
Unreal Engine - Iragon 18+ [v1.00.00 Prologue] [Repulse]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    So far it's a huge meh

    The voice acting was terrible, you could tell there was 0 audio engineering cause the girls all sound like they have each their own kind of shitty microphone.

    The writing is terrible, basically minimum effort, no personality, fake disney romance type s**t.

    Combat was okay i guess, but who cares really?

    And at the end i was forced to answer a questionaire, asking me whether i wanted to fuck the warrior girl or not. Ofcourse i wanna fuck the warrior girl, what do you mean?

    Overall this game just seems to lack a focus, and is trying to do way too much at the same time. Just becoming a jack of all trades, good at nothing type deal.

    And why are the sex scenes censored?! it looks attrocious, and ruins the whole thing.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It promised a lot, the theory was magnificent, the execution was terrible
    a pity the truth, the only "good" thing I can emphasize are the dash, everything else bad, like the first girl that her face does not move or articulate
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game feels like a huge disappontement.
    Checking their changelogs on youtube, you can see how they're switching the focus of the game away from sexual stuff, focusing their work on USELESS things like spells and combat. Sure they're important, but you sponsored this game as a SEXUAL game, yet you're not giving enough importance to story telling/relationships/sexual stuff.

    Im scared that they're simply unable to animate sex scenes - or write a decent story - and they're just losing time working on marginal stuff.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game needs a good amount more development time.
    all i did the majority of time was head down this for the most part linear path running and using a hook shot to cross many natural gaps.

    10 enemies or less and like 1 cut scene which replayed if you went backwards after the first camp.
    camps at this time have almost no point. you can upgrade your spells (no need) or "talk" to one girl you eventally unlock.

    the only story i saw was some soldiers want to capture a girl that is with you because she has something their boss wants.
    i'm not sure if there were other story moments and such that just didn't trigger but it was pretty empty.

    i did get some amusement in the later half though, when textures were not done and you could see grid lines on the ground :sneaky:

    enemies were not a threat at all thanks to spells.they easily die with them and your mana regenerates also it seems you can hit them as long as your cursor is on them .so far away attacks are possible.

    naturally there is some model clipping,particularly this one scene were you and the girl are hiding from soldiers.

    gameplay less than 1 hour

    needs improvement and something else to do than go from point A to B. hookshot is a nice idea but i didn't find it fun just using it to travel he given path.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So another nice Game for Adult ( NO SEX AT THE MOMENT )

    Its a fighting game, a Story is included, its remember me at other games i played too, i play at least few Hours, Hugh Game over 5Gb

    Gameplay, at the beginning little bit strange, but the Ring menu is a very nice Idea. Fights are middle difficult, some doing like Tarzan over a Cliff take a moment to understand how to do it. Lol or im not smart enough. Anyway it looks cool 5 Stars for sure

    Story, Animation, Enviroment: Shit that looks cool, the Map is balanced, nicley made, voice acting, good Story. But 4 Stars because it feel emotionless. i think without movement in face... but i can give 4 Stars with no doubts

    This Games has nice sexy Girls, fight and fun. it feels like a Game, not an sandbox. for sure its not perfect but it feels really good to play. not a short game for sure and no bugs. i dont find any bugs.

    At the End i give 5 Stars. if you search a 3. person fight game and little bit of romance, play it. for an Afternoon perfect made. Right mouse button for the ring menu