
Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Yeah but thats only on part of it .... Who can tell if it is all true and what really happend. :unsure:
You have a solid point there.
Could possibly be more to the story.
Lets face it, Lexi isn't known for being honest but i just cannot see her allowing Ethan to get over on her AT ALL.

EDIT: or perhaps that's my wishful thinking that she wouldn't?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2018
You have a solid point there.
Could possibly be more to the story.
Lets face it, Lexi isn't known for being honest but i just cannot see her allowing Ethan to get over on her AT ALL.
Well, for me Lexi is dead a long time. Keep Secrets and Lying is a NoGo. So in reality i don't care who she is fucking or not. Not my MC. :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Dishonesty is just Dishonesty.
My limits or anyone's are irrelevant to 'what it is' OR, the JUSTIFICATIONS for 'it'.
Making excuses for continuing to lie and manipulate for one's personal gain(Alexis), changes nothing.

It's what has been written into Alexis' character by the Author, Nyx(not me).
Is there to see for whomever may be inclined to read it all(it's not an opinion).
Has nothing to do with Judgement, it just is.
Are you sure, that ya trust someone who lied already to her Best Friend & MC. :unsure::ROFLMAO:
It is all about perception, and perception is influenced by your experience...your bias.

You can choose to perceive Alexis as a lying, backstabbing POS. You can sit in harsh judgment of everything she does. Alexis lied to the MC and did not tell him who she was. She lied to Erynn and did not tell her she met, had sex with, and fell in love with the MC. Therefore, she is a lying POS. But that is on you. You perceive her that way.

I do not see it that way. I see her in a realistic setting where she runs into a guy she is attracted to. Then she learned that they have a past. But instead of telling him, she decides to have a one-time, mile-high romp. As luck would have it, you continue to bump into her. You share friends and places in common. Before you know it, some time has passed and you are growing closer. But she still hasn't come clean about who she is. And when she does, you have the choice of forgiving her or telling her to pack her shit. It is all a very realistic scenario. I have been there. I recognize that she lied about who she was. And I recognize that she has been honest about everything else in her life. I have to make a judgment call. And I do not consider her a lying POS. You do. That is a difference of opinion. Your judgment versus mine.

There is no right or wrong. No black and white. I forgive. You don't. Your life. My life. I have made a conscious decision in my life to do my best to not judge people because I have not lived their life. That carries into how I view a fictional character. Did she lie? Yes. Is it damaging to how I see her from that point on? No. She is repentant. As a person who has lied and been lied to, I have chosen to forgive. Move on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
It is all about perception, and perception is influenced by your experience...your bias.

You can choose to perceive Alexis as a lying, backstabbing POS. You can sit in harsh judgment of everything she does. Alexis lied to the MC and did not tell him who she was. She lied to Erynn and did not tell her she met, had sex with, and fell in love with the MC. Therefore, she is a lying POS. But that is on you. You perceive her that way.

I do not see it that way. I see her in a realistic setting where she runs into a guy she is attracted to. Then she learned that they have a past. But instead of telling him, she decides to have a one-time, mile-high romp. As luck would have it, you continue to bump into her. You share friends and places in common. Before you know it, some time has passed and you are growing closer. But she still hasn't come clean about who she is. And when she does, you have the choice of forgiving her or telling her to pack her shit. It is all a very realistic scenario. I have been there. I recognize that she lied about who she was. And I recognize that she has been honest about everything else in her life. I have to make a judgment call. And I do not consider her a lying POS. You do. That is a difference of opinion. Your judgment versus mine.

There is no right or wrong. No black and white. I forgive. You don't. Your life. My life. I have made a conscious decision in my life to do my best to not judge people because I have not lived their life. That carries into how I view a fictional character. Did she lie? Yes. Is it damaging to how I see her from that point on? No. She is repentant. As a person who has lied and been lied to, I have chosen to forgive. Move on.
Perception has nothing to do with definition of dishonesty.
It's not an opinion.
It is what it is.

