i remember that the first one has an unavoidable rape scene. is this one have one too?
I haven't gotten very far yet, but so far it's a lot less dark than the previous game.
The oni girl is a ninja pretending to be a slave, and is willing to prostitute for the sake of the mission but doesn't want to; you have the choice to either send her to get information via sex or to simply pay gold for it if that would make you feel bad.
The blonde is an incognito noblewoman, who's entering the arena because she wants to fight rather than because she's been sold, and her first sex scene is when she jumps the protagonist of her own accord because she's just too horny.
I can't say there won't be unavoidable nastiness later in the story, and I'm pretty sure losing a fight always leads to rape, but it's not like the previous game where the heroine loses her virginity to a bandit gang-rape while you can't do anything.
An important question is if this is the same protagonist from the first game or not. Because we still haven't finished his story line while the other two girls got a decent closing in their routes.
Seems to be completely disconnected. The arena itself is the same, and you hear a few references to the previous heroine when people are discussing backstory, but all three of the characters under your control are new and they don't seem to have any direct connections to earlier characters.