
Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Because it was stated nowhere and if you paid attention to thw story she was both forced into the position and the outfit
Also unless you force her to, she rejects any and all sexual advances
Excuse me for butting in here, but I think you've now touched upon the core of the problem, which is... fetishization of various degrees of non-consensual sexual situations, which seem to be more prevalent in lewd games and porn literature than in live-action video pornography involving actual people. A lot of game devs and a lot of lewd game consumers have come to accept and embrace this way of rationalizing implantation of male lust into a female form by either coercion, or blackmail, or deception or promise of financial gain. Extremely rare are games where a female protagonist starts as a sexually assertive non-virgin who can decide out of her own will whether she wants to engage in sex with a given NPC and whether it's a one-night stand or something more committed. In contrast, live-porn featuring awkward debutantes losing their virginities in dubious situations on screen are an obscure niche - you kinda sorta expect the actress to be experienced, yet still coming out as spontaneous and 'natural' in the acts of debauchery she is willingly engaging in while theoretically innumerate number of viewers are watching, even if indirectly. And I also assume that a willing viewer of such pornographic material drops their moral values on the floor along with their pants as they watch porn flics: there are no sluts and no purity, just sexy bodies doing sexy stuff. Yes, a viewer may find some bodies and some stuff sexier or less sexier than others. Yes, some stuff and bodies may be found sexually unattractive to the point of repulsion... which is fine, as long as no moral judgements are passed, only purely sexual aesthetics. It would be quite hard for me to accept the fact that there would be porn consumers, who get off exactly on moral implications of porn, or suspected or actual coercive or otherwise shady nature of a given pornographic material.

Yet, this game and many other games with a 'corruption' tag exploit that very thing. Karryn wasn't forced to wear or not wear anything. She was conjured out of thin air and designed like that: a 24yo voluptuous virgin, ambitious yet stupider than a 2yo, who's supposed to singlehandedly manage a prison where throngs of exclusively male (but not exclusively human) inmates and dozens of male guards think of nothing else than fucking her brains out day in day out in so they may replace it with their own semen. That's the fantasy you're being served as a player: here's your big-titted, big-assed unopened, unused virtual sex doll in uniform - play with her. And here is the general rule of play: if you want to play with her the way she's been designed and built to be operated, you need to defile her. In other words, make her less to see more. Lose to win. Lead her through the door she's not supposed to enter. You can't have it any other way, sorry. Well, you kinda sorta can make her into a semi-frigid, kick-ball semi-sadist, but her full potential is that of a fallen boss woman turned into a drooling slut. That's exactly what the game promises in the opening titles. You do not want that fate for her? Well, you'll need to work very hard for that not to happen, as the game world and its mechanics work just one way, sluttier and sluttier with almost each new passive earned.

I can see the dev tries to re-construct that 'corruption fetish' and there are many times where he winks at the player and suggests strongly that perhaps this corruption and defilement is quite empowering to our heroine and ultimately, the slaves to male desires are males ourselves (yes, us the players, all inmates and guards are also pieces in this fantasy, just like Karryn) but still that tragicomic setup of lusting after someone you actively or passively debase is there.

Now, the question is, would there be more or less pure run fans in lewd games, if lewd stuff was devoid of that moral dilemma of corruptive and often punitive, guilt-inducing nature of sexual content? I doubt that there would be that many players who would knowingly play a shameless, sex-positive porn game in such a way as to omit porn content therein. There may be trying to avoid certain scenes not to their liking, sure but all the scenes? Why would they then start a shameless, sex positive porn game in the first place?


Apr 23, 2019
Excuse me for butting in here, but I think you've now touched upon the core of the problem, which is... fetishization of various degrees of non-consensual sexual situations, which seem to be more prevalent in lewd games and porn literature than in live-action video pornography involving actual people. A lot of game devs and a lot of lewd game consumers have come to accept and embrace this way of rationalizing implantation of male lust into a female form by either coercion, or blackmail, or deception or promise of financial gain. Extremely rare are games where a female protagonist starts as a sexually assertive non-virgin who can decide out of her own will whether she wants to engage in sex with a given NPC and whether it's a one-night stand or something more committed. In contrast, live-porn featuring awkward debutantes losing their virginities in dubious situations on screen are an obscure niche - you kinda sorta expect the actress to be experienced, yet still coming out as spontaneous and 'natural' in the acts of debauchery she is willingly engaging in while theoretically innumerate number of viewers are watching, even if indirectly. And I also assume that a willing viewer of such pornographic material drops their moral values on the floor along with their pants as they watch porn flics: there are no sluts and no purity, just sexy bodies doing sexy stuff. Yes, a viewer may find some bodies and some stuff sexier or less sexier than others. Yes, some stuff and bodies may be found sexually unattractive to the point of repulsion... which is fine, as long as no moral judgements are passed, only purely sexual aesthetics. It would be quite hard for me to accept the fact that there would be porn consumers, who get off exactly on moral implications of porn, or suspected or actual coercive or otherwise shady nature of a given pornographic material.

