
Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
You started this and now, it's all about me being aggressive? I don't have anything against anyone playing this game except people who can't stop fucking with any passerby commenting on this game.

You grow up and search the difference between canon and non canon, it's never possible for any creator to say, there are more than 1 outcomes to their single story in the same timeline without creating controversy among their fans, especially when their is a sequel planned from the same story/universe. Even if Dev hides some details while showing others like jacoyboy said here:

It wouldn't be possible in a clean way, I bet it'll turn messy.

Can you give any examples where writters did this without controversy like in any any other AVN or movie industry?

Btw thanks for being civil and not giving any irrelevant comments like some people do here.
First quote is sarcasm, calm down Hahaha and you can spout whatever you want, ur talking about hypotheticals that haven’t even happened yet, I’m speaking facts and Miss Tess has said so multiple time of what I’m saying, so we can keeping going on about this but it’s not gonna lead anywhere constructive… so have fun playing your “canon” Kane ;)


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Fellow Doms, remember how much we discussed this possibility, many didn't believe in it, but it looks like Tess heard us after all! :love::love::love: I'm still in the process of reading WT, but so far this is the hottest revelation possible.
View attachment 3435544
Dark Quean Olivia, sorry girl, nothing personal, but obedient girls need to know their place. :sneaky:
Heheh, not had a chance to look at it yet, I have been waiting as only taken 3 of my saves through the update yet as wanted to read it first really. Very pleased with this confirmation though (and which idiots thought Olivia would ever be demoted..smh, some people).
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Mar 7, 2024
Well well well, haven't we all been little busy worker bees overnight and this morning!

*sits down on her throne with a glass of the blood of her subordinates* Soooo, let's see:

Speaking of Kitty, how dare she kill one of 16 (14, because Kwame and me are not loosers) participants off screen? Who does she think she is? Those slaves were company property, intended for use in the Show, and that bitch just snuffed one because she felt like it! Dark Quean Olivia, it would seem Kitty needs a much harsher lesson in obedience than what she got in ep.8, would you be so 'kind' to do this for us? :devilish:
Oh trust me sweety, as soon as I'm able I shall be showing little Miss Kuromiya exactly where her place is in 'my' organisation, and it will be firmly under my heel, on the floor, in the dirt, where she belongs!

Oh, I didn't mean she should be killed, just a good old fashioned Kitty pain level 7 so that she knows her place.

Speaking of words triggering commands (pain/kill/pleasure/etc) - that seems a bit less effective than a remote. Take the SubKane/EvilOlivia scene of ep.8 - the dude had a perfect opportunity to kill the bitch (Dark Quean Olivia, I'm so sorry for saying this, it only applies to SubRoute) who tortured him and Seth when they were alone in the swimming pool. Just go underwater with her and stay there till she's dead, the guards won't be there fast enough and voice commands don't work either. So she's done. But with a remote a guard could trigger the punishment instantly and save her life.
Really? Please, do tell us more.
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In fact, Erica dear, do you have a moment? Yes, it seems there is some revolt within the ranks, could you deal with it please, I'm about to have my nails done in a moment. Thank you so much!

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Oh, and since we're on topic of ep.8 potential opportunities, I wish DomKane would volunteer to go to the gym instead of being told to (again, gives him much needed agency). He could win some allies there like Erica, Sonya or Kiyomi, as well as get in better shape and have some sex scenes. Hopefully he still can use the gym opportunity to his advantage in the future.
On this I agree Mr. Quick-shooter (you really should perhaps go and see Eloise over that issue dear). Kane is starting to look a little podgy and he definitely needs more definition in his chest area if he hopes to fit into my new world order. Quite frankly, dad-bod Kane (or anyone else for that matter) is just not going to cut it with me!