To lie, continue to lie, manipulate, continue to manipulate.
What she did continually has nothing to do with opinion.
What part of this is so incomprehensible for You?

Keep making excuses, will still change Nothing.
Fact, not fiction.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
You have the option, as a player, to completely ignore Alexis from the moment you meet her. You have the option to pursue her, have a one-night stand with her, have a full relationship, or just a hookup. The author gave us ALL these choices. If you choose to pursue her, then the story plays out that you keep bumping into her and she falls for you.

What exactly is she selling? I do not remember ever having a discussion about a one-night stand. Or her saying that is what it was. You, as the player, have to choose to pursue her. And then it turns into a relationship. That route leads to a confrontation where you can choose to forgive her for not telling you who she was from the beginning OR you can choose to walk away and not forgive her. YOU have the choice.

You even have the choice of telling Layla about the MC and Alexis...TWICE!

Alexis clearly states that she never did ANYTHING with Ethan. That is where we learn that Ethan has been manipulating Erynn and her relationships all along.

You are missing the point, she appears to be offering "no strings attached sex" to begin the game, only there are strings, big ones.
On my "main" i broke up with her at the pizzaria once i saw she wasn't what she was selling at first.
Over, gone, dusted, and it's completely fine, it's not a major problem of the game.

When i comment here talking about her i'm making an argument why i consider her to be an unnatractive option TO ME, i'm analysing the story and the character as portrayed and why it makes me want to stay away.

Furthermore exploring different paths.
I think there's very little depth to the discussion, and how you HAVE to take her arguments at face value and agree with her to stay on her path, you can't question her.
It jumps straight into commited relationship and devolves into routine dating, personally i would appreciate a slower build up in the "second time", it might've given me a chance to warm up to her, unfortunately it's either fully commited or gone.
Last but not least, i don't like how conflicts are being handled, you can avoid telling Erynn about dating Alexis at first, but after the sports event the MC tells it automatically, i don't have the option to keep lying and see how much further i can extend this lie.
Layla and Alexis, if you keep lying Alexis finds out off screen, which is not unrealistic given that they live on the same house, but i was hoping for more fireworks.

Well, for me Lexi is dead a long time. Keep Secrets and Lying is a NoGo. So in reality i don't care who she is fucking or not. Not my MC. :ROFLMAO:
My man :ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Dec 19, 2021

Progress Update - Episode 10

I'm having internet issues for some weeks now but since last week it's just horrible. They're trying to fix it but have no idea what causes it. So, the redownloading of all my assets and doing a clean reinstall is on hold. Having bad internet had no impact on the progress as of yet though. But not being able to play my music while working is frustrating.

Anyway. Made some good progress in the last few days. I was finally able to use an asset I had for a long time but the old pc couldn't handle it at all. Just the asset alone without any character was too much already. Now I can use it, put characters in it and other props, ... and it renders great. It's a city asset how I picture Madison Springs to look like. More like a Miami vibe than the grey and boring streets I've been using so far. Here's an example (Sorry for the spoiler.)

There are finally more people living in the city besides the "main" cast.

Of course, it takes more time creating/setting up these renders, but it looks more lively this way. I like it :)

Still working on the Saturday scenes. It's getting way bigger than expected again. That's totally my fault though. While creating a short "intermission" scene of 5 renders to jump from one scene to the next, I got an idea and those 5 renders turned to 100+. More content for you, I guess. It's not the first time this happened either and won't be the last.


Jun 11, 2022
Hmm still working on Saturday.. if she includes Sunday and Moandy like she said she intends too, the August release i hope for gets kinda unlikely. :rolleyes:

edit: nvm. She released ep.9 on may the 1st so it took her about two months for friday and saturday ( if that one is done soon) and she said saturday would be a long one. Mid to late august seems still realistic. If her internet works properly again soon of course :sneaky:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
It is all about perception, and perception is influenced by your experience...your bias.