Yet, this game and many other games with a 'corruption' tag exploit that very thing. Karryn wasn't forced to wear or not wear anything. She was conjured out of thin air and designed like that: a 24yo voluptuous virgin, ambitious yet stupider than a 2yo, who's supposed to singlehandedly manage a prison where throngs of exclusively male (but not exclusively human) inmates and dozens of male guards think of nothing else than fucking her brains out day in day out in so they may replace it with their own semen. That's the fantasy you're being served as a player: here's your big-titted, big-assed unopened, unused virtual sex doll in uniform - play with her. And here is the general rule of play: if you want to play with her the way she's been designed and built to be operated, you need to defile her. In other words, make her less to see more. Lose to win. Lead her through the door she's not supposed to enter. You can't have it any other way, sorry. Well, you kinda sorta can make her into a semi-frigid, kick-ball semi-sadist, but her full potential is that of a fallen boss woman turned into a drooling slut. That's exactly what the game promises in the opening titles. You do not want that fate for her? Well, you'll need to work very hard for that not to happen, as the game world and its mechanics work just one way, sluttier and sluttier with almost each new passive earned.

I can see the dev tries to re-construct that 'corruption fetish' and there are many times where he winks at the player and suggests strongly that perhaps this corruption and defilement is quite empowering to our heroine and ultimately, the slaves to male desires are males ourselves (yes, us the players, all inmates and guards are also pieces in this fantasy, just like Karryn) but still that tragicomic setup of lusting after someone you actively or passively debase is there.

Now, the question is, would there be more or less pure run fans in lewd games, if lewd stuff was devoid of that moral dilemma of corruptive and often punitive, guilt-inducing nature of sexual content? I doubt that there would be that many players who would knowingly play a shameless, sex-positive porn game in such a way as to omit porn content therein. There may be trying to avoid certain scenes not to their liking, sure but all the scenes? Why would they then start a shameless, sex positive porn game in the first place?


May 24, 2020
Excuse me for butting in here, but I think you've now touched upon the core of the problem, which is... fetishization of various degrees of non-consensual sexual situations, which seem to be more prevalent in lewd games and porn literature than in live-action video pornography involving actual people. A lot of game devs and a lot of lewd game consumers have come to accept and embrace this way of rationalizing implantation of male lust into a female form by either coercion, or blackmail, or deception or promise of financial gain. Extremely rare are games where a female protagonist starts as a sexually assertive non-virgin who can decide out of her own will whether she wants to engage in sex with a given NPC and whether it's a one-night stand or something more committed. In contrast, live-porn featuring awkward debutantes losing their virginities in dubious situations on screen are an obscure niche - you kinda sorta expect the actress to be experienced, yet still coming out as spontaneous and 'natural' in the acts of debauchery she is willingly engaging in while theoretically innumerate number of viewers are watching, even if indirectly. And I also assume that a willing viewer of such pornographic material drops their moral values on the floor along with their pants as they watch porn flics: there are no sluts and no purity, just sexy bodies doing sexy stuff. Yes, a viewer may find some bodies and some stuff sexier or less sexier than others. Yes, some stuff and bodies may be found sexually unattractive to the point of repulsion... which is fine, as long as no moral judgements are passed, only purely sexual aesthetics. It would be quite hard for me to accept the fact that there would be porn consumers, who get off exactly on moral implications of porn, or suspected or actual coercive or otherwise shady nature of a given pornographic material.

