Is this incest or not.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
And I don't get why devs or story writers would do this. It's fucking stupid. Anyone that would only enjoy the story if the two characters are NOT related by blood won't get far enough to find out, and anyone who was so into your "incest" story they finished it will leave pissed off with a bad taste in their mouth.
I understand your point but honestly that feels like a very specific pendatinc rule that if anything is only keeping you from enjoying several incest games.

The games that do that stuff, do it exactly so that they can continue the story or reach a happy ending, most people would be happy that they were able to fap for the entire game believing that the incest was real and on top of that got a happy ending where the mc can now have a family.

In my mind that is the ultimate incest fantasy.

By what you described you can go from fully enjoying a game to completely dropping it by just switching what you know about the game. So what if the opposite happens, and you play the entire game not knowing they are related but at the very end it is revealed that they were in fact related all along. If you knew about this story spoiler, would it enable you to enjoy the game entirely? And if so why not just always assume that is part of a hidden ending of every step-cest story?

I believe that most people that don't mind step-cest already think this way and are aware the the "step" is there exclusively for legal reasons or similar, which is why the tag itself does not require blood relation.
May 3, 2018
I understand your point but honestly that feels like a very specific pendatinc rule that if anything is only keeping you from enjoying several incest games.

The games that do that stuff, do it exactly so that they can continue the story or reach a happy ending, most people would be happy that they were able to fap for the entire game believing that the incest was real and on top of that got a happy ending where the mc can now have a family.

In my mind that is the ultimate incest fantasy.
I get it, but if it's fantasy, why not make it the ultimate fantasy?

Children of incest don't have to have any problems or issues. Depends on the genetics involved, but even though it doubles the risk of birth defects, that moves the actual numbers from 2% chance of birth defects to 4% chance of birth defects. One of my friends growing up was the result of incest (her grandparents on one side were brother and sister) and neither she, nor her father (their kid) had any issues. She was beautiful and smart.

The writer is in control. They can give blood related siblings or family members a happy ending with healthy kids.

It just seems like a cheat to me. You wouldn't expect someone playing a game with a "gay" tag to be happy if at the end of the game it was revealed that the lover was a woman cross-dressing as a man, even though the player believed the relationship was gay for the entire game, would you? Even though it allows a "happy" ending where they can have biological kids of their own now. No, any player playing the game for the "gay" tag would be rightfully pissed off at the deception.

Context is important. Incest isn't just the banging. It's everything around it. The build-up, the slow breaking down of barriers. The resistance, the self-torment, the agonizing over the feelings. The danger of the attraction. It's the whole package. And a cheap little "but it's not REAL incest" explanation at the end just pisses all over that.

By what you described you can go from fully enjoying a game to completely dropping it by just switching what you know about the game. So what if the opposite happens, and you play the entire game not knowing they are related but at the very end it is revealed that they were in fact related all along. If you knew about this story spoiler, would it enable you to enjoy the game entirely?
Probably not. Firstly, I don't think anyone wants to be surprised by kinks.

Second, it would be shitty writing if it was revealed at the very end. Like a dumb twist for no reason.

A good game would START with the characters not knowing they are related, have them get involved with each other, and then reveal the fact they are related as a strong Act 1 closer. The game would then be about them dealing with this revelation and struggling with their feelings.

Endings that re-contextualize the whole story are RARELY done well.

And if so why not just always assume that is part of a hidden ending of every step-cest story?
Because I want a good story that makes sense all the way through?

By your logic I could just assume any two characters in a porn game are actually long-lost siblings via sperm donation.

No, I want the CONTEXT. I want the drama and story AROUND the incest. That's what makes it hot.

I believe that most people that don't mind step-cest already think this way and are aware the the "step" is there exclusively for legal reasons or similar, which is why the tag itself does not require blood relation.
To each their own. It just makes it significantly less hot for me.

The "step" may be there for ass-covering purposes in a game, but to me it instantly removes any of the stakes in the "incest".

Again, I admit my own personal experiences may be affecting how I feel about step-cest.
I've had step-sisters, and even though we weren't attracted to each other, I have a hard time imagining we would have had any angst if we HAD hooked up. I wouldn't have had any troubled soul-searching over it. We would have been less "Oh, no! I slept with my brother/sister!" and more "Ha! We made our parents feel gross!" My step-sisters and I never viewed each other AS brother and sister, but more like roommates. (More accurately, we viewed each other as competition for time on the Nintendo and TV.:LOL:)

And the step-cousin I mentioned dating may as well have been a complete stranger for all our relation and interaction with each other before we hooked up.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
(More accurately, we viewed each other as competition for time on the Nintendo and TV.:LOL:)
To be fair that was the same relation I had even with my blood related siblings.

But I do see your point, I just find it curious and interesting as I was not aware that some people could from 0 to 100 for something so peculiar almost as if a blood test is more important than what anyone says.

If I had to guess, the perfect incest fantasy for you would start with family members taking dna test and showing they are all full blood related? :LOL: Then there would be absolutely no denying it.
May 3, 2018
But I do see your point, I just find it curious and interesting as I was not aware that some people could from 0 to 100 for something so peculiar almost as if a blood test is more important than what anyone says.

If I had to guess, the perfect incest fantasy for you would start with family members taking dna test and showing they are all full blood related? :LOL: Then there would be absolutely no denying it.

Doesn't require a DNA test, no.

And look, I'm not saying I don't find a good story with step-siblings hooking up hot. I'm just saying its much hotter if they are actual siblings.

And I'd appreciate it if the devs are honest about what I'm getting upfront. The games I'm talking about instant uninstalling are ones were I feel like there has been some deceit with the incest tag. And that may come down to the dev and I having different definitions of incest.

I guess I'm really doing the age-old forum tradition of complaining I want more specific tags - like "incest" for the real deal and "step-cest" for the other.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
And look, I'm not saying I don't find a good story with step-siblings hooking up hot. I'm just saying its much hotter if they are actual siblings.
Indeed, I just find it funny to imagine what would happen if you take this kink to the extreme.

I bet there is someone out there fapping directly to images of family trees whenever they see two branches crossing.
  • Haha
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