Well, verbiage in sexual situations is not sexy. It works on paper all right, but these voiceover samples (both Japanese and US English) remind me of German 80s porn, where dialogs were added in postproduction and all this dirty talk sounded so phoned-in. One simply cannot sound sexually aroused if they're not actually sexually aroused, regardless of how many improper words they use. And sexually aroused people don't talk much, they're too aroused to be able to utter sentences like: "How beautiful. ♥ Oh dear, excuse me for ogling. ♥ I couldn't help myself ... ♥ The way it curves up like that is just sooo scrumptious-looking ... Drool ♥ Oh how improper of me. ♥ I just drooled while imagining the taste of your wonderful cock." in one breath. It would be more natural if these utterances were fragments.