Fawn_LW - I see, so one must keep order. Hmm, when I was playing (and being completely new to this game and its mechanics) I noticed that most of the things seemed to indicate that via upgrading to them or leveling her would actually give a greater resistance to being corrupted rather than increasing her corruption. Thus, I conjectured losing would help me achieve the goal I want, which would be a slutty submissive woman. So, if I keep order up, I will not hit a Bad End. What do you suggest that I do to make her as I desire to see her? I am obviously having trouble understanding as most games I ever played like this, losing is what helped the protagonist become more slutty.
So basically as I am sure you know, you are the warden of the prison in this game. Your job is to run the prison, both financially and to keep the prison in order. The game over you experienced had nothing to do with her becoming corrupted or losing her purity. It was because the order of the prison had reached 0, the prison was in complete chaos and rebellion, thus you had failed your job.
Karryn has to keep the prison running financially, and keep prisoners in control. In game at the bottom of the screen you can see your order, and your control. Order = how under control the prison is, as a side effect of the game system, lower order = more financial support from the kingdom (the prison is struggling, so they send more money to help), while having high order has no inherit benefit besides having a larger buffer if something were to go wrong. Control = the amount of order you gain or lose each day. So if you have 100 order, and -10 control, when you end the day the next day you will have 90 order. There are many edicts you can enact to gain control or order, and you also gain order for defeating prisoners in combat (a raw numerical amount that immediately increases your overall order, instead of waiting until the end of the day)
You can defeat prisoners in combat however you see fit, smash them up with your halberd, or drain their balls empty until they stop acting up.
However Karryn is a bit of a prude at the start of the game and has no sexual experience and is disgusted by the prisoners. Most of the game comes from the passive system, the passive system is a list of buffs or debuffs granted to Karryn upon her experiencing things enough times. There are passives for basically everything you can think of and they all tie into the desire system. The desire system dictates what sexual acts Karryn is willing to do. At the start of the game the max any of these values can be is 50, which basically only allows prisoners to grope her, and with a low cap and sexual resistance that hasn't been lowered yet, the desires are slow to fill. By playing more and experience more sexual things, be it people groping her, jacking off to her, or her engaging in sexual acts the faster these desires can fill, which in turns leads her to being able to do other sexual acts and do them more often. These all end up changing the "reaction score" which is basically an invisible number that dictates what kind of dialogue Karryn will have. Higher score = sluttier Karryn = sluttier and more horny dialogue, with some variations based on if she is a masochist or sadist.
So you can end up playing her however you like. Let her stay a pure virgin, or be a mega gang bang slut, or anything in between. Maybe you want her to love sucking dicks and anal? Go for it.
Anyways to answer your question on the easiest way to make her slutty, I suggest investing into the cautions stance skills under the training menu ASAP. Essentially you can use it as an easy way to skip your turn and also run your energy out (energy reaching 0 is the defeat state for battles), use that enough times, and you will gradually get passives that make her more susceptible to other forms of sexual harassment, which will lead to a snowball effect of learning more passives. It's fairly slow, and you need to make sure to actually win a couple battles here and there to keep your order up to prevent yourself from losing.
Ambitious Experimenter is probably the best overall title to start out with due to the raw +money it gives you. Grabs cautious stance to start your losing early. Grab any other edicts that can be used to make you more money, and on days were you have edict points to spare but not enough money to buy actual edicts use the publish desires edicts, as they give you bonus money, and allow you to see more of Karryn's sexual stats. After all that is stabilized I suggest investing into the accessories that lower the desire requirement for various sexual acts. I would start with the hand job, and kisses one, as the requirements for those actions are fairly low and easy to reach, while later on getting ones for vaginal and anal sex. And as soon as you get the "Ex secretary gone wild" passive. Go get the release desire edict as soon as possible and abuse it to be a giant slut.