Mod QSP Jack-o-nine-tails: the Moo Mod [Incorporated in the main game]


Oct 14, 2018
It should be in the next version of the 2.0, though, but I don't had much time for it recently^^'


Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
First of all, congratulations for releasing your mod! :cool:(y)

I'm trying to "pair review" it and I'd have some comments I'd advise to be taken into account before the release in the official version:
- Bug of a blank window when attempting "cow breeding" on the training menu: Annotation 2020-05-17 182712.png
- Only living room image, sometimes it's the slave full body showing. But no scene.
- In the "barn menu", the option "how does it work" should have a "?" at the end for grammatical reasons. But it's even better if it follows the formula of the spells; the explanation being in "Spell-book". "Farm brochure" could be funny and accurate; in the lore it would have been there given kindly by your real estate agent.
- There's too much space between "food." and "Any surplus": Annotation 2020-05-17 183405.png .
- When following on the explanation, even when navigating with the mouse and not the keyboard, there's an image attempting to load, giving a "blue ? square": Annotation 2020-05-17 183519.png .
- When clicking "fatten prisoner next" (which to me doesn't make sense btw), and then say no, there's a background bug: Annotation 2020-05-17 183745.png
- I believe "Do not" is imperative tense. I'd see "not make (not turn?) prisoners into pigs" instead: Annotation 2020-05-17 183949.png
- In the public farm, milk cooperative gives me that: Annotation 2020-05-17 184312.png

... I'm stopping there in case I installed your mod wrong and all image issues come from my side.
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Oct 14, 2018
I'm taking a quick look to all the bugs you are pointing with my version!
Are you trying the new version from the git ? I don't have the occasion to test it yet^^'

+ could you share your saved game? it will be easier for checking and correction !

(for pics bugs it's totally normal, but for the blank window it's absolutely not)
edit: about fatten pigs bug and typo it's not from my mod anyway ; and nice idea for the "how does it works", in fact I just followed the way explanations was given in barn, in previous versions)
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I'm taking a quick look to all the bugs you are pointing with my version!
Are you trying the new version from the git ? I don't have the occasion to test it yet^^'

+ could you share your saved game? it will be easier for checking and correction !

(for pics bugs it's totally normal, but for the blank window it's absolutely not)
I installed the last version, yes! I installed in order: "game-base-patch" then dropped the content of "media-base-master", then of "media-patch-master".

I started a new game to check your mod. Do you still want me to save and hand it over to you?


Oct 14, 2018
Okay^^ Nope, don't bother with it, I downloaded it, and I saw the bugs you are mentionning! And some others... Would be too good to be true that the implementation works perfectly from the start!

No one is fatal (for now), its mainly display things, but I will start working on them soon! and I will make a small list btw :)
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
1) I've noticed that your image "barn" in the interior are in .jpg. Maybe that's not the only one?

Last year, we took the decision to unify all images to .png for homogeneity's sake (and simplicity). It'd be good if your content was in the same extension :)

2) When I click the barn icon in the main menu, the slave isn't there. No matter what option I chose in the "barn menu mode".


Oct 14, 2018
Yeah, I was aware about the .png, I told to i107 that I will send him the pics in the correct format ;)
About the barn I notice it, this is my priority, I'm curious to see what is going wrong^^

edit: this one was easy, the pictures was called with a .gif or .jpg extension instead of .png
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Oct 14, 2018
Okay, everything is corrected, except for the pics not displaying during training, which is normal for now.
I can't reproduce the bug of the white page (your first pic). It's normal, though, that the slave full body appears when you reach a certain level in cow skill (you need some stuff to pursue the training) :)

I will send the corrections to i107760 soon!
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Oct 14, 2018
Here is a corrective, it would be nice if you could tell me if you still have this blank sheet Qwertyu12359. Normally you should only have the living room pic and nothing else :)
The corrected pics:

The new .qsp:

- a small adjustement is needed with prison, buttons are a bit too high
- hovering pop up are a bit wild and don't appears at a constant height
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Game Developer
Aug 1, 2017
I tested the updated version and it's a lot better in my experience :)

- Cow Breeding training at first shows the room picture and nothing else. After C- level, it shows the full body image of the slave and the room behind (even with the slaver at max stat).
- There's no space before "!" in English Annotation 2020-05-18 134744.png .
- No space before ":" either. Please do check for all occurrences because I've found it 5 or 6 times Annotation 2020-05-18 135039.png .
- There should be a "." after empty, like the message for when the cells are empty Annotation 2020-05-18 135625.png .
- Two ' in a row, several times Annotation 2020-05-18 134833.png .
- It'd really be an improvement if the slave was put a bit to the right, centered between the left options and the right icons Annotation 2020-05-18 140141.png .
- After taking the slave from the barn and putting her to the cells, there's that happening Annotation 2020-05-18 140217.png .
- About the blank message window, maybe it was a prompt: "your slave is a talented cow" or smth? That's why it's random and neither you or I could reproduce it.

Other than that, I must say I really like the interface and everything! Especially when clicking the white drop icon and it give a lactating status, it looks really well implemented!
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Oct 14, 2018
- Cow Breeding training at first shows the room picture and nothing else. After C- level, it shows the full body image of the slave and the room behind (even with the slaver at max stat).
So it works as intended :) The text at the bottom gives info about what is needed for further training

- No space before ":" either. Please do check for all occurrences because I've found it 5 or 6 times
Oh, yes, I had to correct this, will correct the punctuation issues! (the '' was necessary in older versions of the game, I forgot to remove them all)

- It'd really be an improvement if the slave was put a bit to the right, centered between the left options and the right icons
I'll check what I can do, I'm using a pre-made variable for this^^

- After taking the slave from the barn and putting her to the cells, there's that happening
Work as intended: the buttons was necessary to "manage" lactating slaves when in cells ; as I said I just have to lower a bit the buttons because of the new "cookies" option :)

- About the blank message window, maybe it was a prompt: "your slave is a talented cow" or smth? That's why it's random and neither you or I could reproduce it.
Oh yeah, I think it's relative to the affinity: so something is going wrong with it :unsure:

Other than that, I must say I really like the interface and everything! Especially when clicking the white drop icon and it give a lactating status, it looks really well implemented!
Thanks! And especially for these very complete feedbacks, they're more than welcome (y)
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Oct 14, 2018
So, here are some new corrections:
- a lot of punctuation corrections
- replaced all the "rehabilitation " of the original game by "rehabilitation" (without the extra space, was causing problems)
- corrected Traits list for cow and prisoner
- the text for cow affinity is come back (no more white sheet)
- corrected milk tips price
- lowered a bit the new icons in cells
- shifted the slave pic a bit more to the right in the barn

Here's the file, but i107 already integrated a part of these on git :)

I will further test it, but for now I think the bigger bugs are behind us (finger crossed^^')


Oct 14, 2018
Hmmm, yep, it's not working anymore... Here's a new one:
Btw remember pics are still missing until the 2.2 release :)