Mega wt for people asking back to enjoying my day of from work
Thank you Mr. Dover! I'll put you on my good list ;)

Oh you're so gonna be in for it when she reads that :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
So when is Sharpshooter890's funeral lol although there might not be much left when our dark Queen is finished with him
Sees Sharpshooter's quote yep im just gonna go over here
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Fellow Doms, remember how much we discussed this possibility, many didn't believe in it, but it looks like Tess heard us after all! :love::love::love: I'm still in the process of reading WT, but so far this is the hottest revelation possible.

Dark Quean Olivia, sorry girl, nothing personal, but obedient girls need to know their place. :sneaky:
Pfffffffffshhh, in your dreams, not on my watch! That alter-ego of mine is just a shadow of my true dark, evil Goddess self!

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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Well well well, haven't we all been little busy worker bees overnight and this morning!

*sits down on her throne with a glass of the blood of her subordinates* Soooo, let's see:

Oh trust me sweety, as soon as I'm able I shall be showing little Miss Kuromiya exactly where her place is in 'my' organisation, and it will be firmly under my heel, on the floor, in the dirt, where she belongs!

Really? Please, do tell us more.
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In fact, Erica dear, do you have a moment? Yes, it seems there is some revolt within the ranks, could you deal with it please, I'm about to have my nails done in a moment. Thank you so much!

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On this I agree Mr. Quick-shooter (you really should perhaps go and see Eloise over that issue dear). Kane is starting to look a little podgy and he definitely needs more definition in his chest area if he hopes to fit into my new world order. Quite frankly, dad-bod Kane (or anyone else for that matter) is just not going to cut it with me!

Thank you Mr. Dover! I'll put you on my good list ;)

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Pfffffffffshhh, in your dreams, not on my watch! That alter-ego of mine is just a shadow of my true dark, evil Goddess self!

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Damn gir...umm..Miss...Goddesses? *shrugs*...

Can I just take this moment to point out the fact I've never said a bad thing about was all those guys ------------------->

*runs away*
Mar 11, 2023
On this I agree Mr. Quick-shooter (you really should perhaps go and see Eloise over that issue dear).
Ouch, that's below the belt. Literally. Alright, let's play!
Pfffffffffshhh, in your dreams, not on my watch! That alter-ego of mine is just a shadow of my true dark, evil Goddess self!
I wouldn't be so sure about that. All the other Karlsson girls are quite happy to service Kane, some of them even seem to enjoy being on their knees. Perhaps it's in your nature too, hmm? Think about it, it's the ultimate freedom - you don't have to worry about a thing, someone else will decide things for you, someone stronger, more capable, who had to crawl through sewage pipes to freedom and power, while you, my dear, were given everything on a silver platter. With each passing day the inner voice in your head that tells you "I wonder how fully submitting to my dear 'brother' would feel like?" will only get stronger, until, finally, you wouldn't be able to resist it any longer and will take you rightful place at Kane's side, on your knees, knowing that it's where you belong.;)


Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
Think about it though - Kane's name alludes to one of two things. Either a cane/walking stick, suggesting Olivia might give him the Harry treatment or, you know, his cursed-to-never-win-any-trophy footballer namesake. Also, foot+ball = ballbusting! The stars align, and they all seem to suggest it's little slave Kane that's in for a spanking/ballbusting by Goddess Olivia, not the other way around! :LOL::sneaky:
Mar 7, 2024
Ouch, that's below the belt. Literally. Alright, let's play!

I wouldn't be so sure about that. All the other Karlsson girls are quite happy to service Kane, some of them even seem to enjoy being on their knees. Perhaps it's in your nature too, hmm? Think about it, it's the ultimate freedom - you don't have to worry about a thing, someone else will decide things for you, someone stronger, more capable, who had to crawl through sewage pipes to freedom and power, while you, my dear, were given everything on a silver platter. With each passing day the inner voice in your head that tells you "I wonder how fully submitting to my dear 'brother' would feel like?" will only get stronger, until, finally, you wouldn't be able to resist it any longer and will take you rightful place at Kane's side, on your knees, knowing that it's where you belong.;)
It was, you're right, I fact no I won't! Just kidding, you know I love you all 'evilly' as much!