You can choose to perceive Alexis as a lying, backstabbing POS. You can sit in harsh judgment of everything she does. Alexis lied to the MC and did not tell him who she was. She lied to Erynn and did not tell her she met, had sex with, and fell in love with the MC. Therefore, she is a lying POS. But that is on you. You perceive her that way.

I do not see it that way. I see her in a realistic setting where she runs into a guy she is attracted to. Then she learned that they have a past. But instead of telling him, she decides to have a one-time, mile-high romp. As luck would have it, you continue to bump into her. You share friends and places in common. Before you know it, some time has passed and you are growing closer. But she still hasn't come clean about who she is. And when she does, you have the choice of forgiving her or telling her to pack her shit. It is all a very realistic scenario. I have been there. I recognize that she lied about who she was. And I recognize that she has been honest about everything else in her life. I have to make a judgment call. And I do not consider her a lying POS. You do. That is a difference of opinion. Your judgment versus mine.

There is no right or wrong. No black and white. I forgive. You don't. Your life. My life. I have made a conscious decision in my life to do my best to not judge people because I have not lived their life. That carries into how I view a fictional character. Did she lie? Yes. Is it damaging to how I see her from that point on? No. She is repentant. As a person who has lied and been lied to, I have chosen to forgive. Move on.
I personally LIKE Alexis! I feel bad for her. :cry:
Yes! She had screwed up and made some 'bad', maybe even selfish, choices. (BUT Who Has Not Done that in RL??)
And Because of which, She has/IS paying for it. (Lost someone she cares about (MC) and lost her Best friend.)
Shit Is still going to 'hit the fan' when her sister (Layla) finds out that Alexis has been playing w/ MC.
But then again, she may not care,..She may not be happy about it,.it's not like they are in a relationship (Layla & MC) so who knows...
Alexis' best HOPE is to somehow to redeem herself; even IF that means she loses MC for good.
Her Only other option would be to lay low at college; finish her school year (graduate), then leave town permanently.

And You Cannot lay all this Shit on Alexis. Erynn Is Not exactly innocent. She KNEW that Ethan was a POS.
Erynn cast aside/ left her friendship with Alexis & MC behind; to pursue her "Dreams"/Career.
She (Erynn) admits that she was modelling for Ethan's father's company before Ethan joined.
As soon as she realized or found out She Could have quit/gave up her modelling career.
Erynn MADE her own 'bad'/selfish choices too.

- the MC is Not Exactly Innocent either. It does not matter who Alexis IS or was.
IF MC ONLY cared about Erynn then HE should have said so upfront!
But Like ALL (or most Men); He Wanted his Cake, and to Eat it too'!

Everything else is just SHITTY Communication, or lack thereof. (typical soap opera shit)
ALOT of the problems could have been avoided IF people would just TALK to each other. (people's fear of being judged)
The so-called 'blackmail' video REALLY didn't mean shit! Erynn could have handled it being exposed.
It might have hurt her credibility some, but she would not be under Ethan's thumb.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
I personally LIKE Alexis! I feel bad for her. :cry:
Yes! She had screwed up and made some 'bad', maybe even selfish, choices. (BUT Who Has Not Done that in RL??)
And Because of which, She has/IS paying for it. (Lost someone she cares about (MC) and lost her Best friend.)
Shit Is still going to 'hit the fan' when her sister (Layla) finds out that Alexis has been playing w/ MC.
But then again, she may not care,..She may not be happy about it,.it's not like they are in a relationship (Layla & MC) so who knows...
Alexis' best HOPE is to somehow to redeem herself; even IF that means she loses MC for good.
Her Only other option would be to lay low at college; finish her school year (graduate), then leave town permanently.

And You Cannot lay all this Shit on Alexis. Erynn Is Not exactly innocent. She KNEW that Ethan was a POS.
Erynn cast aside/ left her friendship with Alexis & MC behind; to pursue her "Dreams"/Career.
She (Erynn) admits that she was modelling for Ethan's father's company before Ethan joined.
As soon as she realized or found out She Could have quit/gave up her modelling career.
Erynn MADE her own 'bad'/selfish choices too.

