To go way off-topic to the current conversation...while it's in my head and your post chain-reactioned my thoughts....
I think you hit the nail on the head with saying
crawling around on the floor. I was actually thinking about this earlier (because yes, the plot and mysteries of KG really do occupy my mind at times hehe, especially when having a coffee and a cig in my meditation and thinking time in a way).
The old Dom/Sub it really when we break things down? Again, we both have a very clear and defined image of our Kane which often conflict with others views. Now, is Kane submissive? In my opinion, based on everything we actually see, no he isn't.
Not even on the sub path. Now I can see Silver's temples bulging thinking wtf is Mavi on about now lol. Let me break it down:
DomKane isn't dominant in the slightest really, a coupkle of flashes from EP7 onwards in a couple of lewd scenes. Sure, at times he may not take any flak and stick up for himself when he thinks he can...but to me, that's just normal behaviour (if you're not....I'll come back to this in a moment). Throughout the VN, the 'dom' choices are not really dominant...more how to say,
assertive would perhaps be the right word. Now, he really submissive? Does he (not the player...Kane) actually enjoy what is happening to him? Sorry folks, but the answer to that question is a resounding no. Why? Because nothing is consensual, he's a slave, he has no choice in the matter. He is treated like literal utter garbage. Submissive 'by nature'? Perhaps...however....
Would a 'submissve by nature' person get into a fight to defend their brother? In my experience, the answer to that is also a resounding no. What did Kane do? He put the guy on his ass. Well done Kane, being assertive, dominant, taking control of a situation. That to me is proof alone of Kane's true 'nature' and what we see of him in flashbacks. He is not some trembling natural submissive not wanting to get involved and just letting shit happen around and to him.
To backtrack though, Dom/Sub...femdom...none of it actually...really exists when you truly think about what happens and what we see. DomKane is not really dominant, neither in nature or sexually (though as said, there's hints of it appearing). SubKane is not submissive at all for me, everything is forced on him and from what I can recall, there are no ocassions where he is liking, enjoying or getting any pleasure from the attrocious behaviour he is subjected to. So, does SubKane actually exist? Is there really any femdom, as like with D/s...femdom requires a lot of trust and more importantly, be willing subjected to whatever your Mistress/Master wants of you...
To me, there is only one true 'SubKane'....and that's the SecretSub route Kane.
Nothing on the actual sub route really constitutes femdom in my mind...and nothing is consensual. Now, if one is a slave, no voice, no opinion...can it then even be called femdom? Plenty of sadism abound for sure, but....
Now I'm sure that puts me into the catagory of being a...what was it again...oh yes...a conceited know it all...oh well *shrugs*