I can't get past the overlapping use of "brown elven girlfriend" and the term "dark elf."
It is long established, and rather universal, that the term "dark elf" does NOT simply mean tanned/brown/melanin rich skin.
A "dark elf" is a drow, and they do not, and cannot, have brown skin.
Their skin is black--not "black person" black, but BLACK black, like vantablack, like "it absorbs all light entirely" black,
because they are made of shadow, and darkness, and evil.
Sometimes, some blue or purple shading is thrown in to hyperbolically represent how dark black they are. This comes from visual art (and especially comics) where blue/purple is used to clarify that something is uncommonly dark black (usually hair).
In modern times, the reason we persist with this tradition is to make it clear that "dark elves" are NOT just "elves with dark skin," because "dark elves" are traditionally evil, and suggesting that an elf with "human black" skin (i.e. brown) is inherently evil would be considered highly racist.
For the love of god I beg you, DO NOT conflate "brown elves" with "dark elves." The world does not need that shit right now.