HTML - Just One More Chance [v0.53] [Lotrum]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, interesting concept with some hot scenarios. The grind to chase stats/upgrades/scenes is great. Slight learning curve at the beginning but once you understand the game it's cool and has a lot of (literal) replayability. Chasing achievements is fun too.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This one really surprised me, which is why its only the 2nd time i review something on this site after like 6 years or more using it.

    Really like the rate of progression this game has and how each scene has multiple checks that can end up in some cool differences

    The concept of having limited days and being able to get further on the next run is also pretty cool IMO. I understand some people that dont like it cause u have to redo a lot of stuff, but you can always just use some cheats to circumvent that

    Props to the dev if this is one of his first games, really cool work, keep it up
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The stat system is pretty well done, although there's a bit too much grind (or too little content, especially at earlier stages). This has the basics of a pretty solid HTML game, the developer obviously knows what he's doing.

    My main problem with the game why it doesn't get 5 stars that the content is a bit uninteresting for me, it's a too generic and/or vanilla for my tastes. But for less experienced pr0n gaem enjoyers i'd recommend it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    In a space that almost all the games fit into a predetermined mold, this is different. The repitition actually works sense there is a REAL sense of progression. The model are solid, the story is solid, it is a great start.

    Now... I would not want to start everything again, but this makes sense!!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good start. The story is simple but hot.

    The gameplay has an interesting wrinkle of multiple playthroughs.

    It is a touch grindy. A lot would be alleviated with interface improvements - common actions could be hotlinked to a side bar or something (going to sleep for example).
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great premise. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. I like the replay value you've added. So far the video clips are consistent for the character so hopefully you can keep it that way. Also the dialogue options are a nice touch. Gives you some variety when you see them.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    ben akeba

    i was waitiing for an incremental porn game to be actualy worth the time playing it without the it being more confusing and uselessly grindy, currently the game does not have much content, but the game is well made, no action being buggy, no missing video or picture and the current content isn't randomly thrown stock gif and picture, aslo the "prestige" feature is clear and the stat grinding isn't too harsh it make the rest of the content secondary (curent content can have maxed out stats and relation leaving the world a free roam in less than 4h of play time)
    i'm not giving five stars because i don't see a reason to grade potential and the curent quantity of content is a bit lacking and i'm not too fond of the basic setting being virtual reality testing :X
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game feels solid enough. The core gameplay loop primarily consists of grinding out stats to get sexual encounters to get exp to make grinding easier (by carrying over more of your previous run's stats, increasing starting physical stats, or buying more time for your next runs).

    However, there are a few mechanical issues that I can see in this early release that prevents it from earning 5 stars. For one, the loop scales too quickly, losing your virginity in a run right now guarantees two extra days on your next one. As more content is added, that minimizes the difficulty for future runs (as you can effectively always scale to as much time as you'd ever need). A scaling cost system would address some of this by effectively slowing the player's progression as they get further in (which places more emphasis on time management).

    InstaTok also currently feels like a shallow mechanic. It unlocks pretty quickly, but the information it grants (with one story-related exception) really only needs to be retrieved once since it is static. I wish it granted something mechanical when using the stalking feature besides a static stat breakdown.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I personally think this is a great start to a real-porn, HTML game, and I'm excited to see what comes in future builds.

    • "Rogue-lite" gameplay loop is fun and rewards exploring different paths
    • Ability to preserve stats from previous runs reduces the dreaded grind
    • Great models, none of which I recognize from other games in the genre
    • Scenes are well-written and videos are consistent with the text which helps with *ahem* immersion
    • File size is remarkably small for a game with this much content, which also helps the online version load quickly
    • Developer is engaged and responsive to feedback (I know we're not supposed to talk about it in these reviews, but it genuinely correlates to a better game experience, IMO)
    • Looping gameplay can lose some of the novelty from otherwise hot scenes
    • There is still some grinding :(
    5/5, would recommend!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice concept. Well paced progression, except one. As the game progresses, grind goes down . Need to improve hint system though. Can't wait to see more girls and storylines added. Existing storylines also need a bit more detailing IMO.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this is a genuine Diamond in the rough.

    The game is fun and I like the idea of redoing runs to try and get more out of your experience but the values definitely need to be tweaked.

    My main complaint is the UI is not great and with it navigation can be a little rough at times. Also As of now there seems to be a clear set path to how you can minmax as fast as possible. I'm sure these will be adressed in future patches but regardless I like whats been made so far
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It may be a bit grindy at the moment for some but I think this game has great potential. Basics are there and solid. Encountered no bugs. Should be a solid html game with a bit more content to round it out. Looking forward to more.