Don't take it personally, but should that not have been something to be done before releasing this version.
It is not that these are bugs that are hard to find, if you just make one testrun you would run into probably 90% of teh bugs mentioned here.
there is just one problem whit that, them being the "Developer", means they KNOW what to do, so it is easy to B-line the "content" in the intended way, making them blind fore De-tours that an player that like to explore might run into...
simply put Knowing what to do might make you Blind fore obvious bugs that can happen if done slightly out of Order/Different...
that's way bug reporting is important, and Beta Testers that don't necessarily know how to complete stuff are important fore Game Development in general.
also another point any playable build will generate faster bug report's and feedback then a single Pearson hunting fore them...
and remember the game is not finished, Bug's are unfortunaly a thing that is semi expected by things in development...
through i suspect some stuff got bugged when the Male and Female version got "Split", so it might be more buggy then nonmale...