I'm just going to write this down for Remtairy's sanity's sake. I love the game they make. I played it through many times, in different builds, I'm over 300 hours with it, and with the new stray pubes DLC, I decided to play it through again. I only managed to buy the game after 200 hours of gameplay, but what I came to realize, that people doesn't respect each other even here. Whether or not the game gets new content, that's all just extra. This is a finished, completely playable game, with many fun aspects in it. You can have your personal opinions of course, but without writing it up to the dev who created this game for you. Any new content is highly welcomed, and I'm sure (or hope) I'm not alone. But the treatment people give to others without even knowing their circumstances, expecting the devs to do exactly what they want, and be perfect, is just a joke. Remtairy created something, which is fun, playable, and a whole. Don't go badmouthing the dev, just because he's having a hard time in life, or his sanity is drained. And definitely don't get surprised if you really don't get extra content after all of this. Which would be a shame, because this is an actual good game. Many people know here how hard it is to find a good hentai game like this. Instead of finding the fault in everything, just try to enjoy the game as a whole right now. If you do that, before you realize, there will be something new to it.