pub food rebalance - two choices on the menu at 3$ and two choices at 5$, with identical effect (options for "flavor" only), raising strength to C- or B+ respectively, at the same rate as home cooked meals
Yeah that's fair, I was wondering why anyone would eat F- canned food at home for 2$ if they can eat B+ Shawarma for the same price at the pub. Now at least there is a price difference, also 2$ for B+ was a bit easy, those new prices seem more realistic and balanced to me.
About the rate tho, does that mean that it's slower or quicker than before ?
And since we talk about food rebalance, what would you think about making the gentleman club's food offered for free to be A+ instead of S+ ? Here are some reasoning about it :
- S+ given for free negate the need to cook at home and therefore to pay for the ingredients every decade, why would I add that cost to my bill if I can have guarented top tier meals for free at the club ?
- Also since there is no more A+ meals at the pub, players who only eat outside would jump from B+ strength to S+, making it A+ at the club would give them a progression from B+ to A+ and incentivise them to eat at home with a good cook to obtain the S+ meals.
- They may be gentlemans but the club is situated in the Bull quarter, requirements to enter are A+ and it's a free meal, it would be fitting for it to be A+ imo, it's still high quality instead of some serious gourmet shit.
Just a proposition, it's just that in my last run I was eating daily at the club for free and was wondering "well why would I bother with all the cooking at home system and cost if I can eat S+ meals here for free ?"
include all ingredients in overnight storage cleanup (excess over 10 of each item will be discarded, least expensive first, when there is less than 5 storage capacity remaining)
When you say discarded you mean deleted or sold ?
If I had an egglayer in my current run I would just test it without asking but I wonder if this can cause a problem with farm production.
Let's say I have an almost full storage for some reason, my egglayer produce 180 eggs a decade and I butcher pigs on the side during that decade, would there be a risk for eggs or meat to be deleted because of the lack of storage instead of being sold ?
reduce guild reputation if the contract deadline is missed, scaling with current guild reputation (higher expectations)
Fair, when I decided to sell my guild contract to Bullhorn instead of completing it normaly I was wondering what would be the consequences of such move beside the time penalty and the impossibility to take another contract until completion. A reputation loss seem fitting if you take 150 days to give back a D+ slave.