Yet, this game and many other games with a 'corruption' tag exploit that very thing. Karryn wasn't forced to wear or not wear anything. She was conjured out of thin air and designed like that: a 24yo voluptuous virgin, ambitious yet stupider than a 2yo, who's supposed to singlehandedly manage a prison where throngs of exclusively male (but not exclusively human) inmates and dozens of male guards think of nothing else than fucking her brains out day in day out in so they may replace it with their own semen. That's the fantasy you're being served as a player: here's your big-titted, big-assed unopened, unused virtual sex doll in uniform - play with her. And here is the general rule of play: if you want to play with her the way she's been designed and built to be operated, you need to defile her. In other words, make her less to see more. Lose to win. Lead her through the door she's not supposed to enter. You can't have it any other way, sorry. Well, you kinda sorta can make her into a semi-frigid, kick-ball semi-sadist, but her full potential is that of a fallen boss woman turned into a drooling slut. That's exactly what the game promises in the opening titles. You do not want that fate for her? Well, you'll need to work very hard for that not to happen, as the game world and its mechanics work just one way, sluttier and sluttier with almost each new passive earned.

I can see the dev tries to re-construct that 'corruption fetish' and there are many times where he winks at the player and suggests strongly that perhaps this corruption and defilement is quite empowering to our heroine and ultimately, the slaves to male desires are males ourselves (yes, us the players, all inmates and guards are also pieces in this fantasy, just like Karryn) but still that tragicomic setup of lusting after someone you actively or passively debase is there.

Now, the question is, would there be more or less pure run fans in lewd games, if lewd stuff was devoid of that moral dilemma of corruptive and often punitive, guilt-inducing nature of sexual content? I doubt that there would be that many players who would knowingly play a shameless, sex-positive porn game in such a way as to omit porn content therein. There may be trying to avoid certain scenes not to their liking, sure but all the scenes? Why would they then start a shameless, sex positive porn game in the first place?
Bro you really need to get a new hobby...
Apr 23, 2018
Excuse me for butting in here, but I think you've now touched upon the core of the problem, which is... fetishization of various degrees of non-consensual sexual situations, which seem to be more prevalent in lewd games and porn literature than in live-action video pornography involving actual people. A lot of game devs and a lot of lewd game consumers have come to accept and embrace this way of rationalizing implantation of male lust into a female form by either coercion, or blackmail, or deception or promise of financial gain. Extremely rare are games where a female protagonist starts as a sexually assertive non-virgin who can decide out of her own will whether she wants to engage in sex with a given NPC and whether it's a one-night stand or something more committed. In contrast, live-porn featuring awkward debutantes losing their virginities in dubious situations on screen are an obscure niche - you kinda sorta expect the actress to be experienced, yet still coming out as spontaneous and 'natural' in the acts of debauchery she is willingly engaging in while theoretically innumerate number of viewers are watching, even if indirectly. And I also assume that a willing viewer of such pornographic material drops their moral values on the floor along with their pants as they watch porn flics: there are no sluts and no purity, just sexy bodies doing sexy stuff. Yes, a viewer may find some bodies and some stuff sexier or less sexier than others. Yes, some stuff and bodies may be found sexually unattractive to the point of repulsion... which is fine, as long as no moral judgements are passed, only purely sexual aesthetics. It would be quite hard for me to accept the fact that there would be porn consumers, who get off exactly on moral implications of porn, or suspected or actual coercive or otherwise shady nature of a given pornographic material.

Yet, this game and many other games with a 'corruption' tag exploit that very thing. Karryn wasn't forced to wear or not wear anything. She was conjured out of thin air and designed like that: a 24yo voluptuous virgin, ambitious yet stupider than a 2yo, who's supposed to singlehandedly manage a prison where throngs of exclusively male (but not exclusively human) inmates and dozens of male guards think of nothing else than fucking her brains out day in day out in so they may replace it with their own semen. That's the fantasy you're being served as a player: here's your big-titted, big-assed unopened, unused virtual sex doll in uniform - play with her. And here is the general rule of play: if you want to play with her the way she's been designed and built to be operated, you need to defile her. In other words, make her less to see more. Lose to win. Lead her through the door she's not supposed to enter. You can't have it any other way, sorry. Well, you kinda sorta can make her into a semi-frigid, kick-ball semi-sadist, but her full potential is that of a fallen boss woman turned into a drooling slut. That's exactly what the game promises in the opening titles. You do not want that fate for her? Well, you'll need to work very hard for that not to happen, as the game world and its mechanics work just one way, sluttier and sluttier with almost each new passive earned.

I can see the dev tries to re-construct that 'corruption fetish' and there are many times where he winks at the player and suggests strongly that perhaps this corruption and defilement is quite empowering to our heroine and ultimately, the slaves to male desires are males ourselves (yes, us the players, all inmates and guards are also pieces in this fantasy, just like Karryn) but still that tragicomic setup of lusting after someone you actively or passively debase is there.

