), and continued to flirt with and kiss Layla at every opportunity;
- Told to Layla at the training camp about Alexis aaaand all seemed fine, but Layla of course called Alexis and told her everything after, then on the next day my MC got a call from Alexis and she broke up with him, blaming him for not telling her the truth and fooling around with her sister;
- Besides things above, my MC declined to help Erynn with blackmail problem and it seemes that it ended her path, since I didn't got any scenes with her after that, only met her with Alexis at Melissa's place once when there also was Cara after getting her new haircut from Melissa.
- I don't know actually how things are with Valeria, but it seems more like friendzone, no single kiss, I did my best and tried to "fix" Zach and to treat her properly (how wrong I was), but after his "performance" with Ethan I can't care less about this dweeb. Like, you know, most AVNs usually brings some real "bro" for MC, even if they dumb or fuck up some things sometimes, but this one... just a jerk. So dumb, so immature and suggestible. The worst "bro" I ever seen in AVN so far.
Going for Layla next time, but probably from the middle of the game save (sorry Cara

), I usually do first some of more or less dramatic saves and runs, and the "clean" and faithful ones later.
P.S. There is 0 (zero) chance that Santiago is an MCs father, right? (incest is prohibited on Patreon). Or he just not a biological father of Lexi and Layla as an option. Adriana's last name is Moore, while Santiago is Navarro...