So is there sex in this now? I remember looking through and hearing there was no sexual content.
Technically, the game has had 3 sex scenes from first update(give or take), it's just they aren't in the main download, you have to get that "LEWDS patch" which is just the missing images. Judging from what I saw when I got what's currently in the op there are two more from the last time I checked; they look much better, out of the first 3, 2 of them (evelyn & neon) only had 2 images, with the last one(ruby) having 3 images. Both ruby & neon's scenes show them having sex, but don't have any actual nudity. The 2 new ones (Bella & Winter) are much longer(23 & 22 images respectively with bella's being fully nude and winter's only showing her butt and your dick as far as exposed parts.
The real problem (at least when I played it) was that all of those scenes were at the end of the girls route. This thing is structured more like a traditional jpvn where you spend 30hrs wooing the girl and are rewarded with a single sex scene. I'm being hyperbolic, but I did play for a couple hours (a not small part of that time skipping) before I realized something was up.