Now, the question is, would there be more or less pure run fans in lewd games, if lewd stuff was devoid of that moral dilemma of corruptive and often punitive, guilt-inducing nature of sexual content? I doubt that there would be that many players who would knowingly play a shameless, sex-positive porn game in such a way as to omit porn content therein. There may be trying to avoid certain scenes not to their liking, sure but all the scenes? Why would they then start a shameless, sex positive porn game in the first place?
Holy shit mate, I am speechless by the huge wall of text but since you asked, let me try and give some thoughts about it

would there be more or less pure run fans in lewd games, if lewd stuff was devoid of that moral dilemma of corruptive and often punitive, guilt-inducing nature of sexual content?
The thing is, I cannot speak for all of the pure runners but the reason I do pure runs is to see how the story or character shapes up and how hard the game is when you don't take the presented option
I know there are some people who do not take the sluttify option because they dislike the whole corruption shtick but I think those people do not count as "Pure run fans" but more of a "Corruption dislikers"

Pure runs in H games are mostly more challenging as the option to corrupt the character is often the least punishing and more rewarding as it gives you both a way out of the fight/event etc while giving you the sought sex scene
I myself prefer slut runs but I do try pure runs first or afterwards to see how much different it is
So, in the end, would there be more or less pure runs if Corruption was guilt free? The number wouldn't really change and it would depend on the story or mechanics of the game

The reason as to why Karryn's Pure Run is fun to run is because as you said, the Devs made it so that everyone and their parents are super horny and trying to bed her so it is far more challenging to reject the path and keep Karryn from changing into a slut
And the game's mechanics support this by having edicts that increase clothes durability, improvement to physical weapons, titles specifically for combat and an extremely solid combat mechanic, one of my favourites albeit it sometimes goes on for too long

I doubt that there would be that many players who would knowingly play a shameless, sex-positive porn game in such a way as to omit porn content therein. There may be trying to avoid certain scenes not to their liking, sure but all the scenes?
I also want to bring to your attention this part because I have noticed that many of the people who criticize pure runs bring it up
Why do everyone think that Pure runners just have this undying wish to not see a single sexual act in the H games?
That's not it, they just do Pure runs because
A) It is possible
B) To complete all the routes
C) Because it is challenging
D) For fun and/or
E) Because there is nothing more interesting than doing the opposite of what somebody wants you to do (Biased opinion)

You can bet that the vast majority of Pure runners have completed an ultra slut run either before or after the pure build, the reason to avoid all the scenes in the Pure run is either because they've already seen them, maybe even in all their variants or because they want to savour them afterwards in their slut run

Just check Remtairy's previous game Melty's Quest, she is an open slut and literally grows stronger by having sex
Yet there is still a pure route (And let me tell you it is hard as fuck if you try it first like I did), it involves her not having any sexual stat by the end of the game and the reward is a powerful dress and a strong skill as well as a secret ending I think, I can't remember now

The number of pure run fans depends more on the mechanics and story, not the guilt and pure runners are not people who avoid sex like the plague, they probably already saw all of the scenes or want to see them afterward as a reward

And to keep it in topic as well as stroking the Devs' egos, going Pure run in Karryn's Prison is especially fun for challenge seekers due to the solid mechanics and sheer difficulty in routing to do so
Virgin run is easy though, don't confuse them, you can easily be a slut while maintaining Karryn's Hymen throughout the game, that's how solid the mechanics are

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Holy shit mate, I am speechless by the huge wall of text but since you asked, let me try and give some thoughts about it
Thank you, I guess.

To start by answering your last question, you simply hit 'reply' on any user's post, you don't have to have had a conversation with them before. By default, your reply will contain a full quote of that post, which you may cite in full or fragments, just by editing. By pressing 'quote', you can add citations to your post from other user's posts, in result, building a multi-directed reply.

I know there are some people who do not take the sluttify option because they dislike the whole corruption shtick but I think those people do not count as "Pure run fans" but more of a "Corruption dislikers"
You see, there are also corruption dislikers who still want to see the hot stuff, which would be me, for example, yet the corruption shtick which seems to have taken over the lewd game scene recently does not allow that to happen without defiling your MC. You cannot start this game with a sexually-experienced or at the very least curious Warden, who comes up with the idea of sexually satisfying the prisoners herself, from Day 1. No molestations, no protestations, just 'Oh, that's interesting! How about we try this?' That would simply dismantle the entire fantasy of spoiling a pure flower rotten.

