But in Valeria's situation she also was unaware of how serious the MC's relationship was with Alexis, and as soon as she realized it she gave him an ultimatum of "her or me".
With Erynn I understand how it's more complex. Because with Valeria situation if MC picks her than great, if he doesn't that sucks but it's still best for everyone involved that he made a decision. Theoretically if Erynn were to give him a similar "her or me" ultimatum it could potentially result in the MC leaving again to be with an out of town LI.
It's a understandable motivation for Erynn perspective I just wish this had been conveyed in the past few updates if it indeed was the case.
That was a bit of a self serving(the Valeria thing) justification don't you think?
She knew that Alexis was more than simply a girl the dude was seeing, maybe the first time Layla said "he's dating my sister" she could've thought it was nothing serious, no need to be concerned...
But in the scene after the photo booth, after she met Alexis in person, she acknowledges to her mom that the guy has a GF, that's serious territory already.
She didn't think it was anything serious, just hooking up... and somehow catching them on a fairly relaxed date, at the beach, nothing too romantic... convinced her that this is "super serious"?
There was nothing there to indicate that things got more serious than before,maybe she thought the guy would naturally break things off with Alexis for her and when she saw it wasn't happening felt the need to say something.
I don't think she was wrong to stand her ground, perhaps wrong getting into it with a guy on a relationship, but standing her ground wasn't wrong(if she didn't she would go into Tori territory, fucks around and doesn't care).
BTW, i used Val as the example but it could've been Iris... doesn't fuck over Alexis, but does fuck over Layla(ASP route) in terms of girls having flexible morals depending on how close they are to the girl getting cheated.
I agree that Erynn has more on the line and is waaaay more scared of potential fallout of putting the guy against the wall Val style.
For Val this is a dude she just met, if he says no... too bad.
For Erynn it's kind of a traumatic experience that hurts her deeply if she gets rejected, might have consequences on the Ethan stuff even.
This even shows up in the Val+Erynn path,
if you chose Val, Erynn gets fucking depressed as hell... if you chose Erynn, Val reacts like "Ohhh that sucks... hey mom let's go out".
And you are not wrong that Erynn should show some signs that she remembers Nikki/Cara even if she doesn't say it, i mean the dude just took a trip to where they live.
It's true that he only mentions going to see Nathan, but she had 0 reaction to his trip and we all know how women get suspicious of these things right?

Maybe just a small "Alvarado is near Riverside isn't it?" to show that she remembers and is thinking about it.