For the people complaining about balancing...
First of all, PLEASE say on what difficulty level you're running into these issues, because that affects the severity of the issue if anyone who supports Rem decides to pass them on in some fashion.
Second of all, keep in mind that the game is indeed balanced around Warden Mode, the normal mode, so whether what you're saying is a problem or not depends entirely on where you're running into it etc.
Third of all, Prisoner Mode is meant to be nasty, and it's meant to be more of a New Game+ mode, at least if you want to have any success in it, as far as I understand. And this is keeping in mind that we don't even have a full set of Passives and Titles available yet, so ALL game-play styles are gimped in some fashion.
Yes, this includes slut mode.
All that said...
I do agree that 0.6 balance in general is pretty wonky, and that's expected tbh. Rem only now added the "Wanted" system, which affects a lot of enemy stats in subtle ways and adds special enemies that can ruin your life on their own and which might actually make running away into the better option.
Specializations were added too with Level 2 subjugation, and I suspect that it's intended to pick at least one before you seriously try to dive into Level 3, no matter what type of build you're going for.
Side-jobs need some work... Secretary is not worth it time-wise on slut builds because you get more Order faster out of fucking around, and even out of defeat scenes. Bar can be quite tedious and it makes it so you DON'T want to upgrade the types of liquor you can serve because it makes things even more tedious... and who knows what Glory Hole will bring in 0.7...
Worse yet are the Nerd and Rogue changes... The Nerds just plain have annoying mechanics on every level, with no truly good counter, unlike the level 1 problems. The Rogues are just plain impossible to deal with unless super-slut or super high Agi is involved on 0.6, because you can end up tripped and disarmed in one turn, and with 2-3 other prisoners in the same pack like in the Corridor pack on lvl 3, Karryn can end up fully stripped too...
Unfortunately, I doubt it'll get much better for Prisoner Mode. Yukihirou has a good point there, planning and camping are likely going to be necessary there.