Pure runs in H games are mostly more challenging as the option to corrupt the character is often the least punishing and more rewarding as it gives you both a way out of the fight/event etc while giving you the sought sex scene
Yes and no. There are games where the dev all of a sudden acts the maggot and your slutty MC meets their early game over for being too frivolous, just this one cock too many. I hope this game does not offer 'bad' endings for slutty runs and each possible ending will be equally satisfying, with no moralizing 'should have listened to your momma'.

So, in the end, would there be more or less pure runs if Corruption was guilt free? The number wouldn't really change and it would depend on the story or mechanics of the game
You should re-phrase that to 'if there was no corruption at all'. Again, reverting to live action porn, imagine if they made them into virtual novels, where every now and then the action would stop and you could choose if the lady at the door should just pay the pizza delivery guy and bid him good night or should she let him in while she's looking for her purse... Option 1 ends in no sex scene, option 2 leads to a standing anal by the kitchen table, which is something that she proposed and he agreed. And you don't receive a trophy or bonus material for watching this flic this way or another. Do you think anyone would watch this porn choosing non-sexual scenarios more than one time, out of curiosity? Would such a thing catch on, the same way that 'pure' porn game playing has?

The reason as to why Karryn's Pure Run is fun to run is because as you said, the Devs made it so that everyone and their parents are super horny and
Yes. Now, why are there so very few game MCs (female especially), who are just as super horny, or whose sexual maturity and assertiveness can easily match the drooling gazes directed at them, from get go? I'm not saying there are no games featuring deliciously (albeit unbelievably) perverted female characters, because there are. And guess what, there are no pure runs in these games! You cannot play 'Slice of Venture' any other way than trying to unlock all the sick and deranged scenes scattered all over the game map. Bad endings you meet is when you weren't quick enough in your pursuit of perversities and failed to unlock such and such scene by in game Day X.

That's not it, they just do Pure runs because
A) It is possible
Yeah, it is also possible to watch a porn flick and skip all sex scenes. It's fun, probably.

B) To complete all the routes
It sounds like there is a fully fleshed out route in this game, but let's be real: there will just be several endings based on he MCs final slutty stats, institutional corruption and presence of hymen. It's not a multi-branching virtual novel and the route is just one: beat all the bosses while keeping the prison afloat. The battles are the same, regardless whether Karryn uses her halberd or any and all of the sex skills she was corrupted into mastering.

C) Because it is challenging
Ok, though I found a more interesting and sexually charged challenge. The one you mentioned at the bottom.

D) For fun and/or
I'd agree with that, if the non-sexual combat module was at least half as complex and illustrated as the sex combat side. But it isn't. Just look how many sex positions are available and compare them with her repertoire of thrusts, slashes and kicks. And the apparent lack of combat drawings equivalent to sex drawings. You can have a defeat sex scene or... nothing. Or is there a pure victory scene? As a pure runner, you are not being offered an equally exciting playthrough. You're basically playing a censored version while putting more 'effort' into it, which is fine, as long as you find it fun, challenging and 'rebelious'.

Just check Remtairy's previous game Melty's Quest, she is an open slut and literally grows stronger by having sex
I've played it and it's painfully amateurish in execution compared to KP. Glad to see the enormous progress.

Yet there is still a pure route (And let me tell you it is hard as fuck if you try it first like I did), it involves her not having any sexual stat by the end of the game and the reward is a powerful dress
I'm sorry, I'm not into cross-dressing, regardless of how powerful the attire is. ;) This is probably one of those areas where porn and gaming don't mix well. I am not playing porn games for any in-game rewards other than porn, though I am aware that a lot of porn game players play them for the gaming experience, which more often than not is so so when it comes to this particular genre. Just remove the porn, and you're left with... Karryn swinging her halberd in the air wearing clothes two sizes too small and a pub simulator that isn't even online.

For the same reason, I don't really dig all those 'secret' endings. Unless they're porn in nature, naturally.


