Interesting thing about that, or more like curious is that this jutsu is well thought out, the characters behave normally when they are not with you, they don't remained sealed which avoids suspicion, Anko saw you and Tenten, so as TI expert she put 2 and 2 together and concluded that there was something wrong, the idea of having a person sealed constantly sounds a loot like Root to me, and I see it raising a lot of bells, It will be useful for forcing a character to do something that they don't to do w/o complaints or dirty looks, like we have the choice to do now.
As to change their control level, if that is what you mean, could you please explain, why would you want to do that? I'm honestly curious as to where you're going with this idea since it will involve and extra investement on time and resources,

unless you want those same scenes that you got before but with the Shippuden arc design.