Overall i was disappointed from the update, yeah much content, feels like this very episode got the same amount of content like the whole game so far... but nothing is really going on its just very entertaining without much progress storywise. More or less its just bonding time the whole time... without getting really deeper with Layla, and as expected besides the competition/trainigncamp everything else falls behind... nearly no erynn or others... if youre not with layla there is really not much that this update brings with it. And even on the Layla path its not that much progress i would say. We are slowly getting to the "boyfriend/girlfriend" status, not much more.
So... the trainingcamp/competition took more than 60% of the whole episode and blocked nearly every progress in any other storyline besides Laylas. And even in that department it was more stagnation than progress i think...
And now everybody talks about "spring break" dont know... hopefully it will not just a "party" upgrade with the next episode.
I enjoyed this episode, it was very fun too read and entertaining... the dialogue writig ist probalby the best around here. But the story progress with all the intertwined storys going on was overall really low. It felt like no progress at all to be honest... and i dont know if its a good thing to introduce even more important characters.. Iris for example, dont know if this is a good thing... i admit i like her in the first place, but i would say, the game would work perfectly fine without her too. And we got Valeria already too, i think she is a good add to the game, and i like her very much, and it was necessary to give Layla competition for the MC and make her a little jealous... so good work with Valeria here. But i think Iris could very well be avoided. And the consumed time for her could be used otherwise.