Sep 17, 2020
Excuse me for butting in here, but I think you've now touched upon the core of the problem, which is... fetishization of various degrees of non-consensual sexual situations, which seem to be more prevalent in lewd games and porn literature than in live-action video pornography involving actual people. A lot of game devs and a lot of lewd game consumers have come to accept and embrace this way of rationalizing implantation of male lust into a female form by either coercion, or blackmail, or deception or promise of financial gain. Extremely rare are games where a female protagonist starts as a sexually assertive non-virgin who can decide out of her own will whether she wants to engage in sex with a given NPC and whether it's a one-night stand or something more committed. In contrast, live-porn featuring awkward debutantes losing their virginities in dubious situations on screen are an obscure niche - you kinda sorta expect the actress to be experienced, yet still coming out as spontaneous and 'natural' in the acts of debauchery she is willingly engaging in while theoretically innumerate number of viewers are watching, even if indirectly. And I also assume that a willing viewer of such pornographic material drops their moral values on the floor along with their pants as they watch porn flics: there are no sluts and no purity, just sexy bodies doing sexy stuff. Yes, a viewer may find some bodies and some stuff sexier or less sexier than others. Yes, some stuff and bodies may be found sexually unattractive to the point of repulsion... which is fine, as long as no moral judgements are passed, only purely sexual aesthetics. It would be quite hard for me to accept the fact that there would be porn consumers, who get off exactly on moral implications of porn, or suspected or actual coercive or otherwise shady nature of a given pornographic material.

Yet, this game and many other games with a 'corruption' tag exploit that very thing. Karryn wasn't forced to wear or not wear anything. She was conjured out of thin air and designed like that: a 24yo voluptuous virgin, ambitious yet stupider than a 2yo, who's supposed to singlehandedly manage a prison where throngs of exclusively male (but not exclusively human) inmates and dozens of male guards think of nothing else than fucking her brains out day in day out in so they may replace it with their own semen. That's the fantasy you're being served as a player: here's your big-titted, big-assed unopened, unused virtual sex doll in uniform - play with her. And here is the general rule of play: if you want to play with her the way she's been designed and built to be operated, you need to defile her. In other words, make her less to see more. Lose to win. Lead her through the door she's not supposed to enter. You can't have it any other way, sorry. Well, you kinda sorta can make her into a semi-frigid, kick-ball semi-sadist, but her full potential is that of a fallen boss woman turned into a drooling slut. That's exactly what the game promises in the opening titles. You do not want that fate for her? Well, you'll need to work very hard for that not to happen, as the game world and its mechanics work just one way, sluttier and sluttier with almost each new passive earned.

I can see the dev tries to re-construct that 'corruption fetish' and there are many times where he winks at the player and suggests strongly that perhaps this corruption and defilement is quite empowering to our heroine and ultimately, the slaves to male desires are males ourselves (yes, us the players, all inmates and guards are also pieces in this fantasy, just like Karryn) but still that tragicomic setup of lusting after someone you actively or passively debase is there.

Now, the question is, would there be more or less pure run fans in lewd games, if lewd stuff was devoid of that moral dilemma of corruptive and often punitive, guilt-inducing nature of sexual content? I doubt that there would be that many players who would knowingly play a shameless, sex-positive porn game in such a way as to omit porn content therein. There may be trying to avoid certain scenes not to their liking, sure but all the scenes? Why would they then start a shameless, sex positive porn game in the first place?
Excuse me and I do hope you don't take the following as offensive, but would you kindly guide your way back to Tumblr or Twitter, from whence you came? Please and thank you! It's just a game, no real human beings are being affected, it's meant for people over 18 years of age - you know, mature people, end of story!


Aug 22, 2021
the sluts level really bugging me
How do you have the effects show up on the menu??? NONE of mine show up on the menu unless its sleep buff or debuff, food bonus or shop buff. But other than that I don't see anything else not even the gifts from the emperor either.
Edit- Also, How did you get some of those gifts!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
I'd love to play this game from the perspective of Yasu - choosing which prisoners to send against her based on a certain points value for each type of prisoner.
if I knew how to program, I would definitely do it, too bad this mod is incompatible, it only works on version 4 of the game, which I also have downloaded on my pen-drive.
Apr 23, 2018
Thank you, I guess.

To start by answering your last question, you simply hit 'reply' on any user's post, you don't have to have had a conversation with them before. By default, your reply will contain a full quote of that post, which you may cite in full or fragments, just by editing. By pressing 'quote', you can add citations to your post from other user's posts, in result, building a multi-directed reply.

You see, there are also corruption dislikers who still want to see the hot stuff, which would be me, for example, yet the corruption shtick which seems to have taken over the lewd game scene recently does not allow that to happen without defiling your MC. You cannot start this game with a sexually-experienced or at the very least curious Warden, who comes up with the idea of sexually satisfying the prisoners herself, from Day 1. No molestations, no protestations, just 'Oh, that's interesting! How about we try this?' That would simply dismantle the entire fantasy of spoiling a pure flower rotten.

