Is this incest or not.


Dev FitB Games
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2018
Are the mother and the dead sons daughter related? You said they live together. If so, how are they related? If not, what is the connection between them?


Jun 4, 2022
Are the mother and the dead sons daughter related? You said they live together. If so, how are they related? If not, what is the connection between them?
It's been a while since I played the game... ALL the characters are gathered in some weird hotel and the MC makes trips to parallel dimensions from which he sometimes brings back potential love interests.
I think no one is actually related, as in, no one is from the same universe, but they all share the same genepool, i.e. the "not mom" is an identical parallel universe copy of the MC's deceased mom and if you apply pure genetics, then yes, the MC's daughter is related to his "not mom", but technically speaking not really.

Are the females actually the mom and daughter of the MC in the game? No.
Is the MC's daughter the "not mom's" actual granddaughter? No.
Would a gene test say they are the MC's mom and daughter and the latter not mom's granddaughter? Yes.
They all live together in the same hotel.


Jun 4, 2022
Thanks. Sounds way too confusing, and not believable.
I think the title of the game is "Weird Shit Is Going To Happen", I would say this title is very accurate! Yes, it's not believable at all. Eventually the MC hides half a dozen parallel universe love interests in his hotel room, including some princess, an Orc girl and various others.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
not incest. none of them are related, they just happen to share the same exact DNA as their related counterparts.

similar to meeting someone with randomly the same exact DNA as yourself not being your identical twin. except that in this case they'll still be related through the same human species ancestors and tree of life, while in the parallel universe example even their trees of life are non-related.

you sir have technically solved incest censorship.
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Oh my

Dec 25, 2019
Yes despite categorical technicality.
It would still be taboo because genes is the majority of why it's taboo.

So it requires a qualifier for categorization.
Family vs Alternate Universe Family.
Incest vs Aternate Universe Incest.

I mean how are you even referring to the alternate universe mother as mother?
How do you know this?
Does this not strike you as telling you everything you need to know?

But regardless MC is not from the so called "mom's" womb, players who like true incest will get mad about games being tagged incest like this.
This should be unsurprising.
But not merely for the reason you're proposing.

Properly cover the topic of Incest if you want.
Make easy modo Incest with generic family indistinguishable from random people after finally coming back home after 10 years or a coma if you want.
Make alien time warp alternative universe Picasso Incest if you want.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Are the mother and the dead sons daughter related? You said they live together. If so, how are they related? If not, what is the connection between them?
Its all explain in my 1st post.

Yes they are related but the mother's daughter from another world don't know the dead son's daughter.

1 world only has the living MC with no daughter and no sister with the parents dead.
1 world has the mother and the dead son sister.
1 world has the mother and the dead son's daughter.

Now every one is in the same place at this hotel.

To really understand whats going on you need to play the game/VN.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Yes they are related
You can stop it right here because that is the only relevant part... And why the game is tagged with incest.

Creating a clone of his mom, going back in time and banging her young, ressurecting her from the dead or bringing her from another dimension are all irrelevant to the equation.

If the character considers that person to be his "mom", and they fuck, then it is incest regardless. Simple as that.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
You can stop it right here because that is the only relevant part... And why the game is tagged with incest.

Creating a clone of his mom, going back in time and banging her young, ressurecting her from the dead or bringing her from another dimension are all irrelevant to the equation.

If the character considers that person to be his "mom", and they fuck, then it is incest regardless. Simple as that.
The so called mother of the dead son's daughter are the only real related to each other.

In the beginning of the game both MC and the dead son's mother know they are not related

MC only cave to the pressure to call her mom because the so called dead son's sister may go insane if he refuse being her brother.

1 MC.
2. Dead son's mother.
3. Dead son's sister that is not from 2.
4. Dead son's mother and dead son's daughter.

With what is above here is how it is.
1 did not come from 2.
3 did not come from 2.
4 the dead son's daughter did not come from 1.
3 did not know 4.

This is as simple as I can put it.
And we still don't know which world the grandmother comes from and could be from a different one than any of the above.

No where in the game says they have the same dna.
This is not real world but make believe.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
No where in the game says they have the same dna.
Doesn't matter if they have the same dna or not. And yes you can make it a lot simpler if you just remove all the noise and nonsense that is irrelevant to the question.

If the story is written in a way that makes them related then it is enough to call it incest. Scifi, Magic, Obliviousness, none of it matters.

