
Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
i would love to see pregnancy tag here someday, just hate to see so much of the white stuff go to waste.
Unless the Dev changes his mind, it is not going to happen because he already said, that there are no plans for any pregnancy content.


Mar 28, 2020
I made a pregnancy mod. Text and gameplay effects, no art. My "lore" is that the crazy doctor (Level 2 boss) made it so Karryn is on an extremely accelerated reproduction cycle. Goal for first version was to get the basic system working, which is done. Version 1 features:

- Basic cycle with varying fertility rates which affect charm and fatigue
- Impregnation hooked into creampie enemy skill
- Status, profile, and records screen information

Future ideas may potentially include titles, passives, and edicts. Though that depends entirely on my motivation to continue work on it and how annoying it is to make them work properly.

example picture 1.png

example picture 2.png

Also included is a list of tweaks that can be easily changed or disabled, including maintaining clothing damage and an edict cost cheat. I made it so pregnancy can also be disabled if you just want those other tweaks. I'll probably be looking for one or two people familiar with the game and javascript to help playtest before I consider a release, which will be after v0.5 comes out.


Dec 8, 2019
If you don't mind, could you tell me what you did to modify your game so that all the human characters can initiate a kick counter? Can't seem to figure it out.

Edit: I think I found the relevant lines under Enemies.json by looking for 'n<Counter Skills: 1605>' but unlike the Remtairy files, I feel less confident editing these.
Yeah, it is the Enemies.json file, which makes it very annoying to edit unless you prettify it with `jq` or something. What you have to do is add "<Counter Skills: 1605>" before the "<Enemy Type: Whatever>" tags so it looks something like:

... 9,26,27,28,29>\n<Enemy ...

... 9,26,27,28,29>\n<Counter Skills: 1605>\n<Enemy ...

I think I also looked up the enemies by their "id" field to see where they were used and if they were relevant, but you can probably just add it to every Guard and Prisoner to be honest.


Dec 4, 2016
Yeah, it is the Enemies.json file, which makes it very annoying to edit unless you prettify it with `jq` or something. What you have to do is add "<Counter Skills: 1605>" before the "<Enemy Type: Whatever>" tags so it looks something like:

... 9,26,27,28,29>\n<Enemy ...

... 9,26,27,28,29>\n<Counter Skills: 1605>\n<Enemy ...

I think I also looked up the enemies by their "id" field to see where they were used and if they were relevant, but you can probably just add it to every Guard and Prisoner to be honest.
Okay, I think I got it to work. I was even lucky enough to get the 'DP scene' version, only the second guy was invisible. Likely because he was a prisoner and the game doesn't know what to do. Not sure what to do about that.


Mar 26, 2017


Hey everyone, Rem here! Ahead of v5's release, I thought to do something special for our $10+ supporters. So here's some developer insight about the receptionist side job!

As mentioned before and since the start, the main core of Karryn's Prison is that everything is interlinked together by having EVERYTHING be done through the battle screen. The Edicts Karryn has chosen, the way Karryn's stats has grown, and most importantly for the sex related stuff, the Passives that Karryn has obtained.

The receptionist side job like the waitress side job is something that is completely optional to game progression. Whereas being a waitress offers a supplemental income in return for being yet another vector of gaining Passives, being a receptionist offers supplemental Order to the prison. You're not going to be able to keep the prison under control just by being a receptionist every day, but it's an optional way of getting more Order especially in moments when Karryn's enemies are too powerful to fight too many of in a single day.

But, I'm not here to talk today about the design goals of having a receptionist side job because it would too spoiler-ish imo. No, ahead of the v5 alpha release, I'm going to share some developer insight about the challenges of designing the receptionist side job and other side jobs, as well as why I make the choices I made in designing it. Consider this as just a window into my thinking.

So side jobs are a really different beast. I've talked about it before in regards to waitress side job about how I made it a different play experience from the other battles in the game, but also kept it interlinked with everything else in the game in terms of having Edicts, Passives, etc matter. When I say side jobs are a really different beast, I'm not just talking about the gameplay systems involved. I'm talking about the design challenges.

Let's take a look at the systems surrounding the waitress side job. Of the existing systems that interlink with the waitress side job, you got the obvious stats, Passives, Edicts, Titles and such. To offer an extreme example, a Karryn with nearly no slut levels and a focus on defensive stats is going to have a very different experience and path of success while being a waitress compared to a Karryn with a ton of Passives and low defensive stats.

And then there's the exclusive system for the waitress side job called Bar Reputation. Bar Reputation has two main effects:
1. It increases Bar Income, which helps you throughout your attempt to restore order to Fort Ganon.
2. It affects the waitress side job.

I would rather, if possible, that there be as few exclusive systems as possible because I want every action in every battle to affect every other battle. But the decision to make 'the bar grow' based off of a new exclusive system called Bar Reputation, instead of let's say, just adding bar related Passives into the game that has the same effect, is mainly because it wouldn't make for a good gameplay balance. Specifically, when the game board is reset after a new game plus.

