Ahchi what's new in the v26 update?
"Jen's Dilemma (Chapter) 2-ver 1" start with the MC having been kicked out of the house,
There are now two that MUST targets that must be met each week,
Target a, Jen/Rel (mrel) must be 50 points or more. (Easily met, should not cause any problems).
Target b, Pay Jen $300 Each week (Sunday 16:00- Living Rm/Hall)
NOTE; the event where you pay Jenny is Bugged! You can only make the first payment!
Where you try to pay the second time it will skip to the "Living Rm 17:00 scene"
It will not take $300 from me and did not "End Game"
There are a number of bugs and a few missing events in ver-1 which should be fixed in ver-2,
[If so then (For the Gameplay) a "fresh start" with ver-2 might be in order]
You will need to "Plan" your moves in Chapter 2 and NOT rush in,
as it is possible to soft-lock at lease one side event, (make a save each day it really helps)