
Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
The game has 2 censor layers. Soft and baked in.
Kumarin plugin removes softcensor.
Baked in means the image must be redrawn.
Some madlad did exactly that.
Search for the post from "MartinLutherQueen" on page 47 for a mega link to the redrawn version.
Is the very first scene partially censored with the new textures, still? I'm trying v1.1 with the uncensored textures and bepinex files from the uncensored version, but after losing on the first mission the D is still mosaiced during the losing/facial scene.

So I checked the actual v1.0 uncensored, started new game, made it there, and... the same. I actually don't even see the BepInEx running in the background in either case, if I'm being honest (so even with the extracted MartinLutherQueen touched up v1.0 version). Or I'm just silly and shouldn't even expect "movie" scenes uncensored?
Seems a good game, would like to play it the best way possible.
Dec 17, 2018
① Boss “Meat Wall” ⇒ Defeat or escape ⇒ 06: Ruins disappear

②Boss "Torenia" ⇒ Defeat ⇒ 07: Defeat Torenia

③ Search the sewers ⇒ Save 500,000 gold ⇒ Fall into a trap ⇒ 08: Trantor family

④ Research Institute ⇒ Defeat ⇒ 09: Research body

⑤Last boss⇒Undiscovered dungeon⇒01: Separation

⑥Last boss⇒Dungeon discovered⇒02: Revenge

⑦Last boss ⇒ Final choice ⇒ Trust and deposit ⇒ True final boss ⇒ 03: True separation

⑧Last boss ⇒ Final choice ⇒ You go ⇒ True final boss ⇒ 04: Chronicle

⑨Last boss ⇒ Defeat in the 3rd battle ⇒ 10: Devil's World
how do i "fall myself to trap" Trantor family ending...
and how i meet the mysterious girl who likes iris stinky panty?
should iris solo or team up with dahlia?

how do i go through final true boss? i'm still stuck at
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Feb 23, 2021
For anyone still curious, to get the queen/mother anemone scene, I just tested it and confirmed a guy's guess a few pages back. You need to have iris or dahlia get ejac'd in by a normal anemone first, then fight the queen. She'll pretty quickly one shot knock them down with a gas attack and go from there. Extra note, can be done in extra mode too by fighting the norm anemone first, then escaping and fighting the queen.


New Member
Mar 16, 2018
is there a way to make the moaning not stereo? i don't like it when i hear loud moaning in my left ear but my right ear is really silent


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
Been playing a little with the v1.1 and the BepInEx files from the fan uncensored v1.0 shared on page 47 here, no problems thus far. Haven't seen many scenes yet, but the SW decensor seems to be working just fine (I checked against a vanilla v1.0, and it defo works) for the time being - haven't seen fully uncensored assets yet, though.

Anyhoo, after the first...return...with Iris, am I correct in assuming you are only able to catch up with Dahlia at the Ruins if you DON'T talk to Nestor before heading out to the West Forest (well, I'm like 99,9% sure about this; even taking the quickest route to the branch office and then straight to the ruins will default you to not seeing Dahlia -and possibly getting Bad End 6 the next day-, at least on my end)?
That leads to the first round of Nestor investigations, technically, so dunno if you can/should forego that. Hope it doesn't lock me to path 1 or something else... And yes, if you don't talk to Nestor, you can easily make it in time otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
I've compiled how to get all endings here. Keywords for those searching the thread: help table summary unlock guide walkthrough true ending endings end stasis stone memories
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The branching system could have been better, the main offender is having to redo the Nestor investigation section (and the 500k grind); it's long, cumbersome and repetitive. There should have been better options to actually start closer to the keypoints that branch out in the story.
Am I right in assuming that the only way to end up on Path 1, and eventually Ending 1 is if you completely ignore talking to Nestor at the company after the first time jump back AND (thus) get to Dahlia at the mansion in time, and THEN not letting Torenia join in when you meet her, inside? That actually makes it the easiest to miss, I guess. I'm well into Path 2 now, but would it make more sense to get this first?


New Member
Nov 16, 2024
Bahasa Indonesia:
[KUTIPAN="Zippix, posting: 15572363, anggota: 195515"]
Apakah saya benar dalam berasumsi bahwa satu-satunya cara untuk berakhir di Jalur 1, dan akhirnya Berakhir 1 adalah jika Anda sama sekali tidak berbicara dengan Nestor di perusahaan setelah lompatan pertama DAN (dengan demikian) sampai ke Dahlia di rumah besar tepat waktu, dan KEMUDIAN tidak membiarkan Torenia bergabung saat Anda bertemu dengannya, di dalam? Itu sebenarnya membuatnya paling mudah untuk dilewatkan, saya kira. Saya sudah jauh di Jalur 2 sekarang, tetapi apakah lebih masuk akal untuk menyelesaikan ini terlebih dahulu?
A Do you have the save data?


Feb 28, 2018
Gotta say,
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sucks ass. What little intrigue the story has goes from
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to what's essentially a mystery novel twist.

Also it's really funny how pathetic all the final bosses are. If you have the vitality talisman you can spam guard and they literally cannot outdamage your recovery.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
Well, just managed to get Ending 1 even though I had Torenia joining at the beginning, and then later asking about the Demon Heart... xD

RossoX's guide a couple pages back is helpful and much appreciated, but I believe the branching is (or at least imho) much simpler.
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Well, off to some true end hunting, now!

Also. Could someone tell me how to get Dahlia's 2nd Memo? I've got all the other memos, including the 1st and 3rd from her, which is weird - maybe bugged out?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
So no new actual content in this version right?
Not really, no.
I'm using the textures and bepinex files from your mod on a v1.1, haven't seen many weird shit, fortunately - wait, this sounds kinda wrong considering the game I was playing lol.
Got all the endings, and the 'Other' movies - still missing a shitton (better part) of the monster movies, though.
That said, there was one Wraith variant in the Ruins which appeared almost totally black, and got (exactly) one instance of Iris down state completely black during a fight (UI worked, later could stand up; Dahlia kept on fighting). May be the game itself, though.

Could you tell a couple of scenes you've defo touched up, for reference? Thus far it seems to me that only the SW_uncen plugin seems to be at work on my end.

Anyhoo, thx!
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New Member
Feb 19, 2023
MartinLutherQueen,帖子:15608286,会员:6743702 said:
Yes, simply increase the game failure, don't end the game, look at the meaning of the game maker, and there may not be a new scene and CG for a long time
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