Sorry to disappoint you, but no, there isn't a way to autotranslate those dialogues in the same way as unity does.
If you want to give the translation a try, get JPEX's FFdec, notepad++, find the actionscripts with the japanese dialogue from each and all the game files (look and touch lines are all in the main swf), copy paste those to their own tab in the notepad++ and start going through those dialogues line by line.
When you're done, copy paste the entire code back to the timeline you took it from and save twice, first from the bottom middle and then from the top left.
Bottom middle saves the code edit, and top left saves the progress into the file.
If you want to give your hand at the lewds in the sub folder.
First you need to open each sub folder swfs, and do the same as above, find the dialogues, paste those to their own tabs at notepad++, and use replace in all open documents function, then just copy paste actionscripts back into their respective file, one by one.
Dialogue type per dialogue row in the actionscript timeline; Story, Rape, Lewd, Dark, Love.
And as reminder, if you don't see a certain dialogue pop up in the game at all, its not necessary to translate it, its either leftover code from the other JSK games (He uses same code and often forgets bits of dialogue here and there that's not part of the current game in anyway.), or just filler for some unknown reason.