February 12, 2020: Progress Report
Hey everyone, Rem here with this week's Progress Report!
Unfortunately, this week's report is going to be pretty short, I'm sorry. For the past week, I've basically been working a little bit on Island Saga and Bifrost to keep their development on track, and then continued to work on the design for the receptionist job. I've been implementing and testing some parts of the receptionist job, but it's not at the stage of design where I'm comfortable with sharing any details about it yet since things could change right now.
So interesting, I'll talk about what is going to be in the next release, v.5. As mentioned in old Progress Reports before v.4 was released, v.5 is going to contain the Level 2 Defeated battle, and the Receptionist Job. In addition, as thanks for everyone's support, v.5 is also going to include a new scene with the guards, and also a Defeated battle that happens when you lose to the guards. Currently, if you lose to the guards in the EB Hallway then nothing happens, and if you lose to the guards during an Invasion Battle, they just take half of the prison's fundings. But in v.5, losing in either of those situation will send Karryn to a special Defeated battle that Sachinama showed the rough sketches of in his last post.