Thanks everyone for all those bugs found and advices to make it better. I will keep them and try to improve that

I'm also writing a 100% walkthrough to help players to progress in the game.
Couple issues I've noticed so far.
- Sometimes you can do two World Tournament quizzes but it counts against the next day.
- Chi-Chi and Willie have become invisible. All I see are the indicators above where they are supposed to be in the garden but I can't do anything about it. This happened after the first time I went to Grandpa Gohan's old house.
- Grandpa Gohan quest indicator says I need to give him the pass when I've already done it.
- The info on the right-panel in the item shop overlaps itself.
- Game crashes when I try to sell cards, see error below.
View attachment 707529
Couple QoL Improvements I think would help a lot.
- We rely too much on the ship. We should be able to click a button to change characters (where appropriate) instead of having to go to the ship each time.
- When transformed, clicking shift again should cancel the transformation.
- It seems you can only keep two transformations? Maybe make it so we can "upgrade" Oolong so he can keep more?
- Make the watch a click instead of a hold to activate.
- Allow us to either buy an item or the option to switch from day/night wherever we are. If that is too much than at least in the ship.
- Let us buy some sneakers or something to move faster, I end up holding shift down the entire time so I can zip around.
- Clean up the card rules a bit as they can be hard to read at first. If you post them here I can take a stab.
- Have the card rules person explain the game type so we don't have to go back to the ship if we forget.
- For quests that can not be completed yet, please indicate somewhere in the quest.
- I'm still not sure what MP does.
- Some kind of visual indicator for Libido? Unless its MP and I'm just dumb but I hate having to rest because I can't telekinesis one of the girls because I'm low.
- Speaking of Libido, we can get an item to decrease it, what is the use for it?
- Maybe we can buy some kind of player's handbook that tells us who has Rare and better cards?
I'm really liking what I've played so far and look forward to future updates! I look forward to seeing how Strip Poker evolves as I can't imagine it ends with the girls just getting naked.
Indeed i forgot to explain the libido system.
Libido is you excitement level and is represented by the 3 carrots near the radar (HUD).
Level 1 : blue carrot
Level 2 : orange
Level 3 : red (gives blue balls status that can make you die)
About rare cards, only important NPc's from DBZ got them.
MP is the magic used for telepathy
Uncompleted quests are already visible in Quest journal. It's written "undone"