As for my dear brother, well let's be honest here, we all know he's a bit dim and not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, sure on occasion he seems to be rising in power and have his moments but he fails to understand I already have that power and to a large extent, control what power he gets. As a woman of the world, I can also please all my sisters faaarrrr more effectively than he can every hope to ;)

Sure, I suppose I shall I have to ride him into next week in order to play daddy dears silly game (I'll just think of Angelica with a strap-on while I get it over with, or even perhaps invite her then my brother can also have his 'fill'), but he will never be equal to me! Never! NEVER!

*Evil cackling laugh*
Mar 11, 2023
Think about it though - Kane's name alludes to one of two things. Either a cane/walking stick, suggesting Olivia might give him the Harry treatment or, you know, his cursed-to-never-win-any-trophy footballer namesake. Also, foot+ball = ballbusting! The stars align, and they all seem to suggest it's little slave Kane that's in for a spanking/ballbusting by Goddess Olivia, not the other way around! :LOL::sneaky:
Mar 8, 2024
Well well well, haven't we all been little busy worker bees overnight and this morning!

*sits down on her throne with a glass of the blood of her subordinates* Soooo, let's see:

Oh trust me sweety, as soon as I'm able I shall be showing little Miss Kuromiya exactly where her place is in 'my' organisation, and it will be firmly under my heel, on the floor, in the dirt, where she belongs!

Really? Please, do tell us more.
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In fact, Erica dear, do you have a moment? Yes, it seems there is some revolt within the ranks, could you deal with it please, I'm about to have my nails done in a moment. Thank you so much!

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On this I agree Mr. Quick-shooter (you really should perhaps go and see Eloise over that issue dear). Kane is starting to look a little podgy and he definitely needs more definition in his chest area if he hopes to fit into my new world order. Quite frankly, dad-bod Kane (or anyone else for that matter) is just not going to cut it with me!

Thank you Mr. Dover! I'll put you on my good list ;)

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Pfffffffffshhh, in your dreams, not on my watch! That alter-ego of mine is just a shadow of my true dark, evil Goddess self!

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My queen the interstellar legion has your back. Don't trust the douchbag in alpha fleet though he's always trying to one up me and I don't trust him
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Mar 7, 2024
My queen the interstellar legion has your back. Don't trust the douchbag in alpha fleet though he's always trying to one up me and I don't trust him
Very good to know thank you. I'm sure your services will come in useful should this silly revolty thing continue to annoy me by getting in the way of my beauty treatments and pampering.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Fellow Doms, remember how much we discussed this possibility, many didn't believe in it, but it looks like Tess heard us after all! :love::love::love: I'm still in the process of reading WT, but so far this is the hottest revelation possible.
View attachment 3435544
Also looks like the SS path will include others. I suppose the question now is whether with Alessa's permission or it can branch out/another option to leave Alessa.

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I wonder how this will work with the current SubK5+ route (which currently the highest you can get is K7)...*shrugs*

I Wish we can all get along, subs and Doms….its sometimes like Marvels Civil War in this thread :KEK: … also…
You know it's all in good fun banter Crow :coffee:
Last edited:


Mar 14, 2021
Fellow Doms, remember how much we discussed this possibility, many didn't believe in it, but it looks like Tess heard us after all! :love::love::love: I'm still in the process of reading WT, but so far this is the hottest revelation possible.
View attachment 3435544
Dark Quean Olivia, sorry girl, nothing personal, but obedient girls need to know their place. :sneaky:
dose this mean Olivia cant be killed in the game or that shw wont die like a salve but can still die?


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
dose this mean Olivia cant be killed in the game or that shw wont die like a salve but can still die?
She can mostly probably still die on some paths (sorry Dark Quean Olivia) but she isn't going to be demoted, enter the slave ranks etc etc...I have no idea where the hell that started, like have some people just not been paying attention?
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