Yes and no. There are games where the dev all of a sudden acts the maggot and your slutty MC meets their early game over for being too frivolous, just this one cock too many. I hope this game does not offer 'bad' endings for slutty runs and each possible ending will be equally satisfying, with no moralizing 'should have listened to your momma'.

You should re-phrase that to 'if there was no corruption at all'. Again, reverting to live action porn, imagine if they made them into virtual novels, where every now and then the action would stop and you could choose if the lady at the door should just pay the pizza delivery guy and bid him good night or should she let him in while she's looking for her purse... Option 1 ends in no sex scene, option 2 leads to a standing anal by the kitchen table, which is something that she proposed and he agreed. And you don't receive a trophy or bonus material for watching this flic this way or another. Do you think anyone would watch this porn choosing non-sexual scenarios more than one time, out of curiosity? Would such a thing catch on, the same way that 'pure' porn game playing has?

Yes. Now, why are there so very few game MCs (female especially), who are just as super horny, or whose sexual maturity and assertiveness can easily match the drooling gazes directed at them, from get go? I'm not saying there are no games featuring deliciously (albeit unbelievably) perverted female characters, because there are. And guess what, there are no pure runs in these games! You cannot play 'Slice of Venture' any other way than trying to unlock all the sick and deranged scenes scattered all over the game map. Bad endings you meet is when you weren't quick enough in your pursuit of perversities and failed to unlock such and such scene by in game Day X.

Yeah, it is also possible to watch a porn flick and skip all sex scenes. It's fun, probably.

It sounds like there is a fully fleshed out route in this game, but let's be real: there will just be several endings based on he MCs final slutty stats, institutional corruption and presence of hymen. It's not a multi-branching virtual novel and the route is just one: beat all the bosses while keeping the prison afloat. The battles are the same, regardless whether Karryn uses her halberd or any and all of the sex skills she was corrupted into mastering.

Ok, though I found a more interesting and sexually charged challenge. The one you mentioned at the bottom.

I'd agree with that, if the non-sexual combat module was at least half as complex and illustrated as the sex combat side. But it isn't. Just look how many sex positions are available and compare them with her repertoire of thrusts, slashes and kicks. And the apparent lack of combat drawings equivalent to sex drawings. You can have a defeat sex scene or... nothing. Or is there a pure victory scene? As a pure runner, you are not being offered an equally exciting playthrough. You're basically playing a censored version while putting more 'effort' into it, which is fine, as long as you find it fun, challenging and 'rebelious'.

I've played it and it's painfully amateurish in execution compared to KP. Glad to see the enormous progress.

I'm sorry, I'm not into cross-dressing, regardless of how powerful the attire is. ;) This is probably one of those areas where porn and gaming don't mix well. I am not playing porn games for any in-game rewards other than porn, though I am aware that a lot of porn game players play them for the gaming experience, which more often than not is so so when it comes to this particular genre. Just remove the porn, and you're left with... Karryn swinging her halberd in the air wearing clothes two sizes too small and a pub simulator that isn't even online.

For the same reason, I don't really dig all those 'secret' endings. Unless they're porn in nature, naturally.
So... What was the point for all of that exactly?

What I got from all of that is: you don't like corruption, you like slutty characters, you're trying to make a point against pure runners because you prefer playing the game another way
Your problem is that you're looking at it too much from your own perspective, which is fine and make sense but that kind of ruins some of your points

About the reply, yes I know how it works, it's just that you managed to quote a post that was literally deleted
Your first and second points, totally fine I can understand them perfectly and I too would like more games where we can just go full slut and get a nice ending, I'm with you on that one

About your third point
Again, reverting to live action porn, imagine if they made them into virtual novels, where every now and then the action would stop and you could choose if the lady at the door should just pay the pizza delivery guy and bid him good night or should she let him in while she's looking for her purse... Option 1 ends in no sex scene, option 2 leads to a standing anal by the kitchen table, which is something that she proposed and he agreed. And you don't receive a trophy or bonus material for watching this flic this way or another. Do you think anyone would watch this porn choosing non-sexual scenarios more than one time, out of curiosity? Would such a thing catch on, the same way that 'pure' porn game playing has?
You're making wrong comparisons, you are asking who would watch a porn flick without the porn, the answer is nobody
Why? Because a porn flick is literally made for the porn so if you turned it into a visual novel, much like if it was only a video it would be both devoid of mechanics and story
Remember what I said, the number of pure run fans would depend on mechanics and story
If the porn flick was a VN with a solid story in both routes whether you went with the sex or not then yes, absolutely, they would replay it without the sex and it will also catch on
Believe me, I myself develop games on the side as a hobby and people will literally do anything, whether there is a prize or not
There is no satisfying explanation for this
The problem you are finding is because you wouldn't do so, and therefore automatically believe that everyone else probably would also not do so

