I had the same error, but then I realised I forgot to decrypt the game files first, and now it is working just fine.
So the pregnancy mod is still working fine for this version ?I had the same error, but then I realised I forgot to decrypt the game files first, and now it is working just fine.
Well the mod is updated for v.0.7a.k, and it seems to work for me at least.So the pregnancy mod is still working fine for this version ?
Are we on the same page? Because im thinking about another joke lolI'm sorry if this joke is too dirty, but there should be a passive awarded for that.
View attachment 948786
<<<< M.4Just incase somebody missed the a.k version update
They already said they won't.i hope they add pregnant. this game need pregnant
VERY... interesting...when the game gonna completed?
can you share the v.7A?Just incase somebody missed the a.k version update
do you mean files in the game or the mod?I had the same error, but then I realised I forgot to decrypt the game files first, and now it is working just fine.