HTML - Just One More Chance [v0.53] [Lotrum]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    i'll keep this simple. Out of the hundreds of p. games this is easily on top 5 of the ones i have played. why ? bc is unique, fun to play and entertainment. This game will get you hooked up until you finish its current content, truly one of a kind.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Rince&Repeat RPG sandbox
    So, the main mechanism here is about various stats that you can raise through training. One effect is to make you more attractive to girls (each from different stats), and so unlock actions you can do with them. Another effect is to unlock full scenes (sex experience). And you get also more action points.
    The second mechanism is that you start over the game with better stats, which let you go further and acquire buffs. The achievement system act as a guide of what you can do, and a reward to increase stats.

    A college settings where you will start as a fat loser to end up as the alpha male. The first run is interesting and hook you up on the next run to unlock more things. There are a few ideas, but there are not so much various paths possible. Another run consist of making the same things first, and then catch more girls. The writing is not bad, but it's not incredible.

    Real porn images and videos. And the selection is good, and coherent (same actress for each character). Also, the author edited the videos to cut some faces (sometimes a scene with another actress). It's not HD.

    No music, and sound from the video clips. Nothing special.

    Overall impression:
    I'm used to have poor html games. This one was different. Of course, you have to raise stats (grind), but you kinda have to plan a strategy, and you quickly end up with results. It doesn't feel like a fake difficulty.
    Yet, while the first two runs have a progress and challenges, you may have so high stats on the third that you can do most of the scenes.
    So, 4 stars, because it's surprisingly good for an html game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not usually a fan of grinding in games, but this game successfully manages to tell a story and the level of repetition is believable - in fact later on it evolves toward a porn fantasy where every woman is ready to drop her knickers on the first date. You've just had the early inconclusive 'getting to know you' dates on previous runs.

    I would love to see this game continue to expand for as long as the developer can find matching porn content and write entertaining storylines.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game in this type of genre as the grind makes sense this time. While the game loops over over again as its design, so it is also possible to check other choices and their outcomes.

    Another huge plus is it is not based on overused porn stars such as Elsa Jean, Riley Reid, Mia Malkova etc in school setting. It is quite an achivement as I have seen them more than my friends imaginary ones and not.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's like a lite-rogue with no gameplay - you repeat the same story every playthrough, but gain experience and stats that unlock content and/or make progress easier.

    The concept is good, but it can get boring real quick, as unlocking new scenes may require you to grind the same ones over and over, to the point where what started as a hot scene ends up turning into a nuisance that you wish you could skip.

    The grind itself isn't bad, as this is one of the few games where it makes sense. But the lack of variety while grinding is the main downside.

    Rogue-lites work because you're having fun on every playthrough. Without a fun mechanic, the grind on this game turns tedious.

    The writing doesn't help either: the entire game made me feel like I was just unlocking things due to having the right numbers, and not because of any meaningful choice or development.

    The scenes are enjoyable (until they aren't after watching the same one 20 times), although most consist of only a few short clips. The models remain consistent throughout the scenes.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Quality updates, and a fun ingame system. Characters connect well. Not the same old people just like every other game. One of the better simulators I've played in a while. Definitely worth the try. :)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best HTML/Real Porn games I've ever played.

    I've always been a fan of time looping games where your character gets numerically stronger every round, like the idle/incremental game "Groundhog Life". This game is like that game, but it's not idle, and you're looking at pornography. What's not to love!

    There's a lot of QoL improvements that could be added, but what's there now is a great, complete-feeling game. The dev says it's their first game but I didn't encounter any bugs and it feels very coherent and good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good job man really nice game . I would play earlier if not for the cover photo i dont know if they are the same girls in game but in game girls are better , its a bit hard to fap to grindy games i love the magic of seeing a scene first time and i love the focus on a 1 girl its hard to get the girl you wanted without grinding it streches out the game i coulda use cheats i guess but achivement system was really good and brain tickling i guess it keeps you playing and feel rewarded i enjoyed a lot regardless thx for good real porn game im glad it has milfs its the reason i played , i dont know how bad i typed but i hope it is understandble
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely my favourite concept for a game! The time loop justifies the grind, which is actually well paced.

    Basically you live in a 14 days simulation with the objective of seduce and fuck all the girls there. You have stats checks during dialogues that bring variety and a sense of progression (and justify the grind), especially in the "sexual control" and "sexual experience" stats.
    The only thing I wish for is some more variety during the grind. I'll gladly grind with the same girl if I could have some different scenes for the same skill check!
    Can't wait for future updates!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite concept for a game, loopers give replayability while making the gameplay and the porn actually go hand in hand. It feels like most games the grind and the fun part of the game are separate but I really like it here. Girls responding to different traits of your character is also quite interesting.

