
Conversation Conqueror
Jul 25, 2017
I was preparing screenshots to make an in length review of this overrated piece of trash that disrespects player's time and choices with not one, but two content toggles at the start of the game that stop absolutely jack all in terms of forced unsavory content and fetishes

Forced prostitutes that can't shut up about their sex exploits and MC wondering how many dicks they sucked
Forced scene where friend masturbates for the plot,
Forces scene where his sister lusts after the friend masturbating,
Forced scenes with prostitutes sucking disgusting mafia ogre,
Forced scene where the MC wears women underwear and finds it hot
Scene where you have an 'option' to invite a loser to watch you fuck a bar slut, yet no matter what you pick it ends in MC saying they should involve the loser in the future anyway.
The fact that it seems to be some review brigading going on, because I am sorry but no real person says a cast that is 90% town bicycles gives 5 stars and says the women are perfect for a harem, no matter what translator they use, the women are diametrically opposed to being what a harem player is looking for.

Well, scratch all that none of that matters, because I got to the Christmas flashback, because yes after 3 years the game not only grows sideways with constant reworks, unnecessarily stupid rendering/animating of 6 different pubic hair in the same scenes for multiple characters, one of them not only has the pubic hair options, but also trans/female to make even more variations of the same shit, but also backwards with flashback prologues, the game now features scenes with the sister falling on CHILD MC face and him seeing her pubic hair.

Get this pedo trash out of this site!
Honestly I just played and liked this game for Lexie and the co-worker that can be trans or female depending on the player choice. everything else is irrelevant to me and doesnt feel like that big deal. But I know not many people just play a game for 1 or 2 characters but the overall package.


Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
Out of everyone you complained about, this is the only thing that also bothered me:

Everything else I was fine with. Also at least one of those prostitutes I'm 100% sure is avoidable, the other I'm pretty sure you can avoid sexual stuff with, but not story stuff.

As far as the Christmas stuff goes, didn't play it and don't plan to either, I only care about the main story stuff.

You do sound like a bit goofy complaining this hard though I won't lie, you could have just reviewed, ignored thread, and moved on. I guess because it has the harem tag is why you care so much, it's not like you're forced to date prostitutes though.
Not only does it have romance and harem tags that come with certain expectations, but it has content toggle questions at the start of the fucking game that actually do not do their job. It just give players the expectation that they have any control over the content they see, but nothing changes, not the scenes, not MC/LI dialogue/monologue, nothing, kinks are forced on the player regardless of what you pick. Yet you have bots/discord friends with AI generated reviews showering it in 5 stars and barely anyone mentioning the stink.

You know what is goofy, you not ignoring my post if you are going to be a clown that completely glosses over the rule 7 stuff in my post. So, spare me the advice on what I should have done.
What I notice is that you hate this game but you've explored it thoroughly! Congratulations.
Yes, because unlike the drooling morons that go 'I like pubic hair, 5 stars' , 'it doesn't feature my kink, 1 star' completely ignoring the rest I like to give games a fair shot. That was until the pedo bait shit you have in your flashback.
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Lexie lecoeur

Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 18, 2021
Not only does it have romance and harem tags that come with certain expectations, but it has content toggle questions at the start of the fucking game that actually do not do their job. It just give players the expectation that they have any control over the content they see, but nothing changes, not the scenes, not MC/LI dialogue/monologue, nothing, kinks are forced on the player regardless of what you pick. Yet you have bots/discord friends with AI generated reviews showering it in 5 stars and barely anyone mentioning the stink.

You know what is goofy, you not ignoring my post if you are going to be a clown that completely glosses over the rule 7 stuff in my post. So, spare me the advice on what I should have done.

Yes, because unlike the drooling morons that go 'I like pubic hair, 5 stars' , 'it doesn't feature my kink, 1 star' completely ignoring the rest I like to give games a fair shot. That was until the pedo bait shit you have in your flashback.
Come on, move along, you've said enough nonsense in this thread! And seriously, if you want my advice, don't play the next update, you might lose the few points of sanity you have left!
Communication closed !


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
You know what is goofy, you not ignoring my post if you are going to be a clown that completely glosses over the rule 7 stuff in my post. So, spare me the advice on what I should have done.
I'm not a fucking moderator, nor am I the morals or feelings police. If you feel like there's a rule being broken, just report it? I literally said I didn't play the Christmas shit, why would I care to chime in on something I didn't play and don't care about.

Not only does it have romance and harem tags that come with certain expectations
Also, says who? You? The game follows the harem tags' definition, and also romance is pretty subjective, I've seen many different types of opinions on what constitutes romance. Just because it doesn't fit the boring stereotypical harem architype, in which nearly every game following that architype is usually just the same tropes and reused storylines over and over again, doesn't mean it doesn't fit under harem. Devs don't have to pander to harem-purists' taste.
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Dec 1, 2018
angry ranting
I also like harem games and this game meets my expectations just fine. If yours differ, that's a you problem, but don't assume to talk for the masses here. Not that I'd do, there simply are different people with different tastes and that's how it's supposed to be.

As for rule 7, I don't think it applies here. There's no sexual interaction. Whatever depraved stuff may supposedly be happening there, it's all in your dirty mind. So repent and pray the rosary 50 times, or whatever.
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