
Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
The whole premise of the game is that she's a closet slut. She loves it. She wants to get gangbanged by dirty criminals and monsters. The dress almost certainly turns her on and she only complains about it a little.
She also forgives and accepts the wishes of every boss post battle with minimal argument.
The whole game is her pretending to put up a fight, it's all consentual sex.

You clearly forgot the prologue. She wants to be Empress. This place is the final hurdle before that. "With the prestige from clearing this place, I'll finally have enough clout to consider proposing to His Imperial Majesty." Losing her image by being beaten half to death by thugs and turned into a 'used dishrag' isn't on the agenda. Which calls into question the Emperor's thoughts, since he baited her into taking the job when she didn't want to. It also raises other questions, though.


Nov 4, 2017
I like the Emperor 3rd letter to Karryn, where the Emperor admits, he just made a colossal mistake in sending her away.

Speaking of mistakes, I think it's a missed opportunity to not have an option for Karryn to stay knocked down from an enemies special attack. I love this pose and think that more should be done with it.


Mar 26, 2017
September 21st, 2020: Progress Report
Hey everyone, Rem here with this week's Progress Report after realizing that it's 1AM and that September is almost over.

So for the past two weeks, I've been working on that secret new gameplay addition I've talked about in my last Progress Report, as well as fixing bugs and touching stuff here and there. Since the new upcoming gameplay change in v7 is a secret, I'm about to talk about some of the other changes I've been doing.

The first major change I think for most people is that the formula for the experience required for each stat level up is changed to not just be a linear increase, but instead also be based on the stat's level and also Karryn's Warden Level. In short, it's going to take a lot more experience to get a stat level up. Early on it shouldn't matter much but later on, for example while in Prison Level 3, it should take 2~4x the amount of experience it used to take. Even 4x the amount might still be low since it is currently way too easy to get a stat level up. But well, I don't want to overshoot it and make it take insanely long just to get a level up since that's not fun, but I don't think leveling up super fast and hitting the level cap is fun either since you don't get a sense of accomplishment from getting stronger.

And also, I changed the enemy level scaling to be more gradual throughout the prison floor. So for example, the enemies on the first room or two in a new floor would basically be just as strong as the last few rooms from the previous floor. Also overall, enemy levels have decreased. This is because in an ideal final product, I don't want the player to have to feel like they got to level up to the level cap to be able to handle the fights.

The second "major" (for some) change is that Cautious Stance is no longer available from the start. You have to buy the Edict for it before Karryn learns it. The reasoning for this change is too long for me to write here and is probably best saved for a Dev Log type post if anyone is interested. But basically Karryn doesn't start with it learn, and it costs Energy to use, and it's effects are much stronger than before so it's like a weak Defensive Stance alternative for Agility builds.

The third major change I did is there is now a report at the start of each day telling Karryn stuff like: how much Order changed overnight, how much money got made, if a Prison Level started rioting or how long it's been rioting, if a Prison Level has been in Anarchy for way too long and therefore causing Order problems, and if Karryn is about to lose some side job reputation from not working there for too long. Just a simple, but hopefully good quality of life addition.

This Progress Report is already pretty long so I'll leave here for today, take care everyone!


Oct 5, 2017
He sure likes to keep us in suspense. I honestly wonder what the big change is. I realize I might start another useless discussion here but could it actually be pregnancy? What else could fall under 'new gameplay addition'? Although a pregnancy mechanic seems way too big to just randomly include in a otherwise planned update.


Mar 28, 2020
He sure likes to keep us in suspense. I honestly wonder what the big change is. I realize I might start another useless discussion here but could it actually be pregnancy? What else could fall under 'new gameplay addition'? Although a pregnancy mechanic seems way too big to just randomly include in a otherwise planned update.
Very unlikely given that he recently answered on twitter that it was not going to be included in the game.

Random Bob

Sep 12, 2018
On paper, this sounds like a pretty awesome update. Less difficulty jumps and more control over your character's attributes, since a single action wouldn't give you like 30 level up's anymore.

Cautious stance change is an interesting one, I don't mind the energy cost if it'll become a move that's at least worth considering now. I don't think I've found a single good use for it previously.
It's a nice anti-idiot measure as well, since people spamming what was basically "wait a turn" button for 30 minutes, then complaining that the game's grindy and it takes forever to see any scenes were definitely not a rare occurrence.