The moment it is revealed that that those characters are family, it is incest.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
I never said anything about writing instruction manuals.

How about you go play the game then try to explain what the fuck is going on.
Dude. You don't even mention what game you're even talking about until now. :ROFLMAO: It all just came off as some batshit crazy, mad confusing rant, hence instruction manual comment. You gotta fill people in better on what you're talking about. Like use the game name in the original post. Or post in the thread of the actual game, y'know?
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May 3, 2018
  • [Sex act between family relatives, including those not related by blood.]
In short, yes, you don't need blood relations to tag something as incest.
I get the idea behind this, but I just vehemently disagree about blood relation not being necessary for it to be incest.

As someone who enjoys the Incest tag, I fucking hate it when devs use the "not related by blood" angle. Instant uninstall. It may be inappropriate, it may be weird, but it isn't incest to me unless the two characters share blood.

Also a little bit of a personal annoyance, I guess, because a girl and I tried dating when I was teenager, and the whole family went ape-shit about it being "incest" because she was my cousin - but only because she was my STEP-dad's niece, and we hadn't even met each other until we were 12. So, no blood, no growing up together, and everyone was yelling incest. :rolleyes:

I think no one is actually related, as in, no one is from the same universe, but they all share the same genepool, i.e. the "not mom" is an identical parallel universe copy of the MC's deceased mom and if you apply pure genetics, then yes, the MC's daughter is related to his "not mom", but technically speaking not really.
I don't know how anyone could look at a parallel universe copy of a family member and NOT consider having sex with them as being incest.

Even in the case of the daughter or sister, you can recognize your own genes in them. Anyone who has had kids, can tell you how easy it is to recognize yourself or one of your parents in their eyes and face for example. Or your sibling looking like your parents.

Dude. You don't even mention what game you're even talking about until now. :ROFLMAO: It all just came off as some batshit crazy, mad confusing rant, hence instruction manual comment. You gotta fill people in better on what you're talking about. Like use the game name in the original post. Or post in the thread of the actual game, y'know?
Agreed. I thought all this was hypothetical, because no game had been mentioned in the original post. Thought the OP was just going off on a confusing idea spiral to make the most complex incest scenario they could think of.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
As someone who enjoys the Incest tag, I fucking hate it when devs use the "not related by blood" angle. Instant uninstall.
I am curious about this perspective considering we are talking about games and no 3D model is actually related to eachother.

If being blood related is so important how do you compartmentalize different models claiming that they are blood related? Is text the only thing that matters?

What if the models looked very similar in features but the text said they are not blood related, would that also be instant uninstall?

What if you play the entire game believing that they are blood related, but at the very end it is revealed that they were not blood related?

This perspective is a bit weird to me because when I play an incest game I just assume that they are related regardless of what the text says, so I really don't mind all the step-cest,interdimensional-cest or similar. They are one and the same.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
1. I am curious about this perspective considering we are talking about games and no 3D model is actually related to each other.

2. If being blood related is so important how do you compartmentalize different models claiming that they are blood related? Is text the only thing that matters?

3. What if the models looked very similar in features but the text said they are not blood related, would that also be instant uninstall?

4. What if you play the entire game believing that they are blood related, but at the very end it is revealed that they were not blood related?

5. This perspective is a bit weird to me because when I play an incest game I just assume that they are related regardless of what the text says, so I really don't mind all the step-cest,interdimensional-cest or similar. They are one and the same.
1. That is right this is just about how the text is in the game only.

2. Like in 1 its how the text is done, for me its not about the looks but how the text is done and if they can be traced back to a single womb until they get past 2nd cousins or so.

3. Same as 2.

4. Then it is not incest, this is about the tags that get added to draw in players. If there not related in anyway then its not incest and can not be tagged as incest.

5. For me its the trace back to a single womb in the game.
The game in question is the problem with me and incest games.
MC is not from the women's womb that the dev is claiming as incest, his parents are dead.
Both the women and MC knows that they are not related and it says so in the game but MC gets talked into and choose to say they are to save another man's sister from going insane.

I just wish it would stat the facts on the OP when step-incest and interdimensional-cest is whats in the game so players who want true incest games to play can skip those.

This game sucked me in because of the tag "Incest" but I would never have tried it if it was stated what is actually in the game.
I kept on playing hoping that there would be actual incest and now I kinda like the story so will keep playing when updates comes out but it will be last on my list of games to play.