- the MC is Not Exactly Innocent either. It does not matter who Alexis IS or was.
IF MC ONLY cared about Erynn then HE should have said so upfront!
But Like ALL (or most Men); He Wanted his Cake, and to Eat it too'!

Everything else is just SHITTY Communication, or lack thereof. (typical soap opera shit)
ALOT of the problems could have been avoided IF people would just TALK to each other. (people's fear of being judged)
The so-called 'blackmail' video REALLY didn't mean shit! Erynn could have handled it being exposed.
It might have hurt her credibility some, but she would not be under Ethan's thumb.
As with many things of life and a lot in this VN.
Lack of communication.
Causes more then wars and divorces.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
What I am Most curious about Is;
The last time we "saw" Erynn she was laying unconscious in an alley behind a dumpster.(drugged? raped? beaten up?)
And our MC was searching for her; walking past her, unnoticed; but her phone is ringing. EoC
Does this Ever get resolved?
Does MC find her/rescues her, or just keeps walking past her? Does He not hear her phone?
- I am not a huge Erynn fan; but she deserves to be treated better than this.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
What I am Most curious about Is;
The last time we "saw" Erynn she was laying unconscious in an alley behind a dumpster.(drugged? raped? beaten up?)
And our MC was searching for her; walking past her, unnoticed; but her phone is ringing. EoC
Does this Ever get resolved?
Does MC find her/rescues her, or just keeps walking past her? Does He not hear her phone?
- I am not a huge Erynn fan; but she deserves to be treated better than this.
This we will see in next update which will hopefully come in August...


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
Well,... I don't know about Wars.
Those are usually 'Dick measuring' contests, and someone's Ego getting bruised.:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Well said, well said indeed!!!:LOL:
Key words though, "More Then".
Applies not only to "Life as we know it Jim" & this VN.

Many things and issues not addressed, left unresolved.
Several opportunities not taken to resolve pending issues.
In how things actually happen, as people say "IRL".

Several people not unlike myself who have taken the Erynn route.
Can attest to this, in a big way.
We all know, it's not just Erynn's path.

Task Nyx taken on is HUGE with this VN, particularly for one person.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2021
What I am Most curious about Is;
The last time we "saw" Erynn she was laying unconscious in an alley behind a dumpster.(drugged? raped? beaten up?)
And our MC was searching for her; walking past her, unnoticed; but her phone is ringing. EoC
Does this Ever get resolved?
Does MC find her/rescues her, or just keeps walking past her? Does He not hear her phone?
- I am not a huge Erynn fan; but she deserves to be treated better than this.
So many takes on what Should Have and or Could have been done.
Try running the scene past a legal department dedicated to helping people in the model industry.
It's like throwing a match into a haystack next to fuel storage.

ps: don't walk, RUN Away!!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2020
What I am Most curious about Is;
The last time we "saw" Erynn she was laying unconscious in an alley behind a dumpster.(drugged? raped? beaten up?)
And our MC was searching for her; walking past her, unnoticed; but her phone is ringing. EoC
Does this Ever get resolved?
Does MC find her/rescues her, or just keeps walking past her? Does He not hear her phone?
- I am not a huge Erynn fan; but she deserves to be treated better than this.
It has to right? I hear someone's phone ringing i often look in that direction(less these days because instant messaging took over).
I'm very curious as to what happened, obvious assumption is that it relates to our earlier encounter with Ethan.

I hope there are some happy moments (and some displays of passion) coming soon for Erynn, because in a game that is otherwise fairly lighthearted, her story has been rough.
You resolve the issues you had hanging from 5 years ago>immediately get involved in some evil plot about her modelling job, and this plot keeps escalating into possible assault or worst...
Combine this with the fact that everytime she displays some passion something comes and knocks her out of it, it makes for a rough road.
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