Fourth point
Yes. Now, why are there so very few game MCs (female especially), who are just as super horny, or whose sexual maturity and assertiveness can easily match the drooling gazes directed at them, from get go? I'm not saying there are no games featuring deliciously (albeit unbelievably) perverted female characters, because there are. And guess what, there are no pure runs in these games! You cannot play 'Slice of Venture' any other way than trying to unlock all the sick and deranged scenes scattered all over the game map. Bad endings you meet is when you weren't quick enough in your pursuit of perversities and failed to unlock such and such scene by in game Day X.
This has... No points to offer either against or pro pure runs..? I'm guessing this is just a thought you had, sorry english not the first language so in front of huge blocks of text I sometimes get confused
But yeah, Slice of Venture does not have a pure run because there is no other path...?
Sure, true but Karryn's Prison does, so... You can't really compare them?
As you quoted from my post later on, one of the reason for a pure run is because it is possible
If it isn't possible then of course there would not be one, unless you're the Ymfah of H games

Rest of the points
1. Yeah, it is also possible to watch a porn flick and skip all sex scenes. It's fun, probably.
2. let's be real: there will just be several endings based on he MCs final slutty stats, institutional corruption and presence of hymen.
3. Ok, though I found a more interesting and sexually charged challenge. The one you mentioned at the bottom.
4. if the non-sexual combat module was at least half as complex and illustrated as the sex combat side. But it isn't.
5. I've played it and it's painfully amateurish in execution compared to KP. Glad to see the enormous progress.
6. Just remove the porn, and you're left with... Karryn swinging her halberd in the air wearing clothes two sizes too small and a pub simulator that isn't even online.
I put them in the Spoiler to make the post a little shorter
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There isn't one, sorry

Oh and if you'd like to continue the discussion or argument, please message me privately
I feel bad for the other users who only come here to ask question and enjoy some peace while talking about what they did in game
I really don't want to subject them to more wall texts

Everyone, I am quite sorry for the last few days where I only had banters here even though they were all deleted
I will do my best not to do so anymore


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
It's just a game, no real human beings are being affected, it's meant for people over 18 years of age - you know, mature people...
What are you doing here then, kiddo? And what is the purpose of having a discussion forum about these supposedly mature activities involving playing with cartoonish sex-dolls if you're disinviting users from discussing the ways in which these mature people play with cartoonish sex-dolls? Are you sure you're a grown-up capable of taking a step back and reflecting on his pastimes and kinks and how they relate to things outside the gaming realm? Or are only conversation about tweaking the code, final release date and post-release implementation of the same womb tattoos, plots and tropes you've seen in hundreds of other games before allowed?

That Tumblr or Twitter jab was so 2015, man. Maybe it's time to refresh your wardrobe of quips?


Sep 17, 2020
what is the purpose of having a discussion forum about these supposedly mature activities involving playing with cartoonish sex-dolls if you're disinviting users from discussing the ways in which these mature people play with cartoonish sex-dolls?
You've awnsered your own question there, mate. People here discuss ways to improve or mod the game, aswell as advice to newcomers on how to play or how the game works.

Are you sure you're a grown-up capable of taking a step back and reflecting on his pastimes and kinks and how they relate to things outside the gaming realm?
I don't wish to assume too much, but unlike yourself - I can differentiate reality from as you say "cartoonish sex" with "dolls". I like many other people whom enjoy this form of media, use it as escapism from reality, simple as that. It will not suddenly make me into a rapey lunatic that views others in my day-to-day life as objects I can use without the fear of consequences.

That Tumblr or Twitter jab was so 2015, man. Maybe it's time to refresh your wardrobe of quips?
I would agree that Tumblr has been left in the dust, but Twitter? Considering how even some political figures and big time political commentators screenshot twitter posts for content. But hey, regardless - it's always best to stick to the classics! ^_^

To top it of, for the sake of other users mainly - what's your main issue here anyway? Like chill out, Karryn is not a coerced and exploited porn actress in the pornographic industry where he is pain almost nothing for her labour.
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