Game Developer
Mar 9, 2020
I guess I must be strange because to me, alternate dimension mom is still mom. If I were to go to an alternate dimension and saw my mom, I'd think "Holy shit! That's my mom!"

What I wouldn't think is "Well, she looks like my mom, and is the mother of this dimension's me, but I didn't grow in her specific womb so... I'm gonna fuck her. I mean, she's fair game, right? I'll just explain that I'm from another dimension and while I might look and act like her son, I'm not her actual son, so I'm sure she'll be down for some dick. Boy, alternate dimensions sure are neat!"

Banging your mom = incest. Tag checks out.
May 3, 2018
I am curious about this perspective considering we are talking about games and no 3D model is actually related to eachother.

If being blood related is so important how do you compartmentalize different models claiming that they are blood related? Is text the only thing that matters?
Yeah, the text is what is important.

The incest kink is about the TABOO, and the blood relation is what makes it taboo. It's about two characters doing something with each other sexually that society forbids, and is actually dangerous. Like, not only could the incestuous relationship destroy their family, but depending on the jurisdiction the story takes place in, may literally be a crime - even between two consenting adults. But all that (and the risk of a devastating pregnancy) is only if the two people are blood related.

If you bang your step-sister, the law doesn't give two-shits. If you bang your sister, you're going to jail. So legally, blood absolutely matters for incest to actually be incest.

What if the models looked very similar in features but the text said they are not blood related, would that also be instant uninstall?
I don't care if the models or character look similar or not. The incest kink isn't about similar looking people banging each other - it's about related people banging. As in real life, family members may or may not resemble each other closely. But, yeah, if I downloaded the game for incest and they just gave me two unrelated people, instant uninstall. Doesn't matter if they look like twins. (And I'm assuming such a game wouldn't have the incest tag anyway.)

What if you play the entire game believing that they are blood related, but at the very end it is revealed that they were not blood related?
Oh, I have before. And it's a good damn way to make sure I never touch anything by that dev team or developer ever again.

Japan is fucking terrible about doing this, so much so that if it is a Japanese "incest" game, I look up reviews or info to see if they pull that crap before I will even download the game.

Not to mention, it is also usually a sign of terrible writing, because it's usually delivered during the ending of the game with an exchange like - "I love you, brother! Let's get married!" "Well, sister, since we adopted you when you were a little girl (which we're just now mentioning) we CAN get married!" "Oh, that's right! I'd almost forgotten we weren't blood related!" :mad:

And I don't get why devs or story writers would do this. It's fucking stupid. Anyone that would only enjoy the story if the two characters are NOT related by blood won't get far enough to find out, and anyone who was so into your "incest" story they finished it will leave pissed off with a bad taste in their mouth.

This perspective is a bit weird to me because when I play an incest game I just assume that they are related regardless of what the text says, so I really don't mind all the step-cest,interdimensional-cest or similar. They are one and the same.
Step-cest to me, is NOT incest. Again, I'm probably prejudiced because of my family flipping out on me for dating a step-cousin. Step-cest has no consequences. No legal danger. No risk of a bad pregnancy. About the only thing that can happen is an uncomfortable conversation with your family members where you can tell them to fuck off with the "incest" label because no shared genetics or blood is involved.

Interdimensional-cest? Absolutely incest. If you can do a genetics test and the results come back as related, I don't care what dimension or reality the two people originally came from. They're related, and if they bang, it's incest.
I guess I must be strange because to me, alternate dimension mom is still mom. If I were to go to an alternate dimension and saw my mom, I'd think "Holy shit! That's my mom!"

What I wouldn't think is "Well, she looks like my mom, and is the mother of this dimension's me, but I didn't grow in her specific womb so... I'm gonna fuck her. I mean, she's fair game, right? I'll just explain that I'm from another dimension and while I might look and act like her son, I'm not her actual son, so I'm sure she'll be down for some dick. Boy, alternate dimensions sure are neat!"

Banging your mom = incest. Tag checks out.
Agree 100%.

Hell, if you're writing a sci-fi story set in the future, people may be grown in artificial wombs anyway, so your parents are the ones who contributed the genetic material.

The whole "specific womb" thing is weird and creepy. As you say, if it looks like your Mom, talks like your Mom, and the DNA test comes back AS your Mom . . . it IS your Mom, or at least your Mom's genetic twin, which would be like banging your blood aunt. So... totally incest.