Sun Sep 5 00:43:13 2021
Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.23s
Early init took 0.06s
Loader init took 0.03s
Loading error handling took 0.06s
Loading script took 0.51s
Loading save slot metadata. took 0.02s
Loading persistent took 0.00s
Importing _renpysteam: ImportError('No module named _renpysteam',)
Set script version to: (7, 4, 8)
Running init code took 0.20s
Loading analysis data took 0.27s
Analyze and compile ATL took 0.09s
Index archives took 0.00s
Dump and make backups. took 0.00s
Cleaning cache took 0.00s
Making clean stores took 0.00s
Initial gc. took 0.06s
DPI scale factor: 1.000000
nvdrs: Loaded, about to disable thread optimizations.
nvdrs: "Couldn't load nvlib." (can be ignored)
Creating interface object took 0.00s
Cleaning stores took 0.00s
Init translation took 0.09s
Build styles took 0.00s
Load screen analysis took 0.06s
Analyze screens took 0.00s
Save screen analysis took 0.00s
Prepare screens took 0.22s
Save pyanalysis. took 0.00s
Save bytecode. took 0.00s
Running _start took 0.00s
Performance test:
Interface start took 0.14s
Initializing angle2 renderer:
primary display bounds: (0, 0, 1366, 768)
swap interval: 1 frames
Windowed mode.
Could not get pygame screen: error('Could not create GLES window surface',)
Initializing sw renderer:
This my log after switching to angle2 renderer.
Your log file basically says that DirectX isn't working on your Windows 7 SP1.
Are you sure you have downloaded and installed the latest drivers for your graphics card from its manufacturer's site?
I doubt that you could get good enough drivers for your Windows via Windows Update automatically (at least not any more).
You could also run dixdiag tool (just type dxdiag in your windows menu search box) and take a look at the Display tab there.
You could either take a screenshot of the display tab or save all information into a text file by clicking at the bottom of the dxdiag dialog that says "Save all information..." and post the file here. At least the upper part of the text file until the Sound Devices section starts.
Apparently it is possible that this game is using the new model-based renderer, which requires at least OpenGL ES 3 to be supported by your graphics card, which means that the ANGLE renderer is unavailable.
ANGLE2 already requires OpenGL ES 3 support for model-based rendering.
In case your graphics card doesn't support it, it will just fail.
You could try to
disable model-based rendering by downloading and extracting attached file into your main game folder (where the game launcher exe-file is). A file named "disable_model-based_rendering.rpy" will drop into the 'game' subfolder and add a configuration line to Ren'Py
define config.gl2 = False
that disables model-based rendering and then the old ANGLE renderer becomes available again, so you could switch to it and
try to play the game.
WARNING! In case the game actually utilizes some new features that do require model-based rendering, the game will probably crash when it tries to use any of them. Also, old saves may not work!
I guess you have nothing to lose to try it, since you haven't been able to run the game at all.