The daily report is a good QoL change, no doubt. It'll be good to have a condensed overview of what the hell's going on, especially with additional side-jobs and new mechanics like the stalling penalty.

Since the new upcoming gameplay change in v7 is a secret, I'm about to talk about some of the other changes I've been doing.
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Active Member
Feb 27, 2019

The second "major" (for some) change is that Cautious Stance is no longer available from the start. You have to buy the Edict for it before Karryn learns it. The reasoning for this change is too long for me to write here and is probably best saved for a Dev Log type post if anyone is interested. But basically Karryn doesn't start with it learn, and it costs Energy to use, and it's effects are much stronger than before so it's like a weak Defensive Stance alternative for Agility builds.

So she will have no defensive measures at all unless one or the other of Defensive/Cautious is bought? Then what are you supposed to do against a wind-up attack other than simply sit there and take it? Focus letting you possibly counter is one thing, but those attacks, for obvious reasons, hit really hard even on grazes in many cases and frankly most of your money is more likely to go on stabilizing the money and order situation so you can, you know, keep playing. And one-shotting the enemies isn't likely either.

I guess you really aren't meant to get through the game in one run. I'm missing something, I think.


Dec 23, 2018
i do hope they add more "normal" jobs to the game to balance out the lewd jobs it would be interesting to see.. and hopefully no time limit, its already hard enough :HideThePain:
The waitress and receptionist jobs are the normal jobs, the next two (Gloryhole and Stripper) are lewd jobs.
I'm way more excited to see the new ones, I think the receptionist job is boring.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2018
The second "major" (for some) change is that Cautious Stance is no longer available from the start. You have to buy the Edict for it before Karryn learns it. The reasoning for this change is too long for me to write here and is probably best saved for a Dev Log type post if anyone is interested. But basically Karryn doesn't start with it learn, and it costs Energy to use, and it's effects are much stronger than before so it's like a weak Defensive Stance alternative for Agility builds.

So she will have no defensive measures at all unless one or the other of Defensive/Cautious is bought? Then what are you supposed to do against a wind-up attack other than simply sit there and take it? Focus letting you possibly counter is one thing, but those attacks, for obvious reasons, hit really hard even on grazes in many cases and frankly most of your money is more likely to go on stabilizing the money and order situation so you can, you know, keep playing. And one-shotting the enemies isn't likely either.

I guess you really aren't meant to get through the game in one run. I'm missing something, I think.
Cautious Stance was a Trap Skill and you should almost never have used it in the first place (unless you wanted to hardcore train Agility that is because you can abuse it a lot, since it doesn't cost Energy), since you were basically doing no damage a turn and you want end fights quick in a fighter build. Most of the time it is actually much better to try to either kill the one, that is winding up or at least take someone else out, before you get hit. Also you should know, which enemies are the ones, that even have a wind up attack and start to get rid of them first, before they can even start winding up. Also if you think about the enemies that have wind up attacks:
Goblins you can one-shot
Thugs using Cautious Stance is a waste, since you will get the unbalanced debuff anyway, even if every single hit misses
Rogues you can one-shot
Angry Nerds you can one-shot (well not really wind up, but they are dangerous if angry and left alive)
Slimes are easy managable with Special attacks (and by that time, I am sure, we will have the upgraded version of Cautious Stance anyway)
Same for 2. Boss and Angry Orcs


Active Member
Feb 27, 2019
Goblins you can one-shot


Rogues you can one-shot

Slimes are easy managable with Special attacks (and by that time, I am sure, we will have the upgraded version of Cautious Stance anyway)

Don't have any. The money went on trying to clean up the money and order situation, as the game was so kind to advise me on. Which didn't actually help.

My experience doesn't mesh with the words.

Meh. If you're interested, this is what I'm working with. Just following the rock-paper scissors. When not able to use an attack that beats the person I'm aiming at, I use the same type as they are.

...And here where I get told 'Git GUD' or some such. Bleh.
Karryn's Prison - Alpha Build v.6j 22_09_2020 14_50_38.png Karryn's Prison - Alpha Build v.6j 22_09_2020 14_54_30.png Karryn's Prison - Alpha Build v.6j 22_09_2020 14_54_37.png Karryn's Prison - Alpha Build v.6j 22_09_2020 14_54_42.png Karryn's Prison - Alpha Build v.6j 22_09_2020 14_54_45.png
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