And by the way, there are three main systems that influences "Player Progression."
On new game plus, one system will ALWAYS be reset. That is the Edicts system. So the bar will return to being broken, and it must be repaired again until it can be used again.

On new game plus, one system will NEVER be reset. That is the Titles system. This is permanent, long term player progression with small optional bonuses to those who keep running the game over and over again to explore and experiment.
And then on new game plus, the last system is up to the player if they want to reset it or not, and that is Karryn's stats and Passives.

Bar Reputation falls in line with Edicts in that it'll always gets reset. The difference is that Bar Reputation can only rise and fall from actions within the waitress side job, and its rise and fall has minimal effect on the rest of the game.

Let's visualize it differently. Let's say Karryn's Prison and all of its gameplay system as a whole is a single giant nation on the continent. The waitress side job would then be a neighboring small nation-state that shares a land border and highway with Karryn's Prison. There's going to systems traveling in between the giant Karryn's Prison nation and this independent nation-state. The Titles, Passives, etc you've earned in Karryn's Prison makes a difference inside the waitress nation-state, and you can earn more Titles and Passives from the waitress side job that you can bring back home to the giant nation. But, when the giant Karryn's Prison nation prosper or falls, it doesn't have much of an effect on the waitress nation-state. Similarly, whether the waitress nation-state prospers or falls into neglect doesn't really matter to the giant nation. You're not going to get a Game Over if Bar Reputation stays at zero for the rest of the game, and having high or low Order doesn't affect the waitress side job (and it's not going to).

So this is what I mean by having an exclusive system and its effect on the game. It's an unavoidable decision... because I purposely want to make the waitress side job feel like 'an independent nation-state' compared to the main game. I want to spice the game up with activities that not only play a bit differently from the rest of the game, but also has its own self-progression. Of course, even if it's an independent nation-state, maintaining that highway on the land border is super important.

So now finally, this brings me to the topic of the receptionist side job. If we visual the waitress side job as a land bordering nation......

Then the receptionist side job is a nearby independent island nation and travel between the giant Karryn's Prison nation and this island nation is done through the sea with ferries. Whereas the waitress side job has one exclusive system in the form of Bar Reputation, the receptionist side job has THREE exclusive systems that affects the prosperity of this island nation.
Of course, Karryn's stats, Passives, Titles, Edicts, etc etc will make a difference in the receptionist side job. Likewise, Karryn has opportunities to gain Passives and Titles from the receptionist side job to use in the rest of the game.

But receptionist side job is very unique in that unlike everything else in the game, Karryn is not dealing with inmates but with outside visitors, and they are here for visitations, not to make Karryn submit to their phallic objects. It's a window to normality away from the chaotic and perverted environment that is the rest of Fort Ganon that Karryn is part of.
So I thought, how and how and how can I make this very unique, but still part of the overall experience. And the current execution in v5 is my answer.

Because there are three exclusive systems at play here, progression within the receptionist side job is very slow. It's meant after all, to be something you may choose to continually interact with over the course of a real, full playthrough that involves days and weeks of subjugating all five Levels of the prison.

Still, hopefully most of you will find something interesting or enjoyable with the receptionist side job! Some of you might not, and that's fine too. It's different, and a bit purposely 'monotonous' in execution. Maybe a majority of you won't like it after trying it a few times. I would be sad, but at the same time, the receptionist side job is meant to be optional, and the hidden secrets within it from the three exclusive systems is meant to naturally and organically reveal themselves over the course of a full long playthrough instead of something you try to dig out by doing it twenty times in a row nonstop.

But to those who may end up enjoying it, I hope the weeks of design, implementation and execution was worth it, and thank you all very much for continually supporting us so that we can actually take those weeks to create it!!


Sep 23, 2017
Ohh, i love the idea of working the receptionist and waitress jobs without necessarily being slutty! Doing humiliating side-jobs to keep the prison running efficiently while still being unbeatable in combat sounds really kinky. I'm still probably gonna wait with trying the game out again until level 2 is mostly finished, tho. I wanna feel like there's reason enough to replay the game from the start.
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Sep 7, 2017
I figured since Rem talked about it in the new post, and many people will probably be doing a new playthrough when 0.5 drops, I'd ask how do you activate New Game Plus? Is it just continually passing days until control hits 0?

I've unfortunately already deleted my last install of the game without backing up my saves but it would be useful for the future.


Oct 10, 2018
This one is fucking tricky, it comes down to RNG really, your best bet is to get the prison fighter title and keep kicking horny thugs along with what you already mentioned while having pussy desire high. I've gotten it only a couple of times and it's even rarer when it's the DP variant. Maybe looking into improving your stats
To add to this,while in the position,if you use the kiss skill it will alter the pose a bit
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