    I'd like runs with more variability, the game becomes uninteresting when you max out everything, if you had to make more meaningful tradeoffs in your route for the purpose of exploring I think the game would have even more replay value. Different starts/endings like in Incubus City could be interesting too.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly really good and a bit addicting my only issue is that thanks to time some of the porn scenes are straight up missing on the online verison can't speak for download one. Another thing of note is more of a tip focus on one stat every go around not multiple since they do reset at times. also all the girls are hot
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I would give this a 3.5 if I could, but it's closer to a 4 than a 3.

    The premise and mechanics of the game are great, but the grind is a bit too great. The first 2 or 3 playthroughs are nice, you try the first time, figure it out the second time, and "play" the third time, and then it gets tedious.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this kind of game, where you get to explore the world and continuously progress and have a roguelite experience. The game is quite fun, im not sure tho if i will go through all the options each update xD
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I for one love this game. I dont mind the grind, it can be fun to try and build things up. The game is built very well. People complain about cheats being behind a patreon paywall and things being locked away by cheats but they dont stop and think that the developer does all this in their spare time for nothing and you still get a lot of free content so asking for a little money for some content hurts no one and only helps them to be able to develop more. If I were able to afford it i would be happy to support many developers with their games. So very well done on this one!
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Sudhs Addicted

    If you love to grind in a game to improve and build stats to get ahead with (multiple) girls in the game then this is a really good game. I started it with a very negative outlook based on its premise and how slow the first iteration felt. But after 2 or 3 iterations it began to get very exciting and I couldn't stop playing! Looking forward to more updates on this!
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    If selling cheats wasn't enough of a red flag for you, here's what you can expect from this game:

    Your standard stat grinding experience. Which yes, of course, is the easiest gameplay loop you can create, and is used in countless porn games, but does not excuse it as anything but that - grinding for the sake of grinding.
    And even though the idea of your stats preserving over numerous replays itself seems nice, in the end, it's just good old grinding, which is worsened by the second complaint I have...

    Very few models (whose names, mind you, are also locked behind that sold cheat mode, very nice, just abuse them and not even mention them). And by the nature of this game being a loop, you'll be seeing the same scenes over and over and over again. Even if the grinding itself was less of a hassle, there is just not enough reward for putting up with it.

    Frankly, this is just showing what the eroge development has devolved to in the recent years. Have I seen worse games? Without a doubt. Much, MUCH worse. But it still doesn't make this one a worthy experience.

    Although props where its due, at the very least this game warns you beforehand about videos having sound and provides an option to turn it off. This is definitely something others neglect and is definitely worth mentioning.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly fun game. MC becomes test subject to experimental weight loss program using AI and virtual reality where he keeps reliving 2 weeks (as game progressess legth can/will increase) of his first year in college. As you progress you unlock bonuses that make new runs easier/faster so game feels rewarding. It kinda reminds me of Time Loop Hunter, another great game with similiar loop gameplay.

    I only wish there would be more choices and different ways to approach every girl.(kind alike Melanie with blackmailing her or not)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. One of the best mechanically - enough stats to keep it interesting, but not so many to make it overwhelming.
    It really does have the best sort of grind - you're not mindlessly doing the same task, but getting a little more creative. (exception - grinding the last few sexual control points is a chore).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I guess the first thing to get out of the way is that it's a game premised on incremental progress. There's a snowballing effect that each run becomes clearly easier than the previous. It creates the feeling of progress.

    The game is based on a repeating period of time. Wake up on your first day of college, get a number of days, then it ends and you go back to the beginning. Each time you face it the player has a little more awareness as well as being able to retain more and more of your stats.

    First run was me trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing and failing miserably. Second run had me hook up with a girl. A few later and I'd done everything the game had to offer.

    The game will presumably get balanced over time as more content gets added, but I'd put a mild warning that some players will inevitably call it grindy. Which it kind of is. But it's all with a purpose, and most of what isn't character interaction is kept down to a button click or two.

    The game also makes a point of using lesser-known girls, which is always a positive to me. Only half a dozen girls with sex scenes for now, but a couple of candidates are in the game and, again, I presume this will be developed further. Something that gives me confidence in projects is when from the start you can see all the core concepts and mechanics are there. The stats make sense and are easy to follow. Improving them is simple enough. Progress with girls is typically easy to find (the only one I got confused by is mentioned in the game's hints with the prompt to start her off). Basically, the dev only needs to flesh out the world from here and, aside from a lack of an ending, it already feels mostly "complete". It'd definitely be short as a finished article, but it could pass for one. Even then there's hours of content if you're a completionist.

    I found one small bug (an interaction led to a dead end if you failed a check, but nothing a couple of click of the back button and then waiting a little longer couldn't fix), and there's one achievement that I think is missable (may be intended, doesn't really affect gameplay). Otherwise pretty much flawless in my view. I'm sure there are some but I'm not sure I even noticed any spelling errors, which is rare indeed for a pedant like me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent sandbox game with a smart rating system, nice visuals and gradual progress (but not too grindy). The simulation thing is also clever. A fine balance between game struggle and game reward. More complexity can attract the players who are easily bored of predictable sandbox games and more choices and goals to achieve will be even better. For now I find this